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Do You Design With A Mac Or PC?

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#1 icu222much


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Posted 28 August 2009 - 03:36 PM

As the title says, do you design with a Mac or PC and why?

I prefer to use a PC over a Mac. I have designed using both PC and Mac, and I find that they are both pretty much the same when it comes to the designing part. What swayed me over to PC was that it was much cheaper, that I can customize and put my own computer together, and that all the games I want to play are on a PC.

#2 giant


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Posted 30 August 2009 - 11:01 AM

from the PC and Mac just a brand... the point is, I design just with my brain, hands and and eyes...
but I using a PC. :)

#3 deleted member

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Posted 30 August 2009 - 05:11 PM

yeah It's pretty much come to the point that the computer you use depends on if you're more comfortable with a Mac or a PC... they're both able to run design programs equally as fast. Ive met designers who use both. Macs may be considered the "industry standard" but we're designers.... we don't follow standards we break them and make new ones ;P

PC for me btw :D

#4 jiaix



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Posted 02 September 2009 - 11:43 AM

(pc because i can rig it like i need + more bang for the buck)
(xp because macos and vista felt like the machine was using me instead of me using the machine. in xp i kind of know where stuff is and why + less clicks altogether :) waiting to try out win7 soon though)

#5 gdeetan



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Posted 03 September 2009 - 02:15 AM

Am currently using a Phenom II x3 Desktop and an MSI AMDx2 laptop, pretty decent performance especially for the desktop at a fraction of the price of a mac. I still can't justify buying a mac right now, because to get the same specs as my desktop, I'd have to shell out two or three times more. Also if a mac breaks down, it'll take weeks for me to get it fixed, with my desktop, I simply go to our local computer store here to get a replacement part =).

Am sure mac users out there will say that a Mac will perform better with Adobe products, I say that sure but I don't think the difference is dramatic, if you compare them head to head provided they have the same specs.

I see a big samsung lcd monitor inside a local mac shop here. =)



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Posted 03 September 2009 - 03:00 AM

Macs may be considered the "industry standard" but we're designers.... we don't follow standards we break them and make new ones ;P

PC for me btw :D

I like that! I use a MAC though. It's just my preference; I don't think one is better than the other. :)

#7 icu222much


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 03:57 AM

I was doing some research about the hardware of Macs and PCs and it turns out that Mac hardware is more optimized. I didn't really get into the article but it was saying how all the components inside each Mac is specially matched for each other. For example, it mentioned something about the front side bus on the mobo being optimized for the RAM, and that the mobo can handle a max of 1066MHz RAM and the RAM matches that speed. The article then goes on in saying that many PCs do not have their hardware optimized for maximum efficiency therefore it is difficult in comparing a Mac vs PC in terms of specs.

#8 tsmith


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 04:13 AM

I make my own PCs and purchase my own software, so Macs really have nothing to offer me. I am actually saving money on the hardware making my own computers.

I do admit, however, that Macs look much sleeker and are generally more easy to use for beginners than the PC equivalent.

Edited by tsmith, 03 September 2009 - 04:18 AM.

#9 oxynite


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 06:06 AM

well, I have a PC plus Vista but worked on MAC too. At least it's all about the hardware. I prefer my computer. It turned out as the fastest without any burnout-stops. Keep the caches clean and you'll never have big problems :)
I loved the old win 95 design where you could choose the font and background of the windows so I had it always neutral and white. This is not possible on Vista :(

#10 tsmith


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 06:09 AM

well, I have a PC plus Vista but worked on MAC too. At least it's all about the hardware. I prefer my computer. It turned out as the fastest without any burnout-stops. Keep the caches clean and you'll never have big problems :)
I loved the old win 95 design where you could choose the font and background of the windows so I had it always neutral and white. This is not possible on Vista :(

you can change the theme to classic mode and do all that in the advanced options : )

#11 oxynite


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 06:23 AM

on xp, yes. on vista too?

#12 tsmith


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 06:27 AM

Change Windows to Classic view - Windows Vista Help

#13 oxynite


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 07:02 AM

thank you!

#14 jona


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 02:40 PM

I'm using pc. may i need to learn again about mac. lots of people here using pc.

#15 Gert Cornelis

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Posted 03 September 2009 - 02:55 PM

I use mac. Not because it's faster than pc or anything. It's just that I'm faster with mac than with a pc :D. I'm using mac all my life so it's just easyer to use a mac in my case. I prefer the look of a Mac over a PC :).
But I think if you put toghether your own PC and make it run smoothly with the wright hardware and software, It can perform as good as any mac :).
MAC or PC, not many differences anymore ;) the only difference is that you can play more games on a PC if you like playing games :D

#16 max4999


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Posted 15 September 2009 - 06:51 AM

now i have shifted completely to Win! earlier i used to work on Mac...i actually started using Adobe photoshop on Mac only

#17 bstarrian


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Posted 15 September 2009 - 02:49 PM

Ain't nothing like a good o PC.
I love the functionality of a PC and Multitasking features.


#18 greygreygrey71


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Posted 15 September 2009 - 08:24 PM

mac or pc.......both are great hardware, but designer are the one who make them great.
i'm using PC....why? cheap, lots of game (help you when u stressed with your works.lol), built by myself....
this is the way i want...:)

#19 Euphoria


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Posted 21 September 2009 - 07:00 PM

PC simply because I'm used to the shortcuts. The main design programs are pretty much the same on both, so shortcuts (and file management to a lesser extent) are the only difference between the two.

#20 gdeetan



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Posted 22 September 2009 - 05:13 PM

it all boils down to personal preference. both have their pros and cons =)

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