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Designers rate other Designers

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#1 buntstift



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Posted 27 September 2012 - 09:43 AM

i'm a member since march 2012 and i've participated at many contests yet.
durring this time i've seen many awesome designs which weren't valued enough by the CHs i think. and that's a pitty.(i'm NOT talking of my own designs!!!!)
so i've asked myself the question if it would make sense to give every designer at DC the possibility to rate designs of other designers.
yes, it may sounds a little weird because we are all competitors but apart from winning prize money and creating cool designs i think another main goal should be to learn from each other and sometimes i'm really impressed by a design :)

those "D-to-D" ratings shouldn't have any effect onto a contest itself - the CH pays money and a design should fit to 100% to his/her expectations.
but after a contest is finalized it could be a possibility to rate designs of other designers directly at their portfolio. e.g. everyone has 50 "community rating points" for each other portfolio and can rate a design with 50 points or 50 design with each 1 point :)
those ratings should only be visible for the designer who rates and the designer who has been rated so nobody is influenced by anyone's opinion.

as i said the "community rating" mustn't have any effect to a contest but it should influence the rankingposition (just a little bit)

i know that details should be discussed carefully but all in all i think that this would be a great possibility to show our respect to other designers.

am i writing only in delirium or does this make any sense to you? :p


#2 Babba


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Posted 27 September 2012 - 10:17 AM

You know what... I like your idea a lot! (what a rhyme:):):))
Many of designers here are inspirational to me. I may say, I've learned a lot from them.
Like you said some of the outstanding designs were poorly rated, and it would be nice if those could get commendation in form of rating points and notification from our community.

I wonder what other think about that, including DC admins.

10 for suggestion Buntstift (I just find out it's coloured pencil:))!:D

#3 lllARClll


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 06:54 AM

I Think it's a nice idea...may operate positively in every new designer.

#4 Babba


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 07:37 AM

I see only one problem... it just came to me. Eliminated designs, we wouldn't be able to see those on the contest page or rate them. :(

#5 buntstift



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Posted 28 September 2012 - 09:19 AM

@babba: do you mean "eliminated by CH"? because i think those designs are displayed at the last pages of a contest!? or am i wrong?
and besides my idea was to rate designs at a designers portfolio itself.
that's because i often see a great design at a contest and then i visit the designers profile to get a detailed overview over his/her other designs.

"withdrawn designs" aren't displayed anywhere so those designs would probably be excluded of the "community ratings" but i think that's okay.


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 10:15 AM

A really interesting idea. I even think that it could make sense to add an ability for the contest holder to see those ratings when he has difficulty choosing the winner. But in this case it needs to be thoroughly thought through of course to disable cheating - for example allow only designers of certain levels to vote. Anyway, great idea, definitely something to consider.

#7 Babba


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:02 PM

Yes Buntstif, that's what I meant. It is on the last page, but not visible.
Perhaps it (eliminated entries) could be fixed, set in a different form.

Rating the portfolio is also nice idea, but the one I thought you had suggested brings more benefits. Each contest would have best design voted by other designers. And now, as Resurepus suggested, it could be more interesting.

@Resurepus, if you decide to bring that option for us and clients, in addition to your "certain designer's level to vote" in order to avoid any abuses or subjectivity (voting for country fellows as example), I suggest option for voting with brief explanation, thoughts, designer's digest, so client would have an idea why and what to choose.

Edited by Babba, 28 September 2012 - 12:05 PM.

#8 notji143



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Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:28 PM

I do agree with the founder of DC

#9 Squewheet


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 04:59 PM

This sounds like a neat idea.........like resurepus said maybe only the certain levels can vote on the designs. Or maybe certain levels only get certain amount of points to rate designs with. But anyways great idea! Now just have get the idea and the rules about it figured out.

#10 Babba


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Posted 30 September 2012 - 12:20 AM

Exciting! It would be interesting to see our taste and how we understand and graphic design in general:), and also improving.
One more thing - only designers participants (and certain level) could vote, as they were involved in the contest process and understood it better.

Edited by Babba, 30 September 2012 - 12:24 AM.

#11 jctoledo


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Posted 30 September 2012 - 04:36 PM

It would be an option to the contest holder... But the votes should be discreet, even the author (designer) should not be aware of it...
This is in my opinion...

#12 zeca



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Posted 01 October 2012 - 04:14 PM

Excellent idea, but I think it should be well analyzed and voting should be anonymous

#13 no longer here

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Posted 02 October 2012 - 02:10 PM

Sorry, I disagree. IMO, we can comment and rate design on forums and discuss them. There are lots of more important things to be implemented and fixed here, this is the way to indulge those designers which don't have wins but have nice designs in their portfolio. This is not a deviantart website, here, we host contests and want to get money for that. Be pros, guys. There are lots of different places where you can show your designs to be rated by other designers.

#14 zeca



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Posted 02 October 2012 - 02:30 PM

Hi eximius in that point of view I agree with you 100%

#15 Babba


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 02:57 PM

"Be pros" - what that suppose to mean in this case?
As well as this "this is the way to indulge those designers which don't have wins but have nice designs in their portfolio"?!?!?!

Sorry, don't see a problem in this overall suggestion. Why is it bothering you? How can that harm you? Or anyone else?
Concept of DC is also a COMMUNITY, and not all of us are here for the money.
So, with yours "deviantart", I can go with "freelancer" or "99designs", right?
This is not about "showing our designs and portfolio". This is designer's digest on certain contest - pick your favorite design option, if you like.

Other than that, I do agree there are some others important things to be changed or fixed.

#16 no longer here

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Posted 02 October 2012 - 03:09 PM

Well, as I said, its my opinion. I don't care about that, I withdraw my all non-winning items anyway.

#17 PaintedPony



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Posted 04 October 2012 - 06:04 AM

Interesting idea - I like it. There could be something like a 'like' button on each design. So, for example, a designer could visit another designer's portfolio, and if they like a design in that portfolio, they could click on the 'like' button. That would then give the designer 'points' for that design (points for 'liked' designs would need to be determined), and would go towards a designer's overall rating points. Similar concept to facebook, when a friend 'likes' a comment or photo on your wall, but designers would receive points. Hmmm...something to think about... Would it be an option only after a contest has closed? During active contests?

#18 landrum75



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Posted 05 October 2012 - 05:47 PM

Buntstift I love your idea. There have been so many times I have seen a wonderful design trashed or slammed by a CH. Every once in a while I would think "Wow they blew me out of the water" and then they are eliminated. Most CH's are not educated in design fundamentals so their uneducated eye doesn't understand when something is great. I've wanted to encourage several designers but can't. This doesn't seem like it would hurt anyone and I love it.

#19 buntstift



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Posted 23 October 2012 - 09:09 PM

i'm glad that there are so many positive reactions on my idea.
and i think that rating other designers isn't a question of "being professional or not" but of "showing respect to desigers work".
everyone who doesn't want to be rated can simply withdraw his/her designs or maybe there could be placed a checkbox at the portfolios to avoid this in advance.
but all in all the details should be discussed carefully and i hope for more feedback from the DC-designers ;)

so long,

#20 zeca



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Posted 24 October 2012 - 09:04 AM

the idea is full of good intentions, but I still have the idea that should be anonymous and not interfere in the DC ratng

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