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Some feedback please

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#1 johnmichaeldesigns


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Posted 25 November 2017 - 09:30 PM

I am having a tough time on this site. This last design was created fo a contest which had almost no direction to go with in the original brief. Basically the wording and that it had a crawfish in it. After I submitted my original designs the contest holder added requirements of additional text and specific colors. I adjusted the designs to update and then had all of my designs eliminated. I totally understand that the contest holder is completely within thier rights to pick and choose which designs they like. However, when one designer is getting a lot of feedback and adjusting thier design and some of the feedback is to put thier design in vector format and my designs are initially submitted in a finished vector format and already at a finished stage I would think the contest holders would at least offer some feedback or reasons why the design doesn't work instead of simply eleminating them without any reason why. I would like any feedback on this design so I can at least decide if I want to continue trying this site after four years of not a single positive result. Thanks,

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#2 PrismaCreative



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Posted 05 December 2017 - 11:40 PM

Hi there,

can you provide contest link please.


In the meantime, having designs eliminated is part of the game , a CH can't comment on each and every design, plus nothing is forcing CH to comment or not eliminating submissions. 

I've seen professional designers with grade from design schools , but not winning every contest they enter. again, this is the logic of a CONTEST, it depends on the people choice. you might be STATISTICALLY the most one having chances to win, but when it comes to people, they're inpredictable.


however, Just visited your public profile and see you have enough good talent at drawing ; so why not thinking about specializing only in graphic design contests or illustration contests.

#3 HerbertNordal


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Posted 07 December 2017 - 05:49 AM


Your complaint has some merit.

Your highly idiosyncratic illustration style is perhaps not well suited to crowd source design contests.

I suspect that you would have great success, but not with this business model.

Your work is very professional but is not well suited to "general purpose" logo designs.

You could win here but you would need to be very, very selective in the contests you enter.

I believe that sites that allow you to set up a "shop" would allow clients to find you and your "style" would work best for you.

Just one persons opinion. :)



Some designers are not a good fit for some business models.


(Sharie, if you fell that this is not an appropriate comment, please remove).

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