Let say I caught someone using clipart, sometimes I feel like I want to find other clipart usage in his/her entries for other active contests

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Posted 26 January 2019 - 05:40 AM
No really, go ahead...
DC can always use more help.
I frankly, do not have the stomach for it.
I have tremendous respect and admiration for Babba and Shari.
They can handle the unremittingly grim daily process of sewage treatment that the job entails.
I bet that your help would be welcomed.
Dealing with those who feel that they are too smart to be honest has it's own rewards.
I do not know how many people have been banned, but there always seems to more vying for the privilege.
Posted 26 January 2019 - 05:58 AM
I don't have that much time Herbert to be a moderator
Offered once, but had to decline.
What I'm thinking is like a page in designer profile or elsewhere where we can view his/her "recent non-private active entries". Maybe only a logged in user can view that page.
Posted 27 January 2019 - 04:32 PM
you can use reverse image search engines such as google, tineye, etc...
but I wouldn't use it too often, I'd rather focus on my own work than stalking other people's work (but I can understand that as copying stuff can be usual in certain contests and some people really need some money so they're ready to risk).
or just join blind contests, so you'll be sure at least nobody is copying you (unless the CH hands your design over to another designer along with the usual "can you do it like this" formula... happens rarely, but unfortunely it does ).
Posted 27 January 2019 - 09:04 PM
Hi emanuelepepi86,
I don't think you understand my problem here. It is not about blind contest or not...and I also prefer focus on my own work than stalking others. But if I found a designer use clipart , I will surely make a report. And I believe in, once a cliparter always a cliparter
Yeah, some people really need some money so they're ready to risk...but by using clipart, they're risking DC, the money source as well
Posted 27 January 2019 - 10:13 PM
If I'm not wrong designers are totally responsible for that, I mean, if the brand you've given a "clone" clip-art design finds out you've used a "double" logo, if I'm not getting it wrong, the designer should pay for that. I think I've read this somewhere in the site... don't remember right now where exactly (and couldn't find it).
anyway I think it could be a privacy infraction , I mean that kind of info should be available only for the same designer or the staff. there must be already somebody checking that kind of "misfacts" (that's probably why somebody suggested you to become a mod )
if you're lucky, though, and/or the designer has made one "fake step" by showing a clone design in his/her own portfolio, you can check it and report it. or use the reverse image search engine to see if he/she used a clipart, or the same clipart in another contest (in another or in the same site), etc... but, again, it's a waste of time, imho
Posted 27 January 2019 - 10:28 PM
When I said risking DC, I'm referring to DC reputation, will become bad...Bad reputation is bad for business. Bad business means no job, no job means no money...for all
By the way, I just won this contest although my design never ranked 1st during the contest.
In that contest, I reported many designers for using clipart.
Herbert is right when he said "Dealing with those who feel that they are too smart to be honest has it's own rewards".
You should try ....hehehhehehe
Posted 28 January 2019 - 01:14 AM
I only think that many times the contest holder isn't as naive as we may think, and he/she can already recognize a copycat. I mean, sometimes the CH is a graphic agency, skilled in recognizing something not original... and some other times the ch really doesn't care, so why should designers do ? When you sign an agreement, you accept the consequences. The CH just asks for a graphic work, and a graphic work is delivered. If you managed to win that contest by reporting, there's no need to stalk that designer even more, lol, he/she probably learned the lesson. Sorry if I keep repeating the word "stalking" but tracing somebody's past in order to destroy his/her future has only one definition, imho: stalking.
"Reputation" is just something I don't understand, I don't think I care about it too much, I'm used to see logos which don't look proper according to MY own opinion in logo design, but who am I to judge ? If it's what customer wants, putting more restrictions may damage DC reputation, instead. Letting designers stalk each other could mean a scary situation where everyone fears to be judged. There's already an authority for that.
Maybe you're not talking about reputation, maybe the correct word is "prestige".
Anyway, not my matter, not my duty, good luck for everything and keep reporting
And no, sometimes dealing with those who feel that they are too smart, to be truely honest, only leads to pity.
Posted 28 January 2019 - 03:12 AM
Posted 28 January 2019 - 04:50 AM
You seem to have the heart of a detective.
You see something wrong (clipart) and you have to chase it down and get get to the bottom of it, bravo.
The poblem as I see it is that massive clipart portfolios and logo maker software are overrunning the business.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to get overused designs and similar stock art out of the winners circle.
It is true that many "designers are using stock "whole cloth" with no or minimal alterations to win.
This is very true in blind contests were no one can see and catch the copy before the contest is over.
I believe that all crowd source design sites are fighting this battle.
A few designers here are in it because somebody has stolen their design and used it to win a contest somewhere else.
The problem for the individual designer is that you can get sucked down the rabit hole.
The problem, the effort, the time, the whole issue feels somewhat eternal and infinite. It can eat you up psychologically and creatively.
Catching the cheater and getting them banned is a good thing.
I, again, wish to thank Shari, Babba, you and those who fight the good fight. (Our graphic "first Responders").
You are right in that everyone should help in this struggle if they see something wrong.
Posted 19 May 2022 - 06:42 PM
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