8.29.07 Dc Banner Contest
Posted 04 September 2007 - 05:16 PM
sure you can post comments about other works here. Moreover insightful comments that help users improve their work are very much appreciated! That is why this section is called community contests!### i am not sure , i can talk about others 'banner or not ? .If i would't do please tell me. ###
Posted 04 September 2007 - 05:32 PM
The logo looks much better in vector! Good job on the banners!
I'm glad! Thanks!
Posted 04 September 2007 - 09:50 PM
New member and I'm trying to find the manage attachments button..........am I blind?
welcome here...i am new here too and i faced what u face, i am afraid u r not able to find the attachment button, try to host on a free server then embed ur file within your post....
do well!

Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:17 PM

my attempt:
Posted 06 September 2007 - 12:07 AM

Posted 06 September 2007 - 02:06 PM
hi, my first submission and first attempt. I only don't know how to make the link in flash. Tried on(release) { getUrl("http://www.designcontests.net")}; attached to a button that covers the whole area an is transparant, but it didn't work... perhaps anyone can point out what I did wrong or just tell me how to make the link work?
my attempt:
!!!designcontest not designcontests!!!
quick, change it before anyone realises

Posted 06 September 2007 - 02:21 PM
!!!designcontest not designcontests!!!
quick, change it before anyone realises
haha, thx. I just changed it, but was just a moment to late for resurepus.. Allthough he did not mention it

resurepus - Yeah I know. I mentioned it in my post, but I don't know how to do it, so asked if someone knew a quick fix

Thx for the comments!
Posted 06 September 2007 - 03:08 PM
I like the flash, but the logo opening up, Chung dha did this in his entry.... I'd love to see something unique & different....

Posted 06 September 2007 - 03:12 PM
just create a transparent button the size of your document. and write in its actionscript to open http://designcontest.com on release.resurepus - Yeah I know. I mentioned it in my post, but I don't know how to do it, so asked if someone knew a quick fix
Thx for the comments!
Posted 06 September 2007 - 05:08 PM
resurepus - Yeah I know. I mentioned it in my post, but I don't know how to do it, so asked if someone knew a quick fix
Thx for the comments!
well, i think it goes like this:
1. the transparent movieclip has to be named: e.g. - "mymc", so you'd be able to refer to it
2.in a frame's ActionScript window (why not the first frame? - for your visibility) put the following code, changing only "mymc" with your movie clip instance name (you get to name your instance in the lower part of the screen - properties):
mymc.onRelease=function(){ getURL("http://www.designcontest.com","_blank"); }
hope this works for you

Posted 06 September 2007 - 05:31 PM
I like the flash, but the logo opening up, Chung dha did this in his entry.... I'd love to see something unique & different....
hehe so true

EggGirl - I tried that code before, just like you wrote it and now i tried it again.. but it just won't work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm getting the following error:
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method getURL.
I use Flash CS3 and did the following:
Created a new layer called 'link'. In that layer I created a new rectangle and transformed it into a movieclip symbol called mvcLink. The instance I also named mvcLink, at the properties I changed color to Alpha and set it to 0%.
Now I inserted the code at frame 1 of the 'link' layer (of course changed the instance name to mvcLink).
Posted 06 September 2007 - 05:57 PM
hehe so true
I'll see if I can come up with fresh..
EggGirl - I tried that code before, just like you wrote it and now i tried it again.. but it just won't work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm getting the following error:
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method getURL.
I use Flash CS3 and did the following:
Created a new layer called 'link'. In that layer I created a new rectangle and transformed it into a movieclip symbol called mvcLink. The instance I also named mvcLink, at the properties I changed color to Alpha and set it to 0%.
Now I inserted the code at frame 1 of the 'link' layer (of course changed the instance name to mvcLink).
i think it is probably because when you created the flash document you have selected new ActionScript 3.0 file (at least this is why i get error messages when trying to code something).
i can't think of another reason for that error message you've received - so check that out - maybe you're in AS 3.0.

Posted 06 September 2007 - 06:38 PM
function gotoAuthorPage(event:MouseEvent):void { var targetURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.designcontest.com"); navigateToURL(targetURL); } lowenbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAuthorPage);
Posted 06 September 2007 - 10:31 PM
lowen.f, if you are in ActionScript3, you can use the following code (just insert it in the first frame of your movie. And replace "lowenbutton" with the name of your button.
function gotoAuthorPage(event:MouseEvent):void { var targetURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.designcontest.com"); navigateToURL(targetURL); } lowenbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAuthorPage);
thx resurepus, that code worked! I guess it was because it was actionscript3, but thanks for trying to help me anyway Egggirl!

The only thing is, when you mouseover the banner, the mousecursor doesn't change in a hand. So the user doesn't know instinctivly that it's clickable. Though the flashing message does say so, so for some people it might be a little harder to understand

Also added a small border around it.
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