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Bug report on "One-on-One"

Bug Report Feature One-on-One

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#1 Mahendra_Mahe


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Posted 23 December 2019 - 12:21 PM

Hello Sharie, mods and all of DC staff :) I just want to tell you guys about some bug which found in One-on-One room. The first is, I found when client is comment on an entry, the tag number of the design, ex: #1, #2, #3, etc. isn't auto created, because that problem, we had miscommunication, and finally I requested to repeat his comment with tagging the number entry. I think this problem could make the client is a bit uncomfortable. Another one is, when I submitted a file in "Entries" tab with same name with previous file, I see the new file which uploaded is same with previous. Firstly, I think it's my fault when I uploaded the file, but I try to repeat again and the case is still same. So, please to engineer to fix this problem, thank you so much :)

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#2 ramsro



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Posted 23 December 2019 - 03:31 PM

I confirm that I also had issues with a recent 1-1. None of the "bullet points" worked and I had a lot of comments without knowing where to look. It is also weird that when I want to check the comments I have for one entry, I see all the messages I have for all the other entries and general comments.

Also, there is a small bug during finalization stage. If changes must be done and you upload an image on that page, the image can't be view in a full-size mode, just a small thumbnail. So I always must find other ways to show clients the latest updates.

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#3 Mahendra_Mahe


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Posted 23 December 2019 - 11:41 PM

Hhmm.. I think for the "Bullet point", it's crutial and engineer must be fix this problem asap. Client doesn't like to tagging the entry manually when the comment icon is available like in the contest, but had a different ways to use.


For the bug in thumbnail, I don't know about that, because I didn't send the entries again after client approve the final design, I just uploading the resourse in "Source" tab with zip file format and responding the feedback from client, if client doesn't get the format what he needed, I made the file format and zipping again and uploading again in "Source" tab. So, in source tab I only uploaded zip file, because I think, that mean resource for the client. If the bug is here, I think in the "Source" tab must be restricted with specific file format such as compressed file or/and/without image file, if with image file format, there must be able to make the pop-up feature like in the entries tab, because if source tab is able to upload all of the file format, it's possible to designer uploading doc, xls, exe, dmg, txt, bat, sh, inf, etc for the client. If the bug in the "Entries" tab, I think, it has been fixed, because I see the thumbnail is pop-up when I hover in. Hope the engineer is also fix this bug.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Bug, Report, Feature, One-on-One

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