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use of artificial intelligence or AI allowed in design contests?

AI artificial intelligence plagiarism Violation

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#1 voxystd


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Posted 10 May 2024 - 06:02 AM

related to the number of designers using AI makes designers restless I want to ask for confirmation of admin and other designers.


one opinion related to violations that must be known from this design is the use of AI or tracing is palgiarism that cannot be justified, seen from design #2 and Design #17 has different detailing characteristics from the designer. things that must be known if this is the result of AI are 1). Why did the bus design have to be completely overhauled while the contest holder requested the addition of an exhaust pipe only, 2). Detailing the front of the bus is messy small examples such as the reflection of lights, engines and on the tires, 3). can be compared the results of the character illustration design with the front of the bus is very different in terms of detail neatness. proving the absence of consistency and this is the result of images that are made into vectors. keep in mind that AI cannot produce lines or vectors perfectly. it is unfortunate that the hard work of other designers who make designs manually is replaced by unscrupulous designers like @Hissa and the money spent by contest holders is spent to buy the work of AI.


my one question is whether the contest environment using AI can be justified and legalized by designcontest.com?


Link Entries : https://www.designco...esort/entry/14/

#2 Babba


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 01:05 PM

Thank you! Warning is sent. 

#3 Hissa


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 01:21 PM

My designs were removed? Babba, I spent so many hours/days working on that design!!!! Searching for references of a bus in a "hot rod" stye, I didn't even know what that meant. How was that ai generated????

#4 Hissa


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 01:23 PM

I spent hours working on that design, redrawing everything by hand! This is so unfair! Please, remove the ban. 

#5 Hissa


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 01:28 PM

Babba, I did not use anything or trace any image, I drew everything in my tablet drawing by hand! Do you want me to send you the files with the layers?

#6 Babba


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 01:41 PM

Hissa, we do not mind to put entries back, but lot of elements clearly are not drawn here: https://designcontes...e8375342ab0.jpg

We have already warned you and explained the rules regarding Ai or image tracing. 

How that is fair to other designers?!

#7 Hissa


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 02:06 PM

Clearly not drawn?? I draw everything by hand Babba, I am not lying! Free hand drawing the shades, the lights!

#8 Hissa


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 02:11 PM

Babba, I have used photos as reference, the client asked for a chrome look, and I tried to replicate the shades and lights by hand. When I googled 'hot rod' vehicles, there's only cars with the engine exposed, so I redesigned the entire front end. But when putting together the rear section, the perspective shifted slighltly, so I had to simply reposition the back to match the same perspective. Please put the entries back, I started working on this on the first day the client opened the contest. 

#9 Hissa


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 02:26 PM

Voxystd, you claimed that the bus is not as neat as the characters, but I spent 5 days drawing the characters, and had just 1 day left to redesign the bus when the client asked to transform it to a 'hot rod style'. I did not use ai to draw this. I draw by hand, I can send the files with all the layers, the references and everything to Babba. I am a designer, I love to draw since I was a kid and I'm just a simple person trying to survive from my passion. I'm not one of those scammers trying to get money from others. 

#10 voxystd


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 03:56 PM

Hissa for the layer problem it's just a page, when you tracing an image it will produce tens to hundreds of layers. okay for the artist's character image you made the original. but for the bus it's 100% AI generated and a violation is still a violation. someone who uses AI already has his own design character. come on don't be evasive... be an adult. and you said you drew using a tablet? hand drawn design are not like that Hissa. or do you want to make a poll with other designers, are your designs made from AI or manual hands? 
Logically, for 5 days you work on the design but you produce a bus that is not detailed and flat in entry #2. suddenly the client asks for a revision to add "exhaust pipe only" in less than a day you give a totally different bus design with great detail? but the lines and details produced by AI cannot lie HIssa.

#11 Hissa


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 04:57 PM

Voxystd, I am an adult, and I assure you I'm not lying, and I don't want any trouble. I don't know where you saw "exhaust pipe only", the client asked me to add chome, exhaust pipes and hot rod classic style, that's a lot of work! I googled "exhaust pipe" and it shows a pipe in the back of the vehicle, My knowledge of cars is very limited, so I didn't know where to add a pipe on the front, so I redrew all the front side looking at references of "hot rod vehicles", which has a lot of pipes and chrome, and shine. Looking at my drawing now, I think you thought this is ai generated because of the shines and shades that are messy because I used the pencil tool, isn't? But look at the lines, and geometrical shapes on the front, I don't think ai could do that, especially if I were to trace it.


Drawing on a digital tablet is considered hand drawing as well. At least, my professor always used to say "hand draw' when using a tablet.


You tried to insult me by calling me "unscrupulous" and not acting like an adult, and you don't even know me. I also don't know you, but if you are a real designer as well, you shouldn't be creating new accounts to report other people. This is not acting like an adult. I spent the entire day drawing and sent the design almost by midnight to the client. If you are a real designer, we should be helping each other against those others scammers.  

#12 Hissa


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Posted 11 May 2024 - 05:10 PM

Babba, will you please put my entries back? I don't know how to prove that I drew this other than sending you the adobe illustrator file... If I sent it  through the chat, will it get to you? What do I need to do? 

#13 Hissa


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Posted 12 May 2024 - 01:41 PM

Hello, Babba. I just researched and found a tool that analyzes whether an image is generated by AI or not. I'm not sure how accurate the tool is, but based on the comments, it seems to work quite well. It's a paid tool called "AI or Not." I believe Design Contest should consider using something like this to verify whether an image was generated by AI or not, thus making the process more transparent and preventing injustices. According to what I understand from @voxystd, there's suspicion that my bus was generated by AI. I can provide the isolated image of the bus to run through the tool, if needed. I am 100% certain that I made the drawing. Looking at my drawing now, I admit that in some parts, the lights and shadows appear skewed, but that's because I used the pencil tool and drew it freehand. If you don't properly analyze my image and return it for the contest, how can I continue working on a platform where I can't trust the moderators? I value the opportunities provided by Design Contest and hope we can address the concerns together. This is important to me; it's one of my sources of income and I'm not here to play games or take advantage of others. Right now, I feel unfairly treated, having lost $488 and a week's worth of hard work due to your decision. Please respond with a final resolution. If you still insist that the image was generated by AI, I kindly request (once again) that you settle two outstanding bills from a contest and a one-on-one project, allowing me to delete my account from the platform. Thank you.

#14 Babba


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Posted 14 May 2024 - 12:58 AM

Hissa, first of all - moderators always properly analyze designer's work with best of our abilities and skills.


Second of all, I do not insist it was made by AI. I do not know what software do you use when you make drawings on the tablet, but certainly not all of the drawing work was made in Adobe Illustrator. In this particular work looking overall many different styles do not match, also lights, tires and other bus elements do not look like illustrator drawing. (For no confusion to above mentioned software usage - You are free to use any tool you prefer as long as on the end the product is fully vectorized, editable and meets good quality.)


We have to reply to an report, and we have to be suspicious for which we have a full right. 

Further on, I have warned you about leaving raster parts which you did in Graystar contest. You also have history of art copying.

Hissa, many designers also do make only income out of this and I can assure you we are being fair try to protect designers as we are all designers.


We can put entries back in the contest, but admin Sharie will have to look into.

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#15 Hissa


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Posted 14 May 2024 - 12:37 PM

Hello Babba, thank you for replying. I only used adobe illustrator, I did not use ai or any other software or raster images.You didn't even want to check the adobe illustrator file. If an image is automatically traced, you are kind of able to tell looking at the layers it produces, which is different when we draw it by hand.
Yes, in the Graystar contest, that leaf was my mistake. I quickly wanted to see how a leaf would look like in that position, and forgot to deal with it later due to the amount of other details. It was a very stupid mistake, and I apologise. The other day you said I am a valuable designer with good history, but now you are treating me as if I had a huge history of bad behaviour.
You don't need to put the images back anymore. I already asked Sharie for 3 delayed payments, but she only sent me two. I'm still missing one, can you please help me to receive that one so that I can delete my account? Thank you.

#16 voxystd


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Posted 14 May 2024 - 10:36 PM

This is the beginning of the downfall of designcontest.com which still passes someone who has a history of plagiarism. just look at some of the logo contests from los dones del mezcal, and slingshot that were won, hissa used other people's clipart scattered on the internet if examined again many of which he did not draw and only limited to copying other images. how do I know? because I have the clipart for free too.

link : https://www.heritage...f=spoongraphics

#17 voxystd


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Posted 14 May 2024 - 10:40 PM

from this case other designers can judge how the designcontest.com environment works in safeguarding and legalizing someone by using its artificial intelligence and plagiarism.



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Posted 14 May 2024 - 11:32 PM

Congrats Hissa!

#19 Hissa


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Posted 15 May 2024 - 05:08 PM

voxystd, for the last time, I drew everything on adobe illustrator! And if it makes you happy, I had to redraw the entire bus again because the client asked for a different perspective. For the other ones, I have the license for commercial use, I own several licenses, I create and buy fonts on a regular basis, what is the problem? Stop attacking me and focus on your work! I'm just waiting my payments, I wish love and peace in your heart! 

#20 Babba


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Posted 16 May 2024 - 12:12 AM

Hissa, you CAN NOT use anything in the logo BUT OWN DESIGN. This is the very last warning. Please take it seriously for own sake. Outside DesignContest regarding logo design you can go as you wish with licenced or unlicensed art. 



Voxystd, I have talked to the admin and this particular contest was put in wrong category by the client. it supposed to be in T-shirt. 

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