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'For the Faith' (graphic) please critique!

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#1 Push72-Designer


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Posted 23 March 2005 - 05:40 AM

Hey all!

Here is a piece I just finished up not too long ago. I started it last week sometime and just stopped cause I felt like I was killing it. Then I came back and finished 'er off ;) Tell me what you think. What do you like? What dont you like? What would you change?

- Thnx alot.

Here is my last three projects

Blood Splash Democracy
Summer Life
For the Faith

#2 nyxxie


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Posted 23 March 2005 - 07:36 AM

Hi Push...

"For the Faith" is very powerful and beautiful. I love the intensity of the red popping out, the starkness of it. However, I'm not sure I like the mirrored Jesuses, not sure why though. That's just my opinion.

I like your style. The other ones are good as well. :)


#3 Push72-Designer


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Posted 23 March 2005 - 04:36 PM

Thnx Jennifer,

I wanted to add the mirrored jesus because I felt like it was representing each side of our lives (good & bad) and therefor becoming the samething in the 'eyes' of our faith. The general concept is we control our lives, not some big guy ready to hit the 'smite' button :p

- Cheers

#4 Astro


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Posted 23 March 2005 - 07:02 PM

I just wanted to ask - why are the butterfly's in your works..?
A wannabe webdesigner ;)

My not yet finished site: astro gfx

#5 Push72-Designer


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Posted 23 March 2005 - 08:42 PM


I get that alot, I think im just upsessed with butterflys. Kind of a 'branding' for my artwork. Stick them in somewhere in almost all my projects


#6 Astro


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Posted 23 March 2005 - 09:29 PM

Ok, thanx for explaining :)
P.S. Nice work!
A wannabe webdesigner ;)

My not yet finished site: astro gfx

#7 Push72-Designer


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Posted 23 March 2005 - 11:08 PM

Thnx Astro :D

#8 pentool


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 12:46 AM

Nice works! On the side note, however, I'd put up a smaller JPG versions of them (size-wise) and maybe provide a link for the hires images. Putting up 3M+ size images is a tad overkill (especially in PNG-24).

#9 Push72-Designer


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 01:07 AM

Hey Pentool,

Thnx for the note ;) I just may do that. I kinda built up a habit of saving my stuff at 300dpi and PNG 24 because I do alot of print for my own work (posters and stuff), this way they are all ready to roll if I want them

But it is a very good point. I feel bad for the people with 56k

#10 Frontend


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 01:38 AM

I have to say the last one looks great!

#11 Push72-Designer


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 04:31 PM

Hey FrontEnd,

Thxn for the compliment, I'm glad you like it :D. But I did notice you said "last one". Did you not like the first two? If not, what didnt you like about them? Not that I mind if you dont like them, I just like to get other peoples opinions, allowing me to improve my work :D

- Thnx

#12 undercv


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Posted 29 March 2005 - 03:57 PM

hi Push72-Designer

Nice work!! i really like the 2° (BloodSplashDemocracy)

#13 WickedMind


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 09:49 AM

Good compositions, not totally my style though.
Like the 2nd one the most because of its brightness and the mood Im in currently :D however theme of the other 2 asks for more feedback with the viewer.

#14 Push72-Designer


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 05:07 PM

Thnx for the Reply WickedMind

Im glad my work had an impact on your day :D. I was wondering if you would mind giving YOUR feed back on the other two? You said its not your style, but what pleases your eye? Color? Lines? Grid?

- Cheers

Ps: Thnx for your reply too, undercv

#15 WickedMind


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 08:24 PM

My visions on the other. Do with it as you think is good. Ignore or try out :)

Blood Splash Democracy:
I somehow like the figure thats standing there and the text near to it.
Though I don't get the name of the work together with the composition.
I always like old newspapers blended trough eachother or on background.
Same with handwritten notes. Though they should add something to the work.
What I can read, doesn't have a meaning I believe?
There are some rough corners and hard contrast in the piece. Try and blend it more to one total piece.

For the Faith:
Title is placed nice. Like it. Like it's really meant for a print or a cover orso.
Mirrored too much. both sides are too identical.

"The general concept is we control our lives, not some big guy ready to hit the 'smite' button :P" I agree, but don't really get the idea out of the picture :)
Give each side (left/right, bad/good) some themes. the jesus figure solely makes it like a poster for an evangelistic (is that english? :D) purpose.
Idea is there, but you can do more with it. If you want to state your vision with the pieces, make sure it's visible in the piece. If you have to explain, the piece ain't clear enough.... or the person is dumb.

(just tell me when I'm dumb people :p I could be)
So, in general, good goings, but do more with it.

#16 eapdesign


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Posted 09 April 2005 - 05:02 PM

I agree with WickedMind, "For the Faith" is very nicely done, except it is a little too symmetrical. It looks to me that the Jesus figure in iself has some really great contrasting shadows and lights which fit in with your "good and bad side" idea for the piece - so I would say maybe let one Jesus image convey that message. It's a great image.

I also like the title but it feels like the subtitle "let us believe it is in us" is kind of an afterthought. Maybe its the type or something but I think it would be awesome if you gave it the same treatment that's everywhere else.

Overall though, I think it's very well done.


#17 SenterBrands


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Posted 05 May 2005 - 05:11 PM

very good and very moving great piece

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