Inspiration Gallery: Must-Follow Instagrams

Struggling to get inspired into beginning your new design project? We have all been there. My personal cure is scrolling through my Instagram feed. There’s everything a creative person needs: from funny and entertaining little images to fascinating artsy posts. This photo-sharing network is my number 1 in looking for...

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Freelancer

Nowadays it’s a pretty common practice to work with a freelance specialist, instead of hiring a full-time employee. It makes sense from a practical point of view: you pay for getting job done without paying wages and supporting administrative needs of employees. But is it really that simple to just hire...

UI or UX: What’s the difference?

Today lots of designers mention proficiency in UI/UX design in theirs CVs. But, there’s just this one thing… Let’s say that combining those two together might not be the best idea. Why so? Read on to know!

Inspiration Gallery: Adobe’s Tribute To Stock Imagery

Hi, everyone! I hope you’re feeling fine and look forward to upcoming weekend! Probably each and every one of us often stumbles upon clichéd images when searching through stock imagery bases. A woman wearing a headset? A firm handshake between two men? Sounds familiar?

What they don’t teach at school

Designers continue arguing about whether you should begin with applying for a degree or trying to study design on your own. Lots of designers you look up to were probably self made man, which proves that design is not that difficult. Your success in the industry depends mostly on...

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