The Design Contest forum has indeed inspired me to work on and improve my design skills. I agree totally. It's like any other craft- the more you work at it the better we can become. I am inspired by so many artists here.

Due to no guide for starters and people unaware about what they can do I made this guide. Hope it will help new designer who likes to join this community.
Most here might already work for companies or work freelance for one, but this community is a great way for student or just beginning designers to learn or improve them self. Here the level of designs in the Designer Team is very high, so companies ask for designs will get good designs. So to be chosen for the Design Team is a big privileged, and it don't happen directly. So you need to prove yourself, for some its easy but for students and beginning designers it could be hard.
Don't think this place is all about winning contest and earn allot of money. Its all about trying to express yourself to make the best design and hopefully it could be actually be used, and the extra a bit of cash earnings for your sweat and tears to design it.
- Just startingWhen you just started you can still do allot of stuff in this community. There are different sections where you can do different things:
1. General Information
2. Design Contest
3. Inspiration
4. Instructional Content
5. General Chat
6. DC
1. General InformationHere you can find information about this community and also advice new ideas for this community to improve. Also if there are any question how the forum works you can find it there, if you can't find the answer don't hesitate to ask. Also there is a online magazine, where you can find news about design or this community. You can also send it news to help this magazine to get more info.
2. Design ContestParticular most people are drawn to this cause they see all the money signs. But for starters you can't submit your design in the contest where it says
Design Team Members Only. Those contest you can only watch and get inspired. But don't steal the designs cause that is not appropriate. Here we need to make total new designs that you have never seen before and also try to do the best.
However in this sections we can enter 2 different contest for starters
Non-profit/Charity Contest and
Community Contest. These contest we can improve and show your skills. However in the
Non-profit/Charity Contest you can already earn a little by winning the contest. But if you win 3 times at the
Community Contest you can join the
Design Team. Also main rules says you may only submit 3 designs per contest threads. Other information about the contest are found there too.
Really Important!!: All logos on must be created in vector format.For further information look at the
Guidelines For Creating & Delivering Logos thread.
When submitting the designs make them in a reasonable size and upload it to the web. With or imageshack. And post the url to the images between .
3. InspirationThis is a interesting sections where you can do allot of things too. First you can post threads with site, pictures or other thing that give you inspiration. To help others to get inspired. You can also show off the work you did outside of this contest and community, this could also help you get into the Design Team faster.
Work in Progress. Here you can show things your still working on and want some comment about. Not just thing about the contest, but also for other things maybe schoolwork of other designs. Some people always think they are the best and what they make is best, but this is not always true. So first thing we need to learn is to trust others and ask there comment about your work. This way you know what wrong and learn to look from a different view. So this section might be very helpful when you just can't get whats wrong with your design.
4. Instructional ContentHere you can find new about the industry of Design, new programs and information. The important thing of this section is to help you or others to learn the programs or help if the run into a problem. Here you can ask anything if you don't understand how the programs work. And if you know a cool trick is might be handy to post the guide here so other can learn it too.
5.General ChatHere you can introduce yourself and also give information about you background. Or talk about just anything or ask anything too.
Joining Design teamTo join the Design team and to be able to compete with all the contest you need to look at this page. | Logo and Website Design Contests. Community of designers and web developers. New contests almost every day!These are the requirement before you can become a member of the Design Team and to send an application.
1. You must have your own online version of a portfolio
2. You should be a registered member of the Contest Forums
3. You must be an active member of the community for one week and have at least 10 forum posts
4. You must be able to receive Paypal payments
If you feel you meet the above requirements, please fill out the form. All new applications will be reviewed and processed within 30 days.
If there is anything you want to ask don't hesitate just ask.[/QUOTE]