Maybe your new client is clamoring for a bit more publicity for the advertising prints you create, seeking to expand their clientele beyond their current market. Or maybe you yourself are looking to advertise your  graphic design talents. Either way, if you’re considering means of marketing your work, you’d do well to invest in quality Internet advertising.
There are a lot of benefits to putting your adverts on the Web, as opposed to spending hundreds of dollars on print media, but in case you’re unaware of these various pros and cons, we’ve compiled a short list below to help speed you along. As you read, keep in mind that we aren’t knocking traditional advertising methods: Rather, we’d simply like to help you see the virgin potential of the vast Interwebs. That’s deep, and we know it, so skip on ahead and dive in, Soldier!
- Cost: Right off the bat, it’s worth noting that Internet advertising is typically much cheaper than traditional methods. Whether you’re creating posters for display, pamphlets for propagation, or magazine spots for immediate placement, print media adverts are likely to run you a pretty penny. In comparison, the budget-conscious designer can acquire a large amount of Google Adwords credits for less than one hundred dollars. Not only that, but typically “web-vertisements†are charged on a by-use basis. That is, you only pay for the clicks returned, or the views actually made. Print media, however, uses a more traditional blanket overhead that’s likely to run the budget.
- Consider the Market: Keep in mind as well that the market available to you through the Internet is vastly different from those you’re likely to reach in print advertisement. For example, the average Web user has been shown to be twice as likely to have a higher level of education than the national average. In addition, 48% of Internauts have higher purchasing power: This means they possess higher paying jobs or skill sets that make them more likely to spend lavishly.
To summarize quickly, studies have shown that the Web is comprised of highly educated, well-off, and ready-to-spend consumers that will respond favorably to your web advertisements. It’s, of course, far from a guaranteed investment, but when the pool you’re drawing from is kept at the forefront, it’s almost a no-brainer to invest in Web media, rather than print productions.