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Adobe Illustrator CS5.5 "Save for Web" not remembering previous path

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#1 crowek051


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 12:38 PM



Only noticing this on 10.8, but I can't remember with certainty whether it was doing this on 10.7 or not. Basically AI just isn't remembering where I last saved something with save for web... which gets frustrating when I need to export several things one by one and have to either browse back to the directory I want to save them to, or just save them all in whatever directory it's picked as it's base directory today (sometimes my home directory, sometimes /Volumes/Data/Work, sometimes ~/Dropbox/Shared/Work) and move them afterward.Also in addition to that, the save dialog always reverts back to it's default size. Every. Single. Time. Really annoying. It's JUST narrow enough that it can only display 2 directories, so I either put up with a TON of scrolling, or I have to drag out the size over and over and over again.
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