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last movie you've seen?....

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#61 GoldenZ


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Posted 30 January 2010 - 11:59 PM

Last movie I saw it was "Avatar" I saw it like 10 times, but never had the chance to see it in 3D :cool:

#62 sujin007in


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Posted 01 February 2010 - 10:36 PM

Last movie I saw it was "Avatar" I saw it like 10 times, but never had the chance to see it in 3D :cool:

Avatar.. goood!

#63 Coy


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Posted 18 February 2010 - 09:39 PM

I watched a show on HBO or showtime?? Called The Express. True story about Ernie Davis. great movie I recomend it.

#64 noxieCreative


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Posted 18 February 2010 - 10:39 PM

Watched District 9 the other night with the girlfriend. She fell asleep during it but I thought it was very interesting.

#65 jjyepez



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Posted 18 February 2010 - 11:14 PM

I watched INVICTUS the other night w/ my gf.
uhmm .. well .. I thought it was going to be more interesting.
Too much rugby ... So, I was a little disappointed.

However, I like Morgan Freeman as an actor!
(Maybe this time he overacted just a little bit ..
but I didn't really mind that much)


#66 brandyarnold



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Posted 18 February 2010 - 11:20 PM

Zombieland. I LOVED it. I'm kind of biased toward zombie movies, though. But it was hilarious.
:) Brandy

#67 Masterkirkby


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Posted 19 February 2010 - 02:32 AM

Last movie worth speaking of was Avatar, and I'm not even gonna go into how good it was, cause everyone knows. BUT, if anyone hasn't seen Sherlock Holmes yet, I would recommend it, very good movie.

Now that I think about it I watched DisnyerNature: Earth on Blueray, it was awesome. It plays out like a movie, great sound and picture, as well as music that helps tell the story.

#68 jjyepez



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Posted 22 February 2010 - 06:01 AM

I've just watched 500 days of summer ...... and .... I liked it a lot! I mean ... It's like a love story but .. it's not actually one of those pink love movies ... it's about real-life "sh#t" happening to us (men) when we fall in love with an adorable "wrong" woman ...... well not actually a wrong one but one who seems to be the right one ... or .... one who we want her to be the right one but she is not ...... It's a little bit complicated ... but kind of real ......... in fact, women are complicated indeed. So ... however, we (men) always fall in love with them ... Geez!!

I recommend this movie to those men who have ever fallen in love with an adorable woman that broke unexpectably and unexplainably your heart at the end ... Not so dramatic though .. but interesting and very good movie. (IMO)

Also recomended for those women who want to see themselves from outside how unpredictable and non-understandable they look like sometimes to us ... yet we love 'em (women) :o

I hope haven't been so boring ... :p


Edited by jjyepez, 22 February 2010 - 06:09 AM.

#69 Guest_cre8ivediff_*

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 04:20 PM

Shutter Island.

Love the way Scorsese shoots his movies! also - when Scorsese works with Dicaprio, he seems to get the best out of him and it turned my opinion of Leo around (although he was outstanding in Gilbert Grape).

that being said - the movie was Ok...Good even..but not great and def not Scorsese's best. The suspense / pace was up and down...beginning was good and ending half-hour was best but middle seemed to lose pace and tension. bummed me out to be disappointed with Marty.

#70 Coy


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Posted 22 February 2010 - 05:24 PM

I've just watched 500 days of summer ...... and .... I liked it a lot! I mean ... It's like a love story but .. it's not actually one of those pink love movies ... it's about real-life "sh#t" happening to us (men) when we fall in love with an adorable "wrong" woman ...... well not actually a wrong one but one who seems to be the right one ... or .... one who we want her to be the right one but she is not ...... It's a little bit complicated ... but kind of real ......... in fact, women are complicated indeed. So ... however, we (men) always fall in love with them ... Geez!!

I recommend this movie to those men who have ever fallen in love with an adorable woman that broke unexpectably and unexplainably your heart at the end ... Not so dramatic though .. but interesting and very good movie. (IMO)

Also recomended for those women who want to see themselves from outside how unpredictable and non-understandable they look like sometimes to us ... yet we love 'em (women) :o

I hope haven't been so boring ... :p


I have this movie rented but didn't watch it yet. We'll see if I like it tonight.

Watched Julie and Julia.. kinda a long drawn out movie but it was ok, wouldn't say it was great but it had some funny stuff in it and was a bit entertaining.
Also watched SAW VI it was good and gory nothing really notable about it, just the same as the other saw's I guess and left the ending open for possibly another one.

#71 brandyarnold



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Posted 22 February 2010 - 06:04 PM

I watched a few movies this weekend...

Amelia - it was kind of boring, but I like movies based on true stories... except, I already knew the ending, so it was pretty anti-climactic.

The Stepfather - suspenseful but stupid.

Fame - turned it off after 10 minutes. Complete waste of a movie rental.

Overall, not a good movie weekend for me! haha
:) Brandy

#72 jecrt


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Posted 22 February 2010 - 08:04 PM

we rented couples retreat friday night...thought it'd be pretty funny - jason bateman, vince vaughan and some others...not so much. A few laughs, but really just kinda too much boring dialogue. Luckily, it was from redbox...so only a dollar.

#73 Coy


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Posted 22 February 2010 - 09:01 PM

wife want's to see couples retreat.. sounds like they used all the funny parts for the trailers.

As far as FAME goes.. HELL NO from me. Wife even said she'd never watch it.. since she didn't even like the first one or that TV show that the first movie was based on. :D

#74 brandyarnold



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Posted 22 February 2010 - 09:20 PM

I saw Couples Retreat a while ago, and unfortunately, agree with jecrt. I was really disappointed... still worth watching, but don't expect to laugh the whole time.
:) Brandy

#75 jecrt


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Posted 22 February 2010 - 09:23 PM

it wasn't awful - it was just really slow in between laughs. I LOVE Ken Jeong (the Asian guy - he's on Community) and his character wasn't really funny at all...

I saw Couples Retreat a while ago, and unfortunately, agree with jecrt. I was really disappointed... still worth watching, but don't expect to laugh the whole time.

#76 glyphica



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Posted 22 February 2010 - 10:05 PM

Last movie I saw in the theater was Avatar and it was excellent!! I wasn't even interested initially, but heard such good reviews all around that I had to go see it. We saw it in 3D and it was amazing... only bad thing was I got a little queasy during the 3D previews so I had to take my 3D glasses off for the first 20 minutes of the movie! lol :p

#77 jjyepez



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 01:02 AM

I have this movie rented but didn't watch it yet. We'll see if I like it tonight.

Watched Julie and Julia.. kinda a long drawn out movie but it was ok, wouldn't say it was great but it had some funny stuff in it and was a bit entertaining.
Also watched SAW VI it was good and gory nothing really notable about it, just the same as the other saw's I guess and left the ending open for possibly another one.

Hey Coy,
I look forward to reading your review on 500 days of summer .... ;)

Edited by jjyepez, 23 February 2010 - 01:08 AM.

#78 Coy


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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:45 PM

Thanks JJ..

500days of summer was watched last night. Well it wasn't a bad movie or a great movie. but it was a good movie. There were some slow parts and it wasn't bust a gut funny but it was a entertaining everyday perspective. just like our own lives. not every word spoken is funny and not every moment is dismal and is probably why I enjoyed it.

I'd recomend it to others to watch and suggest that it's a sit back and relax type of movie. Don't expect it to make you laugh or cry or sit at the edge of your seat, just sit back and veg out watching it.

#79 jjyepez



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 08:01 PM

NICE! Thank you :)

#80 jecrt


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Posted 23 February 2010 - 08:50 PM

We saw Book of Eli a little while ago at the theater - my wife picked it to surprise me. I hadn't heard of it. Super awesome. If you like post-apocalyptic themed movies (Mad Max, etc.) this is for you. Completely awesome. It had violence, but nothing super gory...my wife doesn't really like blood and guts movies, but she loved this one.

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