i'm a member since march 2012 and i've participated at many contests yet.
durring this time i've seen many awesome designs which weren't valued enough by the CHs i think. and that's a pitty.(i'm NOT talking of my own designs!!!!)
so i've asked myself the question if it would make sense to give every designer at DC the possibility to rate designs of other designers.
yes, it may sounds a little weird because we are all competitors but apart from winning prize money and creating cool designs i think another main goal should be to learn from each other and sometimes i'm really impressed by a design

those "D-to-D" ratings shouldn't have any effect onto a contest itself - the CH pays money and a design should fit to 100% to his/her expectations.
but after a contest is finalized it could be a possibility to rate designs of other designers directly at their portfolio. e.g. everyone has 50 "community rating points" for each other portfolio and can rate a design with 50 points or 50 design with each 1 point

those ratings should only be visible for the designer who rates and the designer who has been rated so nobody is influenced by anyone's opinion.
as i said the "community rating" mustn't have any effect to a contest but it should influence the rankingposition (just a little bit)
i know that details should be discussed carefully but all in all i think that this would be a great possibility to show our respect to other designers.
am i writing only in delirium or does this make any sense to you?
