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Systema Martial Art

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#1 will


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Posted 14 September 2005 - 04:24 PM

When an occidental thinks of the concepts of honor, valour, discipline, and a religious philosophy one automatic asociate this concepts to the Samurai in Japan or the Templar knights in the Western, even the Capoeira in Brazil or the Shaolin Masters in China but little is known of the Cossack as holy warriors in the Soviet Union. Systema is a martial style that has been practiced in Russia for more than a thousand years ago dating the historical records back to 948AD. It's name is derived from Systema Rukopashnii Boi or System of hand-to-hand combat; when exported to the western it became synonymous with Systema Boyevogo Iskustvo or Russian System of Martial Arts. The phylosophy of this art is not only to achieve the mastery of repeling an enemy attack in every posible situation but also to achieve a physical and spiritual health, relaxation, and courage in the face of all forms of adversity. The difference between Systema and the other martial arts is that there aren't a sequence of movements involved but more an intuitive resolution of the combat allowing the practitioner to repel attacks even when you are sitting in a chair or inside a car.

Really the following video is very interesting since it gives us a glimpse of the russian art as well as a more deep appreciation of a culture that has been banned from the western view for so long. It's a torrent download so you will need to download the client from HERE

Once you have downloaded and installed the client just go HERE to download the video. (250 MB Aprox.)

I'll try to post other videos as I find them in the web. Have fun !!
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