Is this RACIAL????
Posted 06 January 2010 - 07:38 PM
Posted 08 February 2010 - 05:19 PM
Not only does it propose a racist act, it was mimiced by many online when President Barack Obama became President as well as various statements around the internet was duplicated to where printing companies was even imprinting t-shirts with this unfortunate racist jester on it to where all prints were banned.
I realize that one commenter below stated that everyone should calm down, but you have to educate yourselves so that you are more aware of what's going on around. Even though you and/or the commenter below may not be racists pur se, the inpiction of the aire of the "monkey" as an insignia on anything is a negative and unfortunate racist statement. I'll further enhance you ... In the early 1800's through the Slavery days and error of the world, many supremists and the KKK utilized the word that began the all trend warfar between minority races; as well as raping minority women and making them theirs while their minority husbands were put to death and/or hung. Well unfortunately, they continued through time and created the nickname "coloreds" as well as signified that they believed minorities of color were "monkeys"; so with that being said my friend -- it is most certainly a racist insignia even though you personally did not mean it to be when you gave it to your boss.
Thanks for reading, and I hope my explanation does nothing but enhance, enlighten, and make all readers more aware of what you are dispicting when you use particular types of insignia in your designs.

Ok so my boss wanted me to make some fake money.. You know how it goes. you ask a favor and someone jokinly says sure for $200.. So my boss thought it'd be funny, neet or what have you to give them some "play" money.
Well I made her the $200 and printed off some extras to just mess with.
So it's now Christmas time now and she gives everyone a little chocolate bag and a card with $200 of this play money.. Right..
So a co worker askes her where she got it or who made it. Sent them my way...
So I was asked by this co-worker why I made it.. I can tell she's a little upset but not saying anything. I tell her and she walks off and I hear something under her breath. so ask "what's that?" (oh why oh why did I ask..)
She starts in with how it's racist and all.. I asked what was racist about it..
"Oh you haven't been following??all the president stuff and money going around?" I'm like NO?
I stated "it wasn't racial at all" and just walked off. laughing and shaking my head..
So is this racist to you? I simply went through all my pics to see what fit the best. it had no racial intent when designed or when used for this application..
edit:need to take names out.
Posted 08 February 2010 - 06:21 PM
but I think some people look to deep into certain things. Would this person have been offended if I was an african american? maybe maybe not. we will never know. What if I used one of the worms that I sumbited for a mexan resturant logo? would that have been racist to mexican americans? or what if I used my Redneck rockstar? a image that my little girl inspired. would that have been racist to white people? Or a lepercan(sp) then I'd offended the irish american?
I guess I could just play it safe and use a simple smiley face. But would that be plagerizing, even thought the smiley face is used everywhere?
Do you see my view on this? I think some people look way to deep into things that are truely simple.
I think racisism has to be intentional with hurtfull intent.
I can draw a million pictures/illustrations and I'm sure someone can find some sort of offense to 80% of them if they really wanted to.
Can some one show me the line and where not to cross it. or the eggshells to walk around? Truely I'd hate to submite a logo/design concept that would offend anyone.
Would you suggest my image has no place and should I delet it from my files?
thanks for reading.
Posted 08 February 2010 - 07:35 PM
Yes this would be considered a racist monologue even though your personal intentions may not have been of a racial nature; the end result of using the "monkey" signifies a racist reshule.
So... we can no longer use monkeys in any of our designs?
I don't agree. A monkey is a monkey. It is an animal that is genetically close to humans - ALL humans. They are adorable, smart, and full of great expressions, these things make them great for this type of project. It's one of my favorite animals, and I'm not allowed to use them anymore for fear of offending someone?? That's ludicrous.
Further, I've not seen any images of Obama as a monkey, but have seen TONS of Bush as a monkey... If Coy had drawn this fake money 2 years ago, I bet you no one would have said a word about it being racist at all.

Posted 18 February 2010 - 06:59 PM
Also - your comment "Individuals who are not of a minority class would not understand..." is segregational as well. Opinions are based on personal experience - believing that a RACE can all have the same opinion/experience simply because of it's racial commonality is precisely in line with racially inequal thinking.
Just my thoughts, though. Rage on with your racially charged, pseudo-intellectual politically correct pot-stirring.
Also - Coy. That label is totally racist.
Yes this would be considered a racist monologue even though your personal intentions may not have been of a racial nature; the end result of using the "monkey" signifies a racist reshule. Individuals who are not of a minority class would not understand and/or appreciate the conceptual flair and/or array of what the "monkey" insignia indicates.
Posted 18 February 2010 - 07:12 PM
Designerfreak...please. It's this line of thinking that perpetuates racism / racist thinking. Words / images are only given meaning when we use them as such. Outside of racially-intolerant groups, symbols like a "monkey insignia" have no meaning beyond face value. It's quite a presumption to even try and make the design above refer to President Obama. He's not on a bill otherwise - you are drawing that conclusion yourself. It also bears no semblance to him. By saying it's racist, you are forcing others to make the "monkey = race" connection. It could just as easily be referencing Curious George, King Kong or Donkey Kong.
Also - your comment "Individuals who are not of a minority class would not understand..." is segregational as well. Opinions are based on personal experience - believing that a RACE can all have the same opinion/experience simply because of it's racial commonality is precisely in line with racially inequal thinking.
Just my thoughts, though. Rage on with your racially charged, pseudo-intellectual politically correct pot-stirring.
Also - Coy. That label is totally racist.
so you also think my money is racist? or some other label? I got confused.. sorry I'm tired today.
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