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Converting a Unix Font to a Mac Font

converting mac font unix font

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#1 DesGuru


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 07:44 PM

We can’t use Unix format fonts on a Mac unless we converted them into a Mac readable format. There are a few applications that you can download that dose this conversion.
To convert a Unix format font to a Mac font you should do the following:
1.First you need to download a Font conversion program on your desktop (you ca use the Fondu/Unfondo package).
2. Double click on the conversion program file and follow the menu commands to install the conversion program. When you’re done, restart the Mac.
3.Open your hard drives window and scroll down to “Utilities”. Open the Utilities folder and scroll down to the Terminal program and launch it.
4.Drag the Unix file into the Terminal window.
5.Copy the file’s location of to the clipboard.
6.Type “ufond” without the quotes in the window and press the Return.
7.Enter the Unix font name and then press the Space bar and Paste what you had copied in the previous steps.
8. Type “-macbin” without typing the quotes and press Return.
9.Wait until the text scrolls up the Terminal window and then quit the "Terminal" program.
10.The Mac font file is now created from the Unix file and you can find it on the desktop and it is also added to the OS X operating system.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: converting, mac font, unix font

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