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Do You Design With A Mac Or PC?

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#21 scorpionagency


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Posted 23 September 2009 - 01:20 AM

Tried using a Mac a few times & i just couldn't get into it after being a PC user for so long. I currently have a small network setup here with 10 PC's on a 10 port router/modem (x4 direct / x6 wireless) / (x2 win Vista Business / x8 Win XP Pro).

My primary units for design are the XP's, they seem to render faster & are all around easier to work on during production. My Vista's are used for Data entry & Accounting mostly, mundane tasks. Ok, so here's a break down of what the 10 PC's are used for:

x1 Vista - Data Entry
x1 Vista - Accounting
x2 XP - Vector design (Logo / illustration / mascot / Caricature)
x1 Xp - development (WAMP Server for Php/mysql testing & integrations)
x2 Xp - Rendering (Load balancing for large rendering projects)
x1 Xp - Audio/Visual (Movie & sound files for entertainment)
x1 Xp - SecondLife (Dedicated to the SecondLife virtual world)
x1 Xp - Public relations (Dedicated to marketing / Advertising research & campaigns)

That about covers it besides my external drives & other detachable equipment. as you can see, I'm an Avid PC user, so a Mac just isn't practical for me. :)

#22 Coy


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Posted 23 September 2009 - 05:24 PM

I learned on a mac but have only had access to PC's.
And starting out after school I worked for newsmagazine and sign companies that all had PC's. I've thought about getting another mac but probably never will.

#23 bunker



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Posted 25 September 2009 - 10:44 AM

I think that in hardware they are the same, no differences there.

I think what makes the difference is the operating system, when you buy a mac you are paying all the hard work of building up the bes operating system there is on the market.

I hate Windows in all of their versions... it always work wrong so you have to put services packs and that annoying things.

Now that I have a Play station to play I'm saving for a sleek mac to work!!!

#24 rockmedia


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Posted 25 September 2009 - 08:48 PM

I think (after read the current 20 replys) that I am the stranger.... I use PC with ubuntu (linux) from a few months ago, after getting used, I was able to work smoothly and I'm very satisfied.

#25 bunker



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Posted 26 September 2009 - 09:54 AM

I Always wanted to use Ubuntu!!!

But can you work with Illustrator there? is easy to install and maintain?
If you have any forum or site that I can read I really want to investigate about it.

#26 Euphoria


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Posted 26 September 2009 - 11:25 AM

I Always wanted to use Ubuntu!!!

But can you work with Illustrator there? is easy to install and maintain?
If you have any forum or site that I can read I really want to investigate about it.


I generally dislike windows and mac, so I'd love to try out ubuntu. I never have because I'd expect not to be able to use most of the programs I use...
Please take the time to visit my portfolio and PM me with any feedback!

#27 rockmedia


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Posted 26 September 2009 - 01:26 PM

I Always wanted to use Ubuntu!!!

But can you work with Illustrator there? is easy to install and maintain?
If you have any forum or site that I can read I really want to investigate about it.

In october 29th, the new Ubuntu 9.10 is out, and (i think) is the best moment to try this operating system.

1.- Download the CD ISO from the ubuntu website (Desktop edition)
2.- Burn it to CDR (or CDRW, of course)
3.- Put the CD in the reader and reboot
4.- The cd autoboot and you can choose TRY(without changes) or install
Posted Image

I generally dislike windows and mac, so I'd love to try out ubuntu. I never have because I'd expect not to be able to use most of the programs I use...

The software that I use (and you can try, due these software have versions for windows):
- The Gimp (like photoshop)
- Inkscape (like Ilustrator)
- Scribus (like Adobe Acrobat)
and with WINE (a windows emulator) I use Macromedia Flash8

More apps can be emulated in WINE, you can see the compatibility database, here

As I said, I have only a few months working with ubuntu, but try to answer any questions you may arise ;)

#28 yossmoss


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Posted 26 September 2009 - 03:47 PM

well @ home i never used a mac... and @ every work i had and in the current one i never used a pc :)

like mentioned u can get the same resault on both, but i guess if they both had the same price i would go for a mac also for home use.
most claims against mac that its just an eye candy!!! and i say that the looks of the computer i work on is not "just" another minor issue...

i was a big mac fan untill they swiched to intel boards, since then much much less...
untill i got a new computer @ work few weeks ago, a 24" imac... and i can honestly say that working infront of an atractive machine impacts the overall feeling and creates a more inviting and teasing environment to work in...
and for sure i enjoy working on it much mote then the pc i got @ home, wich is much more stronger then the mac... just a thought :)

#29 Euphoria


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Posted 26 September 2009 - 04:45 PM

The software that I use (and you can try, due these software have versions for windows):
- The Gimp (like photoshop)
- Inkscape (like Ilustrator)
- Scribus (like Adobe Acrobat)
and with WINE (a windows emulator) I use Macromedia Flash8

More apps can be emulated in WINE, you can see the compatibility database, here

As I said, I have only a few months working with ubuntu, but try to answer any questions you may arise ;)

Yeah I've tried a couple of those out in the past, but I found them to be a little limited when compared to the adobe programs... I guess they may have caught up since I've tried them, but I wouldn't really want to risk it. If I get a netbook I'll definitely go with an ubuntu one though.
Please take the time to visit my portfolio and PM me with any feedback!

#30 rockmedia


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Posted 28 September 2009 - 08:14 AM

Yeah I've tried a couple of those out in the past, but I found them to be a little limited when compared to the adobe programs... I guess they may have caught up since I've tried them, but I wouldn't really want to risk it.

Do not know how long you tried, euphoria, but the advantage of open-source software (apart from price) is that this is constantly development and improving.

Also, the gimp have a lot of extensions (and all for free!!)
You can see here

And for the next version of gimp 2.8, the single-window (awaited for a lot of users) is ready!!

If I get a netbook I'll definitely go with an ubuntu one though.

Undoubtedly, ubuntu is the best option for a netbook.

Edited by rockmedia, 28 September 2009 - 08:18 AM.

#31 Euphoria


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Posted 28 September 2009 - 12:24 PM

Do not know how long you tried, euphoria, but the advantage of open-source software (apart from price) is that this is constantly development and improving.

Also, the gimp have a lot of extensions (and all for free!!)
You can see here

And for the next version of gimp 2.8, the single-window (awaited for a lot of users) is ready!!

Admittedly I didn't use them for too long, though I did use Paint.net for a few months before getting a copy of Photoshop. I'll give them another try when I have some time available :)
Please take the time to visit my portfolio and PM me with any feedback!

#32 Brixtonian


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Posted 07 October 2009 - 01:29 PM

Both. PC at home (cheaper), MAC at work (because as people here have said, as designers we're expected to use them)
I like both equally though, its just the cost of MACs that put me off as again like a lot of people here I build my own PCs to the exact spec i want

#33 toddbee


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Posted 05 November 2009 - 11:03 PM

i think the user experience on a mac is amazing, i used to be a huge PC fanboy and i used to upgrade and mod my system all the time and for a gamer not much can touch a PC IMO.. but this year i switched to a 24" imac and i'm forever converted

i play less games than i used to but my mac still runs call of duty 4 online without lag and i play starcraft which can run on any computer newer than 1998

#34 Waqqas


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Posted 18 November 2009 - 02:11 PM

Me too, waiting for Win 7 ...

#35 Jew


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Posted 19 November 2009 - 03:23 PM


#36 mrkyjnky


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Posted 22 November 2009 - 09:01 PM

PC @ home. Mac @ work.

#37 carlita1177


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Posted 31 December 2009 - 01:37 PM

pc here

#38 sammyrafie


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Posted 03 January 2010 - 02:30 AM

PC, just because i'm familiar with the system...i think the choice were set from what kind of computer you found at school...

#39 Justin E

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 01:16 PM

I use a Mac. I have a laptop that I bought and a imac I managed to salvage dumpster diving. Needed 10 minutes of soldering on the power cord area. 10 minutes because I'm not that good at it. I also have a PC that I built and use mostly for 3D. It renders faster and I can tear it apart and rebuild it as I need. I prefer the mac for one reason and it may sound stupid but the key commands. I worked for a company that only uses Mac so I got use to the key commands and can work faster on the Mac.

#40 Brewman2010


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Posted 06 January 2010 - 05:12 PM

I use both - at home I have a iMac and at work I have a PC. I don't really have a preference on which one I use. There are only subtle differences. The pros/cons for both are unrelated to actually designing stuff on them. I like the packaging (design/styling/features) better on the Mac, but the cost is high, and there's not as much available software for it as on a PC.

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