We have conducted a small survey of different gyms, fitness and sport clubs, dance and yoga studios asking our TOP designers to assess company logos and share their thoughts concerning design and branding.
Our designers reviewed 200 logos and concluded that more than 60% of the logos can be improved. Our designers listed most common mistakes people do when creating a logo:
  using more than 3-4 colors;
  overused elements such as stylized humans
and a list of bad design practises such as:
  heaviness (lots of small elements, signs and words);
  mismatching fonts or colors, hard to read fonts;
  poor quality and rasterized logos;
  clipart use, overused elements;
Additionally, our designers looked at stock logos offered on different websites. They were astonished by the number of logos featuring dumbbells, barbells and muscles. It is quite obvious that these elements are so overused that your logo would never stand out from the crowd. Nonetheless, many clients still demand such designs.
We asked designers about the ways to improve the situation. Below are the main things to consider when designing an efficient logo:
  cleanness, easy to read graphics;
Negative space or a smart logo concept are also highly recommended.
We strongly suggest our clients to follow these tips to create a memorable logo and branding.