Fireworks CS5
1. Fireworks uses less RAM, so it is faster and lighter than Illustrator
2. Fireworks gives better control for rendering pixel based images
3. Fireworks solved the PNG/IE compatibility issue.
4. Fireworks provides quality compression for PNG formats used for iPad and iPhone
5.Fireworks supports same color file format that are used by Photoshop, Adobe, Illustrator, Kuler and InDesign
Illustrator CS5
1.Illustrator improves productivity with thw ability to draw behind elements without having to create layers.
2.Illustrator has improved speed performance
4.Illustrator communicates effectively with the creative suite. It can export graphics with the XML based FXG format Flash. It can communicate with Flash Catalyst, Fireworks and Flash Builder.
5.Illustrator works with all graphic file format, like EPS, PSD, TIFF, FXG ,SWF, or PDF.
Fireworks CS5 Vs Illustrator CS5
Fireworks CS5
1. Fireworks uses less RAM, so it is faster and lighter than Illustrator
2. Fireworks...
fireworks cs5 vs illustrator cs5
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