Every little detail matters when it comes to wedding planning. And every couple dreams to make their special date unique and unforgettable. Weddings of 21st century are way more fascinating than it was few years ago. Young people use cool things like apps for planning, create wedding sites to keep guests informed and try being creative by all possible means.
All this wedding madness generates really awesome ideas. Today we will talk about using infographic as a wedding invitation. Infographic proves itself as one of the most successful ways to convey information to reader. The combination of visuals and text does a job well. Filled with words about couple’s history, lovely occasions and overload of cuteness the infographic depicts everything from the time of their first date to the information about wedding venue and dress code.
This trend is a great way for designers to express talent and imagination. Check out these masterpieces created by design gurus for your inspiration. Want amazing infographic for your special date too? We are ready to help.
Ryan and Garov’s wedding invitation.
Abby and Chris’s wedding invitation.
Sarah and Simon’s wedding invitation.
Kristen and Loren’s wedding invitation.
Image credit to PaperStreetPress.