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10 posts required to participate in open contests

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#21 Coy


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Posted 29 March 2010 - 05:39 PM

Just wanted to bring this to the top and remind EVERYONE that Brandy, Sharie and I will be HEAVILY monitering all new posts.
So if you see your posts being deleted or we ask you to be more specific about a post don't think we are targeting you in any way. It's not personal just business. :)

#22 Guest_cre8ivediff_*

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Posted 29 March 2010 - 06:46 PM

in the time it has taken to post these 'complaints' about the rules...which I knew up front...you could have easily posted 10 times. it is also up to YOU (everyone) not to make pointless posts..."only you can prevent useless posts". and if you don't want to learn or interact or have to socialize then join a different site or group. useless or not...even if I don't post, I hop on to see the topics of discussions and sometimes even read the whole thread. You are only going to get out of the site what you put in.

#23 lilpolcat1


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Posted 29 March 2010 - 07:32 PM

The Rules:
It is all about the follow through and being able to work with others in a constructive way.
Along with having a positive attitude. That is just my two cents from an old schooled
production artists perspective.

#24 like an angel

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Posted 29 March 2010 - 07:55 PM

lilpolcat1 said

The Rules:
It is all about the follow through and being able to work with others in a constructive way.
Along with having a positive attitude. That is just my two cents from an old schooled
production artists perspective.

can't agree more ;)

♥ Selma ♥
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#25 brandyarnold



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Posted 29 March 2010 - 11:08 PM

Finally some positive responses to the 10 post rule! Thanks guys!!
:) Brandy

#26 cdinside


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Posted 30 March 2010 - 10:02 AM

I see you want people to use your forum but why this must thing. Maybe I not a bit forum fun and I worked at a logo and I want to submit it and I can't because of this. I don't think is fare. And there are places where I can't make reply, why ? I you should change this rule a little.

#27 like an angel

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 10:56 AM

cdinside said

I see you want people to use your forum but why this must thing. Maybe I not a bit forum fun and I worked at a logo and I want to submit it and I can't because of this. I don't think is fare. And there are places where I can't make reply, why ? I you should change this rule a little.

i think if "that" is only what it takes to participate in contests & maybe join the elite designers team..i think it's just fair.
i didn't even knew about the contests & rules when i first join.."and that wasn't long time ago" and i really liked it here that what made me join at the first place..to hang out with those talented ppl..

see now i have more than 60+ posts in just few weeks..& it only take a few seconds to share ur opinion & help others with ur experience. & then get back to ur designs :)
maybe u are not that talkative in forums but it's really easy ..if u looked at it as a positive contribution to share & learn from others from all around the world.. :rolleyes:

♥ Selma ♥
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#28 ZukiH



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Posted 30 March 2010 - 12:47 PM

cdinside said

I see you want people to use your forum but why this must thing. Maybe I not a bit forum fun and I worked at a logo and I want to submit it and I can't because of this. I don't think is fare. And there are places where I can't make reply, why ? I you should change this rule a little.

IMO, this is not just "use our forum" its more like "be a part of this community".
You can find people from all over the world. We share thoughts, concepts, ideas, experiences, we are here to learn with each other. ;)

If you are here for the 10 posts + participating in contests, ONLY, im sorry but i believe that you wont go far as a designer.

#29 cdinside


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Posted 30 March 2010 - 04:48 PM

no, I am not here just for that but didn't know that I have to be on this forum with 10 posts and after that to be accepted in a team and have all those things in order to be accepted, so that is why i was upset, but hopefully I still have time to put my portfolio somewhere online and make a paypal account ...
by the way, I miss Porto wine :D

#30 meadec


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Posted 31 March 2010 - 01:10 AM

I'm new to Design Contest and I tried to post before but didn't take time to review the guidelines prior to posting. I really respect the fact that rules are established for us to operate. Since my first incident I told myself I would thoroughly look into all the aspects of the site and not just contests. I'm really seeing how beneficial this site is with the forums, tips, and contests. Great Management DesignContest.net

#31 DixielandDesign


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Posted 02 April 2010 - 08:23 PM

It is unbelievable that this conversation is actually going on, the rules have been established and that should be it. We are suppose to be professional what is so hard to understand. These rules are made so you understand and read the rules, networking with fellow designers is a plus. I am in the opinion that there should be a 1 contest moratorium so that the designers do not just fly in knock out a design and disappear into the night. This is a great community of Talented artist, sit down stay for a while.


Designers are meant to be loved, not to be understood. — Fabien Barral

#32 not2shabby



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 09:07 PM

resurepus said

We want to know our users. With open contests many users just go directly to submit their entries without even looking at the forums. But as you know the forums are a great source of information. A lot of things that you want to know have been already asked and answered here. But if the search does not give the needed results you can post your questions in the appropriate section. You can also use the forums to share your ideas about design, to show your works or just to chat about anything.

There is one small thing that I wanted to point out. If your "10 initial posts" are meaningless, we keep a right to set your post counter back to 0 and moreover suspend your account for a short period of time.

Fair is fair. It isn't that difficult to post an idea or a thought. thanks for the info.

#33 machineman



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 11:10 PM


not2shabby said

Fair is fair. It isn't that difficult to post an idea or a thought. thanks for the info.

#34 Rage of Reason

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Posted 05 April 2010 - 12:37 AM

To my knowledge this is the only site on the web that has such a rule and all the posts in this thread did not make it clear to me why such a rule is necessary. If you want a forum, create one and see if people want to post. If you run contests, put the on line and see if people want to post. The rule to force people to post in the forum a number of times before they are allowed to post entries in the contests seem to be lacking any direct logic reason to me. Does it improve the quality of contest entries? Not in my opinion. It may in some cases even prevent designers who have a good idea from entering a contest. In addition I think that the mods privilege to deem posts as meaningless or meaningful is a subjective matter, which could even prevent more potentially good contest entries from being posted. I think you are confusing two things - the forum and the contests are two separate features of this site. They should not tied together by some unconditional rule. You risk not providing the businesses or private persons who look for a logo a proper one.

#35 Matsurika


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Posted 05 April 2010 - 01:49 AM

I think that this is a great idea.
The reason for this being that the mods seem to be trying to create a community where everyone tries to help everyone else. Having something like this is pretty awesome.

I think that the users will come to learn what the forum has to offer, all of the support that everyone can provide will really help one expand and create something better than what he/she originally came in with.

Just a thought :)
10 posts isn't that much, but i know that by going through the forum, I have see things that I already know that I will be able to use. I also don't mind trying to lend a helping hand if I can :D

#36 brandyarnold



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 03:17 AM

Rage of Reason said

Does it improve the quality of contest entries?

It absolutely DOES improve the quality of entries, in more than one way. It helps to weed out the people that aren't serious about design. It forces people to read the forum, learn the rules and create their design using vectors, it allows people to ask questions, view other designs and get inspiration.

Rage of Reason said

It may in some cases even prevent designers who have a good idea from entering a contest.

If a designer has a good idea, an idea that they feel is going to win the contest, 10 forum posts is not going to turn them away. If a simple 10 posts is too much work, then how much work can we expect this person to put into their design?

Rage of Reason said

I think that the mods privilege to deem posts as meaningless or meaningful is a subjective matter

A meaningless post is one that serves no purpose, or does not help the forum in any way. For example, a one word post like "cool" or "I like it" does nothing helpful to the forum. Our definition of a meaningful post is not subjective at all. We welcome conversation, differences of opinion, ideas, and the sharing of knowledge. We don't delete posts subjectively or because we don't agree, we just delete the ones that have no meaning or purpose.

Rage of Reason said

the forum and the contests are two separate features of this site. They should not tied together by some unconditional rule.

There are plenty of other sites that operate in the way that you mention. DesignContest is not one of those sites. To us, the forum - the community of designers - is the heart of this site, it is the reason we are here, and the contests are an added bonus, a benefit to being a part of this community.

Stick around, read the forums, have an open mind. You're guaranteed to learn something, be inspired, make a new friend, or get an answer to a question. Being a member of this community is an honor, and entering the contests is a privilege.
:) Brandy

#37 osk386


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Posted 05 April 2010 - 04:10 AM

Sorry, I should read this before, I have posted some times just reading the posts and comment simple on it. :(

#38 brandyarnold



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 05:56 AM

osk386 said

Sorry, I should read this before, I have posted some times just reading the posts and comment simple on it. :(

A simple post is usually just fine, as long as it is meaningful. Your opinions are valuable to the community, we just don't want any one word posts, like "cool" and "thanks" that don't add any value to the threads.
:) Brandy

#39 LunchBox


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Posted 05 April 2010 - 10:36 AM

Good initiative.. you're right - it's always good to get to know people a little better beforehand. I will be following this forum a little bit closer.. and hope to participate in it more actively in the future.

#40 not2shabby



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 02:51 PM

resurepus said

We want to know our users. With open contests many users just go directly to submit their entries without even looking at the forums. But as you know the forums are a great source of information. A lot of things that you want to know have been already asked and answered here. But if the search does not give the needed results you can post your questions in the appropriate section. You can also use the forums to share your ideas about design, to show your works or just to chat about anything.

There is one small thing that I wanted to point out. If your "10 initial posts" are meaningless, we keep a right to set your post counter back to 0 and moreover suspend your account for a short period of time.

Thanks for your info. Will be in and out often~;)

The posts are all very informative, and it kicks out the old cobwebs..thanks much.;)

resurepus said

We want to know our users. With open contests many users just go directly to submit their entries without even looking at the forums. But as you know the forums are a great source of information. A lot of things that you want to know have been already asked and answered here. But if the search does not give the needed results you can post your questions in the appropriate section. You can also use the forums to share your ideas about design, to show your works or just to chat about anything.

There is one small thing that I wanted to point out. If your "10 initial posts" are meaningless, we keep a right to set your post counter back to 0 and moreover suspend your account for a short period of time.

You certainly have your hands full. Kudos to your team. And thanks in advance for all of the support you give to your members.

The DC forum has a lot of informative reading. I will share it with my art group at our next meeting!

Edited by Coy, 05 April 2010 - 04:54 PM.
quaddrupple post. haha

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