Inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places, for it can wait for you anytime and everywhere you go. However, inspiration still has its own home where it can be visited. DesignContest knows: inspiration lives on Behance.
Behance is a website where web designers, illustrators, and architects with different skills can place their portfolios in order for others to evaluate and appreciate their works. Another aim of this website is to inspire its visitors with beauty and creativity, as well as to give them a bit of food for thoughts. Behance also is extremely helpful for those who want to create their brand’s identity and are looking for some fresh ideas. The rivet of colors and wide ranges of original concepts won’t leave you indifferent: they get remembered, worshiped and beloved. No matter who you are and what you do, you will certainly find something on Behance you will fall in love with.
We decided to show you the most striking Behance ideas that will restore your belief in beauty and uniqueness of the world around you.
For Marketing Specialists: Latam Airlines
The idea for the advertising campaign for Latam Airlines that has appeared on Behance is brilliant – not more, not less. The plain as a zipper that joins the world – what could be more metaphorically and ingenious? This ad includes everything a superb advertisement should have. Except for a great concept, it contains a marvelous color combination, a proper saturation and value and, what’s more important, a stunning design implementation. Airy and light, this poster is certainly visible from the inspiration’s apartment on Behance.
For Architects: Residential Complex in Georgia
The one who designed this building has already set up himself a monument by doing this. The residential complex is highly original and unique. The fact that it is situated in the mountains only promotes its innovative approach. Some say this residential house is in a shape of a bagel; others see some cosmic phenomenon in it. The truth, however, is that it impresses you and makes you wonder what other secrets and surprises the building can reveal.
For Web Designers: Clover
This amazing logo design is also implemented into icons which makes it affect people even more. Blossomy and thriving, the logo is clever and contains all those smart details that current logo trends demand. Minimalistic, floral and bright, nothing else is needed in order to attract everybody’s attention. The logo is designed in the way to catch your eye with sophisticated lines that influence the visual impact created. Simple and elegant, the icons designed after this Clover logo don’t cede in their beauty and creativity as well. If you are a web designer, this logo can inspire you to design amazing things.
Interior Designer: Black Fat Cat
This poster is bold and captivating. It is designed to inspire those who want to add a sparkle of childish innocence and naivete into the home decor. The adventures of this Black Fat Cat are extremely interesting to watch after, especially if your imagination allows you to think of additional details and implement them into life. Toy design is one of those branches on Behance that can never fade away: it always keeps the intrigue alive. Black Fat Cat is only one of hundreds of examples of a fascinating story that later gets its own different continuations in the imagination of different people.

Photojournalists: A Train Full Of Emotions
This photo project turned out to be deeply emotional, for the author tried to catch the feelings different people experience sitting in trains. The project is sad, funny, touching and meaningful at the same time because it shows an unbelievable range of people’s emotions. Your attention span will be tripled while you’re watching these photos. Melancholy and joy in these people’s eyes are two bipolar emotions that meet only in the places like trains that break and heal people’s hearts at the same time. Looking through photo projects presented on Behance, you will definitely find the one that inspires you to create something different, moving and unbelievably great.
As you see, Behance is really the home of inspiration for every person. If you experience a lack of creativity, make sure you visit your inspiration living on Behance.