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10 posts required to participate in open contests

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#41 udosero


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Posted 06 April 2010 - 01:11 AM

I just spent two hours designing something for a contest that ends in 16 hours, and I can't submit my entry because I don't have enough forum activity. Considering that most forum posts are about contests, this is difficult.

I just traversed all available posts and ran out of things I could comment on without writing nonsense or something irrelevant. It looks like I will not be able to legitimately get the 10 items that I need to make the submission.

Edited by Coy, 06 April 2010 - 03:55 PM.
double Post

#42 brandyarnold



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Posted 06 April 2010 - 01:50 AM

I just traversed all available posts and ran out of things I could comment on without writing nonsense or something irrelevant. It looks like I will not be able to legitimately get the 10 items that I need to make the submission.

You really, truly can't find 6 more threads that you have any opinion about? :confused: How about giving some other designers feedback on their "works in progress" submissions, how about linking to a tutorial in the tuts threads, how about suggesting a free font site, or a portfolio hosting site? There are hundreds of threads here. There's a real problem here if you can't find 10 things to say.

I find it hard to believe that you don't have an opinion about any other thread in the entire forum. Please remember that this site is a community first and foremost, to earn the privilege to enter contests, you have to contribute.
:) Brandy

#43 Coy


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Posted 06 April 2010 - 03:57 PM

I just spent two hours designing something for a contest that ends in 16 hours, and I can't submit my entry because I don't have enough forum activity. Considering that most forum posts are about contests, this is difficult.

I just traversed all available posts and ran out of things I could comment on without writing nonsense or something irrelevant. It looks like I will not be able to legitimately get the 10 items that I need to make the submission.

I merged your post. no reason in double posting just to bring your post count up.


#44 cdinside


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Posted 06 April 2010 - 04:03 PM

To my knowledge this is the only site on the web that has such a rule and all the posts in this thread did not make it clear to me why such a rule is necessary. If you want a forum, create one and see if people want to post. If you run contests, put the on line and see if people want to post. The rule to force people to post in the forum a number of times before they are allowed to post entries in the contests seem to be lacking any direct logic reason to me. Does it improve the quality of contest entries? Not in my opinion. It may in some cases even prevent designers who have a good idea from entering a contest. In addition I think that the mods privilege to deem posts as meaningless or meaningful is a subjective matter, which could even prevent more potentially good contest entries from being posted. I think you are confusing two things - the forum and the contests are two separate features of this site. They should not tied together by some unconditional rule. You risk not providing the businesses or private persons who look for a logo a proper one.

exactly my point, I had 10 posts now when I want to upload I have only 9, I work a lot to make the logo but in the end I have problems like this one, it's note fare
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#45 Coy


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Posted 06 April 2010 - 04:13 PM

exactly my point, I had 10 posts now when I want to upload I have only 9, I work a lot to make the logo but in the end I have problems like this one, it's note fare

I have an idea...

Instead of not understanding something and jump the gun why not do what alot of other people do and read the rules before starting work on something.
I belong to alot of other sites and there are always rules in place if you want to keep the quality of work up to a particular standard.

DC has just started allowing open contest and this is a HUGE benefit for others here. Before you had to be accepted into the Elite design team and in my opinion the submission have been alot better for the most part.

AS far as mods/admin considering what is a meaningless post is subjective. but if you've seen what we have been deleting you'd agree that they are meaningless. alot of the responses have nothing to do with the subject matter in the post or they are simple one or two word replies that take absolutly no thought what so ever.

IN the future I suggest you not waste your time designing something untill you've read and followed the rules.

I'm getting a little sick of everyone coming in here crying about this subject.
There for when I'm on duty I'll simply just delet the whinning little posts and warn you to simply follow the rules.
This is a community with design contests. If you stick around and actually read and participate within the community you'll completely understand..
if this type of crap continues I'm going to fight for the site to go back to simply holding Elite Design TEam contests only. Or leave.

#46 brandyarnold



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Posted 07 April 2010 - 03:53 PM

Bumping this thread back up to the top.

Our new members are still not reading this. I've just spent my entire morning deleting meaningless post after meaningless post and have not had a moment to read the valuable posts, or contribute to the site myself.

PLEASE READ THE RULES. It is not fair to take away from my experience at DC, by wasting all of my time deleting useless posts.
:) Brandy

#47 like an angel

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Posted 07 April 2010 - 06:09 PM


exactly my point, I had 10 posts now when I want to upload I have only 9, I work a lot to make the logo but in the end I have problems like this one, it's note fare

then u can imagine how enormous mods /admins work here..u can't even find the time to post 10 posts & think it's not FAIR..i respectfully disagree with that bcuz if some very talented & professional designer take the time to organize & share their experience in this place ..besides having the time to design & WIN contests..it's pretty easy from my experience :rolleyes:

♥ Selma ♥
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#48 Rage of Reason

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Posted 08 April 2010 - 11:30 PM

Bumping this thread back up to the top.

Our new members are still not reading this. I've just spent my entire morning deleting meaningless post after meaningless post and have not had a moment to read the valuable posts, or contribute to the site myself.

PLEASE READ THE RULES. It is not fair to take away from my experience at DC, by wasting all of my time deleting useless posts.

If mods / admins spend so much time deleting what they consider to be meaningless posts, could perhaps the site's rule of requiring 10 posts minimum be the cause of that? Many visit this site to join contests, only to find that this requirement prevents them from doing so. I can imagine that some conjure up a number of brief posts just to comply with this rule and be allowed to compete. Especially if they already started designing. Of course, reading the rules would officially be the proper thing to do, but how many actually read manuals of software or hardware before they start using them? It's a human trait; designers have them too.

Just my two cents.

Have a nice day.

#49 brandyarnold



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Posted 08 April 2010 - 11:46 PM

if you want to participate in the contests, you have to follow the rules. period.

Further, the 10 post rule is spelled out IN THE DESIGN BRIEF, so it is a member's own fault if they don't follow it. It's one simple rule. It's not difficult.

Quite frankly, this subject is getting old. Just follow the rules or go to another site that doesn't care about a community of designers sharing information, giving and receiving help, and growing in their craft.
:) Brandy

#50 Rage of Reason

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 01:07 AM

if you want to participate in the contests, you have to follow the rules. period.

Further, the 10 post rule is spelled out IN THE DESIGN BRIEF, so it is a member's own fault if they don't follow it. It's one simple rule. It's not difficult.

Quite frankly, this subject is getting old. Just follow the rules or go to another site that doesn't care about a community of designers sharing information, giving and receiving help, and growing in their craft.

“Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.”
Henry David Thoreau (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)

“Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt quotes (American 32nd US President (1933-45)

“Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind”
Douglas MacArthur quotes (American General who commanded the Southwest Pacific Theatre in World War II, 1880-1964)

I dislike the take or leave it attitude - follow the rules or go to an other site - but I cherish the fact that mindlessly strict discipline kills creativity and will go to an other site.

You can safely delete this comment that no doubt will be categorized as meaningless by you.

I wish you the best of luck with running the site.

#51 sharie



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Posted 09 April 2010 - 01:31 AM

rage of reason...are you understanding what posts we are deleting and why?

1. Requiring a 10 post rule makes the member follow through with the sign up procedure.

2. 10 post rule allows the member to get involved in the community and maybe start to like being involved in the forums.

3. Any member wanting to be an Elite ddesigner here is required to have 10 current meaningful posts. No "nice" or "upuppup" type posts.

4. The 10 post rules lets us get to know you!

I can keep going but I think I have made my point. Now I will say to everyone to stop the complaining and stop the stupid post padding posts THAT IS NO WAY TO BECOME AN ELITE DESIGNER!

The members here don't pay to join it is free and now they can enter some paid contests. Take the time to read the contest brief, learn the rules and yes we have rules and they will be followed if not the post and entry will be removed, that simple.

This griping and moaning about 10 post rule is just stupid! This is worse than school yard mentality of little kids crying this isn't fair. Besides we are not playing MARY POPPINS here.

To everyone fighting this 10 post rule grow up, and play nice do some reading you might just find something pretty cool! There is an enormous amount of information on this site and most members are more than willing to help someone out. One more thing you might finds some friends from all over the world!

“Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.”
Henry David Thoreau (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)

“Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt quotes (American 32nd US President (1933-45)

“Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind”
Douglas MacArthur quotes (American General who commanded the Southwest Pacific Theatre in World War II, 1880-1964)

I dislike the take or leave it attitude - follow the rules or go to an other site - but I cherish the fact that mindlessly strict discipline kills creativity and will go to an other site.

You can safely delete this comment that no doubt will be categorized as meaningless by you.

I wish you the best of luck with running the site.

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#52 Coy


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Posted 09 April 2010 - 04:11 PM

“Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.”
Henry David Thoreau (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)

It's foolish not to follow rules.
Coy (philosopher, designer 2010)

“Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt quotes (American 32nd US President (1933-45)

Principles behind set rules are sacred
Coy (philosopher, designer 2010)

“Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind”
Douglas MacArthur quotes (American General who commanded the Southwest Pacific Theatre in World War II, 1880-1964)

Broken rules result in banishment, the lazy are those that choose to break them. Therefor are useless.
Coy (philosopher, designer 2010)

I dislike the take or leave it attitude - follow the rules or go to an other site - but I cherish the fact that mindlessly strict discipline kills creativity and will go to an other site.

Following rules is in no way killing any creativity. it's simply a proceedure that has to be followed to allow you to show your creativity.
Good luck at the other sites that don't follow rules.. From my knowledge every site has some sort of set rules to foloow. The top design contest sites have more strict rules.

IN my opinion we now need to stop having open contests and go back to EDT only contests, simply because of idiots like you who pose NO rage of reason. ;)

You can safely delete this comment that no doubt will be categorized as meaningless by you.

I wish you the best of luck with running the site.

The sites be around this long with out you here I'm sure we'll be ok.. :cool:

#53 sharie



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Posted 09 April 2010 - 04:39 PM

As of 4/09/2010 any and all posts complaining and griping about the 10 post rule will be deleted and NOT counted in your post count

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#54 like an angel

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 07:14 PM

It's foolish not to follow rules.
Coy (philosopher, designer 2010)

where did i heard of this philosopher :p

Following rules is in no way killing any creativity. it's simply a proceedure that has to be followed to allow you to show your creativity.
Good luck at the other sites that don't follow rules.. From my knowledge every site has some sort of set rules to foloow. The top design contest sites have more strict rules.

thumbs up to coy;)

IN my opinion we now need to stop having open contests and go back to EDT only contests, simply because of idiots like you who pose NO rage of reason. ;)

:eek: that wont be fair bcuz these contests are a big motive to lots of designers :-(

BUT nice playing with words:p

The sites be around this long with out you here I'm sure we'll be ok.. :cool:

hmmm..one thing i want to say to rage of reason: u already past 10 posts..why still complaining !! wasn't so hard..was it??

As of 4/09/2010 any and all posts complaining and griping about the 10 post rule will be deleted and NOT counted in your post count


AND I HAVE TO AGREE WITH BRANDY..this conversation is getting old..i'm here for not a very long time and i'm bored already :confused:
RULES ARE RULES>> this is my principle :D:rolleyes:

Edited by like an angel, 09 April 2010 - 08:42 PM.

♥ Selma ♥
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#55 Coy


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Posted 09 April 2010 - 08:31 PM

EDIT: never mind.. it's not worth the time. lol

I think closing this is the best option for this thread????


#56 not2shabby



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Posted 10 April 2010 - 06:05 PM

Fair is fair. The more that we read in the forums, the more we learn.

We want to know our users. With open contests many users just go directly to submit their entries without even looking at the forums. But as you know the forums are a great source of information. A lot of things that you want to know have been already asked and answered here. But if the search does not give the needed results you can post your questions in the appropriate section. You can also use the forums to share your ideas about design, to show your works or just to chat about anything.

There is one small thing that I wanted to point out. If your "10 initial posts" are meaningless, we keep a right to set your post counter back to 0 and moreover suspend your account for a short period of time.

#57 not2shabby



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Posted 10 April 2010 - 06:07 PM

I am with you on this, There is plenty to contribute, and plenty to learn here.

You really, truly can't find 6 more threads that you have any opinion about? :confused: How about giving some other designers feedback on their "works in progress" submissions, how about linking to a tutorial in the tuts threads, how about suggesting a free font site, or a portfolio hosting site? There are hundreds of threads here. There's a real problem here if you can't find 10 things to say.

I find it hard to believe that you don't have an opinion about any other thread in the entire forum. Please remember that this site is a community first and foremost, to earn the privilege to enter contests, you have to contribute.

#58 scorpionagency


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Posted 11 April 2010 - 01:58 AM

Whilst the age old saying: "Rules were meant to be broken" sounds good in theory, If we really look hard at reality we would also realize that if everyone broke the rules, the world would be in a worse place than it is now. The crime waves would have over run any dignified attempts to instill peace, justice, fairness, caring, & compassion.

Governments would collapse without rules, policy, constitution, law. Whilst the easy way of breaking rules / Laws may seem like a FAST RESULTS answer at the time, Later in life we learn that the right way takes longer, is much harder to do, but normally produces solid long term benefits that can last a lifetime.

The moral of the story is, Just do it right the first time, follow the rules, & be happy. pretty simple concept :)

#59 not2shabby



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 02:52 AM

Oh who could be such a gullible fool
As one who would try to obey a rule?
A rule is a rule, they say with a sigh
but they'll always exist as years go by....

Written over 45 years ago by ME

Whilst the age old saying: "Rules were meant to be broken" sounds good in theory, If we really look hard at reality we would also realize that if everyone broke the rules, the world would be in a worse place than it is now. The crime waves would have over run any dignified attempts to instill peace, justice, fairness, caring, & compassion.

Governments would collapse without rules, policy, constitution, law. Whilst the easy way of breaking rules / Laws may seem like a FAST RESULTS answer at the time, Later in life we learn that the right way takes longer, is much harder to do, but normally produces solid long term benefits that can last a lifetime.

The moral of the story is, Just do it right the first time, follow the rules, & be happy. pretty simple concept :)

#60 yodah


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Posted 11 April 2010 - 09:53 AM

I was an admin on a different type of website for 10 years, so I know very well that sometimes it can get pretty complicated. The problem is, admins and moderators usually focused on trying to build and maintain a community, and there are users who register just to get specific things from the website, but don't care about the community at all. So the admins have to apply rules likes this one, to make the community grow.

As for this specific case, the 10 post rule is really not that strict. If you care about being part of the forum, after some reading you can make 10 posts in a couple of minutes. If you can't, then probably you were in just for the contests, not for the community. And if someone happen to miss a contest because of this rule, well, take it easy. Be patient, there is always a next one coming :)

Creativity flows, discipline cannot kill it.

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