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10 posts required to participate in open contests

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#101 Federicoleggio


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Posted 08 September 2010 - 08:43 AM

I'm with the group "i think these 10 posts are kinda useless"..I think it could be better making a "test" for the new users than just posting more than 10 posts :/

#102 ncuxuka


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Posted 18 September 2010 - 01:19 PM

well, yes I think a test really would be more appropriate for the new users (like me). This rule is strange, i mean: Yes,before uploading I wanted to ask a thing or two as well, so I have 5-6 questions. After the search I found 2-3 answers so now I only have 2-3 questions...but I still have to think of 7 more, just to be able to upload...why?

Kind regards,
Stefan V.

#103 chooey98



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Posted 18 September 2010 - 01:56 PM

After uploading designs on another website and getting slammed very harshly, I think the required 10 posts requirement is a good one. I have much to learn, and hanging out here on the forum will benefit me a lot. Thanks!

#104 ncuxuka


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Posted 18 September 2010 - 02:00 PM

yes, but you would probably read things in the forum anyway, so what is the point of "forcing" people to write here before participating...?

#105 scorpionagency


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Posted 18 September 2010 - 04:57 PM

ncuxuka said

well, yes I think a test really would be more appropriate for the new users (like me). This rule is strange, i mean: Yes,before uploading I wanted to ask a thing or two as well, so I have 5-6 questions. After the search I found 2-3 answers so now I only have 2-3 questions...but I still have to think of 7 more, just to be able to upload...why?

Kind regards,
Stefan V.

ncuxuka said

yes, but you would probably read things in the forum anyway, so what is the point of "forcing" people to write here before participating...?

Participating in a community you feel is beneficial to you shouldn't really be that big of a deal in the first place.

In your previous comment you mentioned that you may not have enough questions for 10 posts and that you may not be able to think of anymore to ask. Well, you don't have to just ask questions, if you have any knowledge in the field of design (Which you should when participating in a design contest), I would think that you might even be able to help other members by contributing to their question threads and giving them an answer.

Even if your knowledge to very limited due to being new to the industry, it's nice to get others opinions on various design topics.

As for your mentioning of forcing people to post 10 QUALITY posts, it's for both the benefit of the community (as a whole) and for you. The community because your insight may help someone here that otherwise might not of known the answer to something. You, because you might just learn something new yourself after reading through a few threads, asking questions, and collaborating with other members.

The 10 QUALITY post rule helps cut back on individuals looking for a quick buck and encourages them to become an active participant of the community. Which, even though it may seem to some at first that this place is just about submitting designs and trying to grab prizes, it's NOT! This community is much more than a submitting platform, it's a place to meet others with the same interests as you, a portal to help us all better our best, A place to find answers to the questions we were unsure of, A place to feel good about yourself as you help other striving designers in their quest, & a place to test your skills in a competitive atmosphere as well.

Sportsmanship is important in competition, and I think that the 10 QUALITY post rule helps designers understand sportsmanship a bit more when they help each other prior to & after competing for a win.

So don't look at it in such a negative light. Try looking at the bright side and all the wonderful people you are going to meet that's on the same team as you. That's right, we are ALL on the same team here, so, with that in mind, Help us, help YOU!. :)

Edited by scorpionagency, 18 September 2010 - 05:04 PM.

#106 thewestlifeboy


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Posted 21 September 2010 - 11:46 AM

there are too much things to know about design contest & very strict rules for the designer.

#107 ereis


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Posted 21 September 2010 - 07:06 PM

Thank you scorpionagency. You outlined that very well and it makes a lot of sense. It cleared up a few things I have been wondering about. Your post is definitely what I would call a quality post.

This one, on the other hand, may not be...

But I really wanted to let you know that your info helped me out. :)

#108 nroom


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Posted 22 September 2010 - 10:18 AM

I respect the rules of the comunity,
and I found 10 post rule very good for us as Designer,
that make between us more Friendship,
and we can learning some intresting things here.

#109 Jeffrey64


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Posted 22 September 2010 - 11:50 AM

I don't really approve this system, but it made me check out some tutorials before I started to learn something...
It's still annoying.


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Posted 22 September 2010 - 09:11 PM

Jeffrey64 said

I don't really approve this system, but it made me check out some tutorials before I started to learn something...
It's still annoying.

but you are doing great so far! hope to see you in the contests soon.

#111 darthsheep



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Posted 24 September 2010 - 12:36 PM

i've been reading the discussion in the early posts between brandyarnold and rage of reason, and as far as it seems, both have points that should be considered. Even though its all about user experience when it comes to website development, I feel that this one is more likely to retain frequent users than letting new ones just post their designs without further interaction BECAUSE its not about rankings and pageviews. Its about spreading knowledge. A little while back, i'd think of this as something that made things slow down, but as far as i think this community was made for the reason i said above, there's no reason to complain about 10 posts at all. There are other sites out there that just let you submit your work. So, good luck if you're not willing to post here. Find yourself another site.
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#112 ghafel


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Posted 26 September 2010 - 03:37 PM

thats all right to take a look around before submitting

#113 Evee



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Posted 17 October 2010 - 03:42 AM

ok so make it a little clear here for a newbee..
Each time I submit a design to a contest I need to come to the forum during the contest length and post 10 statements. Is that right?
Well I don't think I can post anything yet as I have not done the application yet. But will soon.

#114 brandyarnold



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Posted 17 October 2010 - 11:49 PM

Evee said

ok so make it a little clear here for a newbee..
Each time I submit a design to a contest I need to come to the forum during the contest length and post 10 statements. Is that right?
Well I don't think I can post anything yet as I have not done the application yet. But will soon.

Hi Evee - No, that's not quite right... the 10-post rule means that a new user must submit 10 meaningful posts into the forum before they are able to enter any contests. Once the user has reached 10 initial posts, they are able to participate in the profession design contests.

Continuing to post in the forums is not a requirement, but will most likely result in the user not becoming an Elite Design Member, as forum participation is an important factor in EDT application acceptance.
:) Brandy

#115 KForbesDesign


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:56 AM

Wow, interesting process and concerns of users. I don't mind the 10 post rule, i'm just finding out interesting tricks and tips from the website! +1!

#116 soldation2010


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 01:27 PM

Honestly, I entered this website like many others to grab a prize if I can .... but the way scorpionagency pointed the things made me change the idea. Thanks a lot! I'l keep participating and QUALITY posting in the future ... Anyway, what I suggest is to have some information about this 10posting rules and all stuff like that from the very begining in the website...... (I've done some logos and when I tried to post them, snap!! the rule of 10!).
Thanks a lot again guys!

#117 aik



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Posted 19 October 2010 - 06:28 PM

At first I felt a little bit burdened by the 10 post rules, but I realize that every community had their own rules, and as a new comer I think it is polite to follow and learn first. And then without concerning too much with the number, it was 10 already :)
It is funny to see that quite a lot complaining posted while meantime those posts proofed itself how it is useful as a communication, and it added up to the counts too.

#118 GBravo1207


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 06:44 PM

resurepus said

We want to know our users. With open contests many users just go directly to submit their entries without even looking at the forums. But as you know the forums are a great source of information. A lot of things that you want to know have been already asked and answered here. But if the search does not give the needed results you can post your questions in the appropriate section. You can also use the forums to share your ideas about design, to show your works or just to chat about anything.

There is one small thing that I wanted to point out. If your "10 initial posts" are meaningless, we keep a right to set your post counter back to 0 and moreover suspend your account for a short period of time.

I can see where you're coming from. Short meaningless posts only waste space, and don't help people find answers to their questions. If you want those kind of answers, just ask someone, who has no clue about art and design, for it.

#119 aik



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Posted 20 October 2010 - 05:47 AM

I agree with you Gabriel, while the forum is a valuable place to find answers, sometimes we stumble with huge posts and some of them are meaningless, which make it more difficult to find answers. (I'm not sure the exact limitation of meaningless, maybe sometime my posts are meaningless too, sorry for that, hehe)

(But we have to appreciate the willingness to help by some of the members, which sometimes don't even have a clue about the answer. That's is a problem of many forums, not just DC forum.)

Edited by aik, 20 October 2010 - 05:53 AM.

#120 LeFlowDesign


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Posted 22 October 2010 - 12:56 AM

Im in love with this network, so ill do whatever it takes!
what does the Flat Colors on the template refers to? is it for gradient logos?

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