Can I Design With a Laptop?

Today we’ll be covering a very specific topic that won’t likely be affecting all of our readers. Still, of those in need, a little bit more information can go a long way toward improving your work flow, helping you create better designs, and generally becoming a better designer all...

Make More Money From Your Next Client

Now, with a title like that you might expect us to be giving you a guide on how to finagle your design client out of a few extra dollars the next time you snooker them in a project. And though we won’t be doing that, we will be giving...

Understanding Themes in Design

In a previous post we talked at length about what it means to have a metaphor within your design with the express goal of helping you create more professional designs. It’s important to have a firm understanding of them under your belt, but it’s also important to have a firm...

Understanding Metaphors

Studying design at uni, you probably tended to talk an awful lot about the metaphor in designs. Now, this is something that tends to lean towards the artsy side of things, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less important. You see, absolutely nailing the design metaphor can be the...

Page Layout Rules You’ve Probably Forgotten

Lately we’ve been delivering quite a lot of articles wrapped around the field of page layout and design. There’s a very good reason for this. We’re improving steadily, and as such, we’re making a real effort to bring some of that advanced knowledge your way. So without any further...

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