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New profiles discussion

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#21 Oleksandrm



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 12:06 PM

Profiles are now live. Bug reports are welcomed here. New feature requests are welcomed here. Few days later we will update it a bit - add button for clients "Favorite" on Portfolio Home page, not only at one entry page + we will update your header soon - at your portfolio pages you will have different fixed header for unregistered users, kind of this: 9E2pzewia56GrY.jpg

  • Babba, no longer here, PaintedPony and 2 others like this

#22 HappyGD



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:17 PM

Overall the new profile pages are nice, good work Oleks :)


—- The clients' comments/ranking section is a good addition


—- I personally don't like the 'Invite to Contest' feature.... it's very annoying :S Maybe consider removing it all together or changing how it functions?


—- The 'import from Behance' option needs refinement. Right now it allows me to import anyone's work into my portfolio. It would make sense to have me log in first and allow me to only import work from my portfolio

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#23 Oleksandrm



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:21 PM

Overall the new profile pages are nice, good work Oleks :)


—- The clients' comments/ranking section is a good addition


—- I personally don't like the 'Invite to Contest' feature.... it's very annoying :S Maybe consider removing it all together or changing how it functions?


—- The 'import from Behance' option needs refinement. Right now it allows me to import anyone's work into my portfolio. It would make sense to have me log in first and allow me to only import work from my portfolio

1) We are happy you like it ;)

2) Invite would be improved a bit, soon - you won`t see contests with invitations in your menu + some fixes;

3) Behance do not have "authorization" in its API. So, If your profile at behance is public, any designer could open it, save all images and than upload to DC profiles. With "import" button its a bit easier, but overall, if smb wants to upload your works - we can`t stop him. Hope that your colleagues will be honest :) If you will find that someone uses "wrong" entries - please let us know. 

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#24 Oleksandrm



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:34 PM

Also, we will updates our rules for profiles soon, but personal information and links to personal websites still are not allowed.


We are doing our best to keep all your work with clients at our website (for example, One-on-one fees are only $10+10%, adding Hire buttons everywhere), just to make sure that you will get a new design order with us. 


Bad example:



We will update rules soon, so please, fill your new profiles WITHOUT your personal info. 

#25 no longer here

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:51 PM

:) OK


Thanks, Sasha. Good job.


P.S. Sasha, could you please add the following filters please?



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#26 no longer here

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:56 PM

BTW, any changes on the way rating counts?

#27 Oleksandrm



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:00 PM

:) OK


Thanks, Sasha. Good job.


P.S. Sasha, could you please add the following filters please?




Ok, we will think about this, thank you for suggestion. 


BTW, any changes on the way rating counts?


This will be uploaded soon, also with Designers Court suggestions. 

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#28 no longer here

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:18 PM

Sasha, the winning entries should be updated/fetched from the final entry submitted in the Finalization mode. 

#29 Oleksandrm



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:21 PM

Sasha, the winning entries should be updated/fetched from the final entry submitted in the Finalization mode. 


I remember about this, thank you. We need to change a bit our finalization process, to make this works, would be done soon. 

#30 Oleksandrm



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:33 PM

Don`t forget that you are able to add designs to any tab (except winning) from /MyDesigns/ and sort your designs => just drag any design to new place. 

#31 PaintedPony



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 05:53 PM

WOWEE! Looks good! :)

Here are some suggestions/questions/input:

1) What pixel size is the portfolio banner so we can create and upload new image?

2) Are there any 'rules/regulations' pertaining to what can be included on our folio banner?
I would have thought NO personal contact information (email, phone #, website, etc.), but we now have social media button links and that info is usually included on those sites.

3) Can we move the Winning Entries Tab to be first?

4) Can we move winning designs around? I noticed I have some GOLD designs down below my bronze.

5) I noticed some winning entries are showing up in my gold, silver and bronze folio that were from blind contests
I'm guessing they were from blind contests and not HIDDEN contests where CH chose to have their contest hidden from search engines


6) I like the review tab. Looks like they are from 1:1 projects. I haven't actually seen some of those comments until now.

7) I like that we can "LIKE" a design in a designer's folio by clicking on the little 'heart' icon under the design. I'm guessing the designer will receive notification that someone liked their design?
Looks like we can also leave a comment, but it is not working yet.

What is the little 'eye' icon for? Doesn't seem to be working yet.


Thanks! :)

  • EcoDesigns and HappyGD like this

“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle” – Winston Churchill

#32 Ridder



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 06:14 PM

- Why I don't have my feedback stars? * * * * * I have some fives!


- I think the winning entries should be updated/fetched from the final preview submitted along with source files.

Sasha, the winning entries should be updated/fetched from the final entry submitted in the Finalization mode. 


- Please fix sorting medals in Wining Entries tab. Sort by gold then date. Some are mixed.


- I have a duplicated gold medal/spot. The same entry appears twice. One of them takes another entry place. Sometimes it happens, sometimes not.


Thanks! it looks great.

#33 EcoDesigns


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 07:51 PM

Awesome Job with the profile/portfolio pages. Kudos!!


Few things that I noticed:


1) My Gold medal count is showing incorrect.

2) I liked the way we had big medals hanging from top of each entry vs the small ones that are on the bottom right now and tough to see.

3) It will be nice to have gold medals first then silver and last bronze on the winning entries tab (right now they are all mixed up)

4) Can we have the winning entries tab first and then portfolio tab? Or can we make it an option for the designers to choose themselves, like drag and change the order of tabs, however they like it?

5) Lastly, although it might be great for DC's marketing, but adding the social media page links might contradict the policy of not sharing personal contact info? Aren't we opening a channel for direct contact?



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#34 Babba


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 09:04 PM

Olek, could you please visit Moderators only section regarding the theme?


#35 graphman



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 02:46 AM

I think it would be cool if we could change the background color of the portfolio section. White, grey, or black.

#36 graphman



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 02:47 AM

I think it would be cool if we could change the background color of the portfolio section. White, grey, or black.

#37 morabira


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 03:30 AM

Good Job!
...Any chance to view visitors of our public profile?

#38 operhal


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:39 AM

When you click on entries you can't go on contest page :( and one of the gold medal is missing I have 48 gold medals not 47 :)

#39 Oleksandrm



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 08:18 AM

WOWEE! Looks good! :)

Here are some suggestions/questions/input:

1) What pixel size is the portfolio banner so we can create and upload new image?

2) Are there any 'rules/regulations' pertaining to what can be included on our folio banner?
I would have thought NO personal contact information (email, phone #, website, etc.), but we now have social media button links and that info is usually included on those sites.

3) Can we move the Winning Entries Tab to be first?

4) Can we move winning designs around? I noticed I have some GOLD designs down below my bronze.

5) I noticed some winning entries are showing up in my gold, silver and bronze folio that were from blind contests
I'm guessing they were from blind contests and not HIDDEN contests where CH chose to have their contest hidden from search engines


6) I like the review tab. Looks like they are from 1:1 projects. I haven't actually seen some of those comments until now.

7) I like that we can "LIKE" a design in a designer's folio by clicking on the little 'heart' icon under the design. I'm guessing the designer will receive notification that someone liked their design?
Looks like we can also leave a comment, but it is not working yet.

What is the little 'eye' icon for? Doesn't seem to be working yet.


Thanks! :)



We are happy that you like it. 


Here is answers:


1) When you are uploading and image, you have a recommendations: 



2) We will update guidelines soon, but now - no adult content, no contact info, no links to your website are allowed. 


3) We have thought about this many times, you are able to move all tabs, except Portfolio - the main reason - we need 1 basic tab for URL /designer/yourname/ - which will be static and displayed for Google. You may add any entries to you Portfolio tab, even if it is a winner, from MyDesigns menu or manually. 


4) You can move designs at any tab except winning - there are such order => NON PRIVATE contests => Gold by date, silver by date, bronze by date =>PRIVATE contests => Gold by date, silver by date, bronze by date. Private medals are hidden with LOCK image if you are not logged in. 


5) Blind contests are opened for users after winner is selected. All medals from Blind contests are displayed at your portfolio :) 


6) Thats good. Yes, reviews comes from One-on-one projects. Also, we are planning to ad an option for client post a review for you, if you have been selected as a winner at contest. 


7) We won`t to overspill you with notifications, so now - you won`t receive a notification after smbd like, comment or view your work in portfolio. We may discuss it here and develop this onsite notifications later. EYE icon means "unique views" of your 1 design page. Comment icon display comments amount under your work. You are able to leave comments at 1 design page. We will add tooltips today. 


- Why I don't have my feedback stars? * * * * * I have some fives!


- I think the winning entries should be updated/fetched from the final preview submitted along with source files.


- Please fix sorting medals in Wining Entries tab. Sort by gold then date. Some are mixed.


- I have a duplicated gold medal/spot. The same entry appears twice. One of them takes another entry place. Sometimes it happens, sometimes not.


Thanks! it looks great.


1) Looks like you haven`t completed any One-on-one projects :( 

2) Thats true, we will work on this;

3) Sorting are ok. Please, look my previous answer #4 to PaintedPony;

4) Please, provide a detailed screenshots - this will really help us to fix this ASAP.



Awesome Job with the profile/portfolio pages. Kudos!!


Few things that I noticed:


1) My Gold medal count is showing incorrect.

2) I liked the way we had big medals hanging from top of each entry vs the small ones that are on the bottom right now and tough to see.

3) It will be nice to have gold medals first then silver and last bronze on the winning entries tab (right now they are all mixed up)

4) Can we have the winning entries tab first and then portfolio tab? Or can we make it an option for the designers to choose themselves, like drag and change the order of tabs, however they like it?

5) Lastly, although it might be great for DC's marketing, but adding the social media page links might contradict the policy of not sharing personal contact info? Aren't we opening a channel for direct contact?




1) Please, provide more info about this. We have counted your medals twice - all look legit => you have 51 medals in stats and 51 entry at winning tab;

2) We are sorry, design is changed => now the accent is on you cool design, not at our medal :) 

3) Please, read my answer #4 to PaintedPony

4) Please, read my answer #3 to PaintedPony

5) We do not see any problems if somebody would share your profile in social networks :) Hope this will provide more One-on-one Projects to you.





Olek, could you please visit Moderators only section regarding the theme?




Ok, I`ll do it ASAP :) 


I think it would be cool if we could change the background color of the portfolio section. White, grey, or black.


This option is available: 



Good Job!
...Any chance to view visitors of our public profile?


Do you want to see a statistic, or detailed info? We could provide info who liked your designs, for example. Count each user who visit your portfolio and provide this information for you is not so easy. I`m not sure that designers need this functional. 


When you click on entries you can't go on contest page :( and one of the gold medal is missing I have 48 gold medals not 47 :)


You can. If the entry is winning, or added automatically to portfolio, or added by you form my designs => you have link to contest 1 entry page: 


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#40 morabira


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 08:29 AM

No problem...don't have to if it is not easy :)

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