Adding QR Code Engagement to Your Marketing Material

Do you really need to be told what a QR code is and what it can do for your business? You see them everywhere from the supermarket to fast food places, in department stores and on most packaging. Not in your cave? Well, let’s bring you up to speed...

How to Conduct a First Meeting

In our last few articles we’ve taken a dive into the part of owning a design studio that none of us really like to touch with a ten foot pole. We’re talking about the actual process of running and sustaining a design business. Who needs it, right? Sadly, all...

How to Decorate Your new Design Suite

You’ve finally done it! Your freelance business has grown to the point where you now have a full roster of clients, a couple fresh faces on staff and you’re ready to move into that new suite you’ve rented downtown. This is an amazing step in your career and you could’t be...

What to Wear to a Meeting: The Freelancer’s Guide

Here at the blog, we tend to spend a lot of our time giving you practical tips on what you can do to improve your skill sets. However, we also tend to overlook the much larger part of freelance designing—learning the ins-and-outs of owning your very own business and...

Most Effective Forms of Communication in 2012

Within the world of graphic design, one of the hardest elements to get down is communication: that actual exchange of words, information and prices that happens when you’re signing a new client or discussing a new project. When you’re new to the game, it can be damn near impossible...

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