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Bug report/Improvement for "Contests"

Bug Report Feature Improvement Contests

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#1 Mahendra_Mahe


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Posted 11 January 2020 - 07:44 AM

Hello Admin @sharie, mods and staff. I just want to request a feature for "Comment" section in the "Contests" room. Please to disable/hidden the textarea and "Post" button if the contest has been expired. Because it's possible to do something violation from both CH and designers, such as share a link which is related to continue the contest outside DC platform. Thank you very much.

#2 Babba


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Posted 11 January 2020 - 08:24 PM

That is developer's work. I am not sure if it fits in the site concept. With that I meant, it is okay to reply to the client even when the contest is closed. Rule violation is possible when the contest is open as well. Outside contact is not allowed. What happens outside it will not be considered valid on DC. That may be harmful both for client and designer. 

Anyway, I believe DC developer did take this issue in consideration, and maybe they will reconsider it. Maybe admin Sharie knows more about it. 

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#3 Mahendra_Mahe


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Posted 16 September 2020 - 11:50 AM

Hi, all. Congratulations for DC for the new interface of the website :D But, I see the new site has many bugs. But, I believe the developer could fix all the bugs soon :)  I just want to ask about the empty brief in many contests. This is a bug or client is on purpose to emptying the brief. Or this empty brief is only seeing on me. Hope admin Sharie could explain about this. If this is a bug please to solve this soon, because I think this is one of the crucial bugs. Thank you very much.

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#4 alld


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Posted 16 September 2020 - 09:39 PM

Hi, all. Congratulations for DC for the new interface of the website :D But, I see the new site has many bugs. But, I believe the developer could fix all the bugs soon :)  I just want to ask about the empty brief in many contests. This is a bug or client is on purpose to emptying the brief. Or this empty brief is only seeing on me. Hope admin Sharie could explain about this. If this is a bug please to solve this soon, because I think this is one of the crucial bugs. Thank you very much.

Thank you for reporting this bug! We will get the developers on it ASAP.


Please send us more screenshots of bugs that you may experience.

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#5 Mahendra_Mahe


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Posted 17 September 2020 - 06:38 AM

Thank you for reporting this bug! We will get the developers on it ASAP.


Please send us more screenshots of bugs that you may experience.


Hi, admin alld, nice to meet you :) This is another bug and my request improvement for the contest. 


#################### BUG REPORT #####################

1. Self avatar in the comment section can't appear, I think it's only about wrong source image, see here.


############### IMPROVEMENT REQUEST ################

1. Please don't make a change about the brief comment on brief tab, it will more efficient than moving in the comment tab and check the "Brief related" to write a comment. Because, sometimes we have a case, we want to ask something to client but we forget and need to read the brief again. It's possible to make a new tab with the brief, but I think it is not efficient, see this.

2. Please bring back the edit comment tool :')


Hope developer can handle this too. Thank you very much :)

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#6 Mahendra_Mahe


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Posted 24 September 2020 - 12:48 AM

#################### BUG REPORT #####################

1. Feature drag n drop in the "submit" cannot work, it only works with click n select file.

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#7 CKS


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Posted 02 October 2020 - 06:10 PM

Hello there DCTeam!
Just to report another bug.
Looks like the "withdraw design option" isn´t working, as i´ve tried to make that and i still seeing my design.
Could you please check if that information is correct.
Thanks in advance!

  • Mahendra_Mahe and allynien like this

#8 Mahendra_Mahe


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 05:07 AM

Hi, Admin Sharie, mods and DC staff. I got some new bugs here on the contest.
############### BUG REPORT #################
1. The normal contest doesn't have a silver and bronze medal anymore, please to bring back this feature because it is still important to give designers an appreciation for their works and could increased their experience to the next level.
2. The contest that having prize for the 2nd and 3rd didn't give a notification on the DesignContest notification and on the email if the contest holder has chosen the winners. We must routine to self-checked the contest (Contest 123) which we joined with DC search engine if the contest has been expired to ensure if we chosen as the 2nd or 3rd winner, because I believe the notification still appears on the 1st winner and on the not winner. Please don't give the winning designer an infraction if they don't uploaded the source files in the 24 hours, because I believe they don't know if they has been chosen as a 2nd or 3rd winner in the contest, just give him/her an email or notification to their account to upload the source files until this bug is fixed.
3. We doesn't get an email notification anymore if the contest holder has chosen the winners (not self) on a contest which we joined, the notification email still active for design rating and eliminated design.
Please to admin Sharie to forward this report to the developer so they can fixing these bugs. Thank you very much before.

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#9 Mariia_1


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Posted 08 December 2020 - 10:47 AM

:cool:  :cool:  :cool:

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#10 sharie



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Posted 11 December 2020 - 03:19 PM

:cool:  :D  :cool:

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