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Rating Point

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#1 ezze790


    Junior Member

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Posted 29 June 2016 - 07:07 AM

Been experienced this for a while and it's kind of confusing me.
When you were rated for your design by CH, I take it as a sign that we're on the right track of what they'll likes.
And, when we're being down rated, it's makes us to improve more better design and keep sending them the better entries.
But, it's feels kind of wrong, when you're eliminated at the end of the contest and lost your rates.
After we make an effort, by sending them the better improvement on the design they've
been rating.
Can anybody enlighten or tells me your opinion about this?
From what I learned, CH can still pick another to win their contest, even though there's
a highest rating on their contest, is it?
Because, I think rating points are some sort of appreciations for your hardworks from CH besides the prizes.
I wish in the future updates, the eliminated button will be unable for CH after they rates designs. However, the CH still have the control to down rates
the designs that they choose.
Thanks all

  • Octagon, mazzaki and imranpro like this

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