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Is this RACIAL????

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#1 Coy


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Posted 22 December 2009 - 07:02 PM

Ok so my boss wanted me to make some fake money.. You know how it goes. you ask a favor and someone jokinly says sure for $200.. So my boss thought it'd be funny, neet or what have you to give them some "play" money.

Well I made her the $200 and printed off some extras to just mess with.

OK FOLLOWING ME SO FAR???? ;) good...

So it's now Christmas time now and she gives everyone a little chocolate bag and a card with $200 of this play money.. Right..


So a co worker askes her where she got it or who made it. Sent them my way...

So I was asked by this co-worker why I made it.. I can tell she's a little upset but not saying anything. I tell her and she walks off and I hear something under her breath. so ask "what's that?" (oh why oh why did I ask..)
She starts in with how it's racist and all.. I asked what was racist about it..

"Oh you haven't been following??:mad: all the president stuff and money going around?" I'm like NO?
I stated "it wasn't racial at all" and just walked off. laughing and shaking my head..

So is this racist to you? I simply went through all my pics to see what fit the best. it had no racial intent when designed or when used for this application..

Posted Image

edit:need to take names out. :D

Edited by Coy, 22 December 2009 - 07:10 PM.

#2 brandyarnold



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Posted 22 December 2009 - 07:57 PM

Wow, people really need to lighten up, don't they!?. These days you can't even swing a dead cat without offending someone. ;)

I don't think it's racist at all, and quite frankly wouldn't have even made that connection had you just shown the money without the backstory. I think it's really cute!

(then again, i'm usually the person that ends up accidentally offending people all the time....)
:) Brandy

#3 brandyarnold



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Posted 22 December 2009 - 07:59 PM

I'd be more offended that I got fake money instead of the real stuff. HA!
:) Brandy

#4 onesummer



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 12:42 AM

some people are always looking for something offensive wherever they can find it in order to complain and get attention. my only guess as to why she thought it offensive is simply because our current president is african-american, and you used an ape's face on the bill. many people may see that as offensive. and, honestly, the thing doesnt even look like an ape's face; i only say ape because it says so beneath it.

sadly in today's society, you really have to think about things really hard to be sure it can't get taken the wrong way, especially in the work place. next time slap a photo of Einstein's face on the bill and call it a day.

brandy, i agree, if real money had been handed out, that employee would have been huggin' coy instead of yellin' at him.
- onesummer (paul)

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#5 sharie



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 01:04 AM

People can be so dang sensitive these days. NO I don't think this is racist at all. I did see some funny money that had obama on it and it was in bad taste but not racist. I have some with obama that looked great and some not so good. I understand that some folks have refered to African Americans as "nap hair monkeys" So is that what the lady (your co-worker) has issues with?

I thought it look like something from donkey kong but I see cartoons in about anything and everything : )

Thinking about racial slurs and such.....Have your heard the term "I jewed him down" I NEVER ever thought anything about that being a racial remark. I was at a gathering a few yrs back and we were all talking about bargains you might find at a swap meet or yard sale. I mentioned this antique trunk I found at a yard sale and said I jewed the guy down another 100 bucks. OMG I thought I was going to need the secret service to take me away from the crowd. I didn't know it was a jewish slur it was just a term that family members have used for a long time and never considered the origin.

Being PC has gotten to the point of just being insane.

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#6 Skanda



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 01:52 PM

Ask him about he smokes some kind of illegal substances,maybe he needs to change his seller...hahahahahhahahaha!

No racist beings in that pic u show us...Also could be he was so confused ´cuz he is in abuse of zoofilic and his favourite animal could be the sheep,instead he could think is a shame that u don´t use a sheep in ur art.If u understand that u could see that is racism beings against the sheeps...
Posted Image

#7 brandyarnold



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 02:47 PM

hahah! Sheepism.
:) Brandy

#8 sevehn


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Posted 23 December 2009 - 04:36 PM

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ....

NOPE! - def. not racist!

did u try to ask the monkey?

hahahahhaha JOKE JOKE JOKE !!!!

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#9 sharie



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 04:39 PM


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#10 Coy


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Posted 23 December 2009 - 06:09 PM

So far the only person that has had a problem with it is that one person. I was about to go in front of a store and show them the money to see what others thought, but figured that was a bit much.. LOL

Sharie I've been in that situation before. Now days you can't scratch your ass in public with out someone being offended.

What my co-worker doesn't know is that I'm of multiple ethnic origins. I've been called mexican and even been told I looked like a terrorist (because I didn't shave for a couple weeks and hand't had a hair cut in about a month and a half). But because I live in a area that gets little sun I'm very light colored.
My Aunt is from Barbados(sp) (is black) so when I see her next I'm going to ask her opinion about it.

Any way thanks for the feedback.

#11 sharie



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 06:30 PM

I might be way off base here but I think one problem is the loss of humor. So many people don't laugh or have fun anymore. They are all so busy with work or having hard times makes one lose humor also. Produstion has replace humor also. Intolerance has replaced humor also. You also have a group of people that have been wronged in some kind of way and then carry the wrong with them and becpme angry all the time. Time of war and other police actions devide people also bringing up new and old issues of race to religion.

Does your co-worker have a sense of humor? laugh at anything or know how to have fun?

just my opinion.

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#12 Coy


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Posted 23 December 2009 - 07:12 PM

Does your co-worker have a sense of humor? laugh at anything or know how to have fun?

I have no clue. I really don't talk to anyone at work. Unless I need to.
When I'm at work I'd rather keep to my self and get stuff done.

I dislike the drama that tends to happen at work, there are always "did you hear", or "so and so said or did something" blah blah....fricken blah...

I hate how adults tend to act like children, complain and bitch about anything and everything. people at work can't even where perfume because so and so is allergic to smells what a crock.

I think there could be more produtivity if people would get their work done instead of gossiping about anything and everything.

Don't get me wrong I talk and joke with people but keep it brief. No reason to start talking about what went on from my 3rd grade to 6th grade school years for 3 hours.

The reason I act this way is because when I first started working "here" we had an 1.5 hour long meeting about why so and so said this about so and so.
Towards the end of the meeting I proped my cowboy boots on the table and stated how this was a waist of time and people shouldn't waist it talking about things they don't have a clue about. Asked to be excused to go learn my job.

#13 brandyarnold



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 07:25 PM

Coy, if I didn't know better, I'd think we worked in the same office.. the amount of gossip and whispering behind closed doors at that place is completely ridiculous!

I feel your pain! But, I think you're doing the right thing, and I do the same, just continue to remain uninvolved in it, don't humor them and don't give them anything to talk about.

I sometimes wish my life outside of the office was as perfect as everyone else's must be, so that I'd have nothing better to worry myself with than what so-and-so is up to these days...
:) Brandy

#14 nyxxie


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Posted 24 December 2009 - 12:12 PM

As a black person, when I first looked at it I had to stare at it for a sec to understand why someone would think its racist. And then I understood, oh yeah, the whole monkey thing is racist, sometimes I forget. No, it's not racist. But... that doesn't mean that I can't see how others would think it is.

I think it's really silly to say that someone lacks a sense of humor or someone is sensitive just because they think that something may be racist. You just never know what someone has been through or what they have experienced in their life to make them automatically think that.

I think the correct response should have been "Oh, I'm sorry if this offended you, but I didn't intend for it to be racist." And then let it drop. Obviously it's still biting a nerve at you otherwise you wouldn't have posted in the forum for comments.

However, you shouldn't have to walk around on eggshells trying to please everyone. There is no way that you can go through life without offending SOMEONE. Just do what you're doing. By the way, there are plenty of images online of Bush portrayed as monkey.

Here's one:

Posted Image

And another

Posted Image

So, it's okay for Obama to be treated the same way. (Even though I know you didn't mean for it to be that way.) If someone is offended, that's their problem, the most you can do is apologize and move on.

#15 baiskee


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Posted 24 December 2009 - 03:27 PM

Nope, not at all.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!


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#16 Mar Co.

Mar Co.

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 01:20 AM

i m missing some bananas there...maybe instead of the $?!

#17 jiaix



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Posted 03 January 2010 - 11:08 AM

Hah, I've seen some old cartoons, where black folks where stylized very similar to this bill. And I think "political correctness" is a synonym for "a narrow minded brick".
And I totally dig the office chatter problem.

#18 illumina



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Posted 04 January 2010 - 03:31 AM

In all honesty, I dont even see a monkey when I look at that picture, let alone the whole redneck monkey-black person mentality. It just doesnt look like a monkey to me.
and as for the whole monkey thing, i honestly think of george bush whenever i think of monkeys.

#19 zantedeschia


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 02:05 PM

I wouldnt have a clue why It would be racist unless I looked into it. (I only connected after the reference to presidents)
People are just getting too sensitive lately. everyone needs a chill pill!


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 09:38 PM

I think you need to be really dumb to see a reference to Obama in that monkey. so to answer your question, yes, I really think your co-worker is dumb :)

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