Dial-Pad Design That Will Surprise You

For people who belong to nowadays’ developed nations, having a smartphone is as trivial as having dinner or wearing socks. We need smartphones for both our work and personal lives. We need them to keep in touch with our friends, to stay up-to date to the work issues, and...

Secrets Of Material Design You Should Know

There are just a couple of breaking points in a design history that, as one can say, have really changed everything. 2014 is one of such points that have changed the face of the design we knew. This is the year when material design was born.  

Choking with a Hamburger: Menu Alternatives

What are the key features almost every website has nowadays? A logical sitemap, a good hosting, a social media integration, reasonable FAQ, a mobile-ready version (with its responsive web design). Oh, there is something else we’ve forgot. A site menu. In most cases, websites use Hamburger menus so that...

Website Redesign: Saving User Engagement

I have a friend, Alex. He is a successful businessman who owns a couple of online marketplaces. It’s hard to find a person who will be as much a perfectionist as Alex is. He likes it when his workplace is perfectly clean; he gets irritated when his wife puts...

Mobile UX Checklist In One Infographic

Having second thoughts about your mobile UX? DesignContest has decided to dispel your doubts and make sure your mobile UX design is excellent. In order to do that, we’ve created an extensive mobile UX checklist and incorporated it in one creative infographic.With these clear steps, your mobile UX design...

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