OK, I see there are many refunds on the site. I will assume that, like many other sites, some CH's never intended to pay for a logo and was only fishing for ideas. My question is how do we withdraw our logos. A Google search still shows the logos. This is worse than having the CH waste everyone's time, because now our work is shown on a much larger scale for anyone to copy. Since the work is solely that of the artist, is there a way to not have it available for anyone to rip-it off? In fact the logos are not even accredited to the designers. I understand that LogoArena and Logotournament now implements this automatically so that google will not index the page, how do we do it here???
To get a better idea of what I'm talking about, Google the name of a refunded contest and search images. You will find the logos there but with NO mention of the designer, only label is Designcrowd.com. We can no longer see the contest page, but the CH can still see and the logos...as well as anyone else.