For a small business, appearing in magazines and newspapers these days, is no easy task. Especially when keeping things low budget. Journalists are constantly contacted by businesses of all types, wanting to appear in their publications. So it seems important to STAND OUT to get the attention of your local (or national) press. Here are our top 5 ways to get free, fantastic publicity:



Is there a current event going on that’s related to your business? Perhaps there is a trend that you’ve noticed that’s connected to your industry and will affect people in your community (or your target market). Alert the media as a representative of your business and tell them what you think about it.


Send your product, in all its impressive packaging, to magazine jounalists that specialise in reviewing your type of product or business. Or set up an exclusive deal with a magazine – if your product will attract their readers to buy their magazine, as well as advertise your business, then everyone wins.


Giving a cheque to a charity will not get you much, if any attention, these days. You want to appear pro-active as well as generous. Either donate some of your products (if it is appropriate) or get your entire company involved in a charity event. The more original the charity event, the more interesting you’re going to be to media outlets. For instance, if it was a childrens charity, don’t just hold a 5K run, hold it dressed up as Disney characters and set up water stalls for the runners, with your logo on banners above it.


Find out about local and national awards related to your business or product. Enter all of them, give it your best and see what happens. Remember that nominees and/or runners up still can get attention from the media and potential customers. As your business grows and becomes more successful, you may be the ones sponsoring awards or even creating them.


Hold a survey, or a poll that will give opinions on something a current affair or something relevant to your business as well as the public. Journalists and readers of all magazines and newspapers enjoy reading polls, surveys and looking at infographics.