What A Graphic Designer Can Learn From Apple

Apple’s been in the news a lot lately, what with the release of the iPhone 4S, as well as the death of its legendary head of state, Steve Jobs. We’re unbelievably saddened to hear about the latter, and with the big man himself in mind, we’ve compiled some quick...

Chema Madoz: A Fresh Perspective

Quality photography seems to be popping up just about everywhere these days, with the price of high quality DSLR cameras continuously dropping and the cost of decent quality little point and shoots falling even faster. However, most of these photographs tend to fall into a category of “normal” or...

Before You Showcase Your Graphic Design Work, Customize WordPress

According to the company’s latest statistics, approximately 14.7% of the top million websites use WordPress as a software backing for their designs. No doubt you’ve used the service yourself in a project. But no matter if you’re an industry veteran or a fresh-faced newbie to the blogging giant, there...

The 7 Deadly Sins of Print Advertising

At some point in the lives of most growing businesses comes the need for print advertising. Whether you’re creating a direct mail postcard to gain new business, placing a small ad in your local newspaper, or launching a full-color ad campaign in a national print magazine, the difference between...

Understanding Typography, Part Two

In our previous post we talked a bit about common typography terms used when choosing a typeset for your designs. However, the buck doesn’t stop there: In fact, there’s a lot more to typography than just serif versus sans serif, or kerning and leading. No, just like a fine...

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