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Application ??

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#21 Coy


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Posted 30 March 2009 - 05:42 PM

The application is a good idea, but the whole 10 post thing doesn't make sense.

I personally think it should be more like 20-30 posts.
Speaking for myself, I see it as DC wanting to see who you are, why are you here (not just to try and make a quick buck) and also show that your "in it for the right reasons" - to learn, teach, and give prospective clients the best DC can give. I could be wrong but that how I read into it.

Most of the things I wanted to make a post on were for people who already got accepted. Like most people said, it is like a job interview and at least the "clients" know that designers here actually have talent to begin with.

really not sure what this is suppose to mean? Did you mean post in a contest that only the "Elite designers" can only entere in?
and it I do see it as a job interview. DC wants to give perspective clients(contest holder) the absolute best they can, to the Contest holder. It also gives the contest holder a more personal feel than the likes of some other contest sites with hundreds of entries ranging from good to bad.
The select few designers here meet or exceed a specific criteria giving the CH some relief and feeling they have the BEST of this site.

In the end it's not about us the designer. But what us designers can give to the "client". If it wasn't for the client we'd all be drawing for who?

#22 shefshef019


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Posted 15 September 2009 - 01:17 AM

@ Coy: Great idea to show this thread to all new members. Hopefully this will help reduce the number of complaints/rude comments. I just read the following thread and can't believe the things some people say: http://www.designcon...it-entries.html

@ Gx3 Grafix: I'm guilty of using exclamation points on here a lot, but they tend to be when I'm making a positive and/or funny (yet lighthearted) comment. Hopefully some of my messages haven't been misconstrued...I'm just an animated writer, I guess :p
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#23 danuyudhist


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Posted 07 October 2009 - 03:03 PM

If we want to work at a leading and large company with extra big salary, of course, we must show our skills, that we are worthy and deserve to be part of them.

As well as with this website. This website only want the best that can produce good work.

Imagine what would happen if every person could become an elite designers and enter a contest without first following the procedure?

quality control is necessary to maintain the credibility of DC.

I hope I can quickly become Elite Designers. A PRIDE..... :cool:

#24 Coy


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Posted 07 October 2009 - 05:05 PM

well stated danuyudhist

#25 Tressley


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Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:41 PM

The only thing that frustrates me about these rules are the "Wait a week" period. I obviously joined because a contest caught my eye and I wanted to enter, but I am unable to due to membership restrictions.

#26 Coy


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Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:50 PM

The only thing that frustrates me about these rules are the "Wait a week" period. I obviously joined because a contest caught my eye and I wanted to enter, but I am unable to due to membership restrictions.

I understand your frustrations and just want you to know that these "restrictions" a for the Contest Holders(CH) benefit and to ensure positive growth within Design Contest.
This process gives the CH the best desigers. It also prevents an over saturation of wanna be designers from posting hundreds of designs that are useless. Also helps keep designs from being stolen and reused in the same contests.
Hope you understand that these rules are for the designers and cotest holders benifite.

#27 Tressley


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Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:52 PM

Oh Coy, I understand that these rules were put in place for a reason. I would prefer that I had the ability to contact a Mod to show my work and be granted Elite status sooner. Is that a possibility?

#28 Coy


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Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:56 PM

Oh Coy, I understand that these rules were put in place for a reason. I would prefer that I had the ability to contact a Mod to show my work and be granted Elite status sooner. Is that a possibility?

sorry but that isn't an option. Each designer has to go through the same process w/ no exceptions. I'm sure you can understand why.
I had to go through it twice since I was rejected the first time around because of a week portfolio. LOL

#29 pericleswerner


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Posted 07 May 2010 - 05:40 PM

Finally a site that have rules and a thinking of growing our skills. I'm very have for finding DC.

#30 Pacs


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Posted 24 June 2010 - 11:25 PM

I get why the 10 posts are necesary (necessary) but making 10 useful posts is hard, and as Coy said give usefull comments on designs, who am I to give comments on others if i ain't proven myself.(So that is something I would do after a long time).But i am very intrested in this community, and want to show what i can, and hope i get better with the comments i get ;)

oh yea my english is pore so that makes it even harder

#31 sharie



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Posted 24 June 2010 - 11:53 PM

You don't have to critique anyones work. There are thousands of posts,threads here at DC. Those post consist of anything from what is your favorite logo to I had a tough day and need to blast out. There are finished works in the threads that include logos to paintings to photography and much more

BTW critiquing work really isn't that hard. You can get detailed and technical or you can simply write out what you like and dislike of the work you are looking at.

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#32 Pacs


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Posted 25 June 2010 - 12:05 AM

BTW critiquing work really isn't that hard. You can get detailed and technical or you can simply write out what you like and dislike of the work you are looking at.

I know giving critique ain't hard at all but it I find that giving critique is a privilege for those who really know what their talking about and have proven their selfs

#33 sharie



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Posted 25 June 2010 - 12:18 AM

I wanted to add something about critiquing....people learn by critiquing also. Looking at something you think what looks good and bad and before you know it you start asking yourself why does it look good and why does it look bad. When you start asking yourself why you then have taken yourself to the next level of growth when it comes to art and designs. You then spread out into other genres of art and design, stepping out of your personal safe zone of what you know

I know giving critique ain't hard at all but it I find that giving critique is a privilege for those who really know what their talking about and have proven their selfs

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#34 Sketcher1


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Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:23 AM

I like the application requirement. I am new to this site, but I feel that this is something that needs to be done to weed out the true designers with the wannabes. I have seen other sites just accept anything and some of it is really BAD. I have seen some fantastic designs at the same sites, but again, at those, anyone can submit.

Even though I have been designing phonebook ads for the past 11 years (laid off in December 2009 because company was scaling back), I feel I have a lot to offer, but at the same time, I am eager to learn new techniques and improve my overall skills.

#35 srigiri


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 04:44 PM

Since most of these contests and other activities here deals with financials, require post and Applications as per the normal process. So just like letting all wont make sense and even., these 10 posts make people understand the corners of the areas.


#36 Stev27


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 05:08 PM

...I feel I have a lot to offer, but at the same time, I am eager to learn new techniques and improve my overall skills.

That's a great attitude to have Sketcher1. Welcome to DC and good luck with your job search. :)

I was originally drawn here by seeing an old community contest and then realized I need to improve my logo skills too. It's always fun and educational around here!

#37 cruser



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Posted 28 July 2010 - 08:26 PM

I agree. From a buisness stand point it makes perfect sense.
If u wanna contest, stand up and counted.

#38 amir



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Posted 04 August 2010 - 09:10 AM

pleas help me about application

what must i do?


#39 sharie



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Posted 04 August 2010 - 01:52 PM

You can start reading here
DesignContest.net Knowledgebase

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#40 Dskwrks


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Posted 10 July 2012 - 07:06 AM

I am sorry but I am lost on whats is going on here? I have been reading about an application and interview and such. Was there a link that I have missed that goes to this application?

You can start reading here
DesignContest.net Knowledgebase {Page not found} is what I am getting.


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