Starting your very own design contest is exciting! Consider that within a week you might have a logo design, or your very own website up and running. When you launch a design contest, it’s important to communicate with your designers. Remember, you’re not only briefing one designer, you’re possibly instructing hundreds!

3 simple ways to improve your contest entries

1. Commenting on Design Entries

This is one of your most valuable tools and means of communicating. 

When your contest entries start flow in, take part in this exciting process! Commenting on design entries will give the designers a better understanding of what kind of style you’re going for. Let the designers know what you like and don’t like, what aspects of the design you like and would like to see more of and what you definitely don’t want to see. 

A good example of client feedback:

Client feedback infographic 

Don’t be afraid to express your honest opinion. We often find that contest holders are afraid of criticising works as it might upset the designers. Don’t worry, designers appreciate it and find it helpful because it gives them a better idea of your aesthetics and makes their job easier. 

Taking an active part in the contest could provide you with fresh ideas and be a source of inspiration for both you, as a client, and your designers. 

2. Rating Design Entries

Rating your contest entries is another convenient way of letting your designers know what you’re looking for. It’s a quick and easy way to show your preferences.

It’s important that you don’t start giving high ratings to design entries at the very beginning of your contest, as this will encourage the designers to work in the same style throughout the duration of the contest. Let the ideas circulate, and when you begin to see a variety of styles and creative ideas, start rating like a true critic. 

In this example from the Pinnacle Signs & Graphics contest, you can see how client interaction via feedback and ratings have resulted in a variety of designs:


Commenting on design entries and rating works is a great opportunity to work in collaboration with designers to improve your contest results. If you implement both, you will likely find more designs to your linking which means a bigger variety of potential winning designs to choose from. Before you know it, you have your winning design!

If you’re not seeing the design you were hoping for, you have the option of extending your contest deadline or choose from our contest upgrades. 

3. Writing a clear brief

It is equally important that you write a clear, concise brief. A good brief consists of a short summary of your business, your target audience, and your design preferences. Include all the key information about your business and your expectations from your new design. Remember that the designers know nothing about your business or your clients, so fill them in with the right information that would be most useful. 

Pay particular attention to listing the things that you would like to implement in your designs, what you like and don’t like. Examples of styles and color schemes could be very useful here. You need to narrow your requirements field so the designers know EXACTLY what you’re looking for.If you nail your brief with these key points, your detailed, comprehensive and insightful summary will also be reflected in the quality of your designs. 

See an example of a good brief here. 

If you have any questions, do visit our Knowledgebase. If you can’t find answers to your questions or have other enquires, contact our friendly customer support. We’re always glad to help 🙂

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