Wisdom Tooth Question
Posted 04 April 2008 - 01:26 AM
Posted 04 April 2008 - 01:42 AM

the riding horse is that while there being pulled or after;)

Posted 04 April 2008 - 03:22 AM

Posted 04 April 2008 - 04:28 AM
It´s not so much about the pain, but about being alla swollen up and having to eat liquids and nothing more!
I hope he has a nice recovery and doesn´t hurt at all...
Posted 04 April 2008 - 05:25 AM
Thanks everyone!
Posted 04 April 2008 - 12:02 PM
Posted 05 April 2008 - 03:29 AM
I also went to an oral surgeon, had general anes........that in itself, requires at least a day to recover.......(my teeth came out 12years ago, and I STILL remember)
Okay really i came to the forums for something completely different... but managed to stumble on this thread and felt morally obliged to post this one little tidbit in response to an earlier reply.
DO NOT... I repeat... DO NOT let him suck anything through a straw after having his wisdom teeth pulled... the last thing you want is for the poor little guy to get any type of dry socket from sucking anything.
I vote reschedule the outing - he's likely going to want to be in the comfort of his own home and soft mushy foods for several days afterwards.
And to those that didn't get knocked out for this procedure, I salute you - No way would I have ever wanted to have any concious memory of having mine yanked out. Frankly, i still swear there is a shoe imprint on my face from when the good doctor needed leverage to yank mine out... but i digress....
Posted 05 April 2008 - 04:52 AM
LOL that is funny!Frankly, i still swear there is a shoe imprint on my face from when the good doctor needed leverage to yank mine out... but i digress....
Yes, we were able to reschedule the ranch day, and we got the surgery pushed through and okayed in 1 day......it has been a very stressful 2 days! Good thing I have most of next week off, so I can relax

Posted 06 April 2008 - 01:12 AM

Posted 08 April 2008 - 06:34 PM
He was pretty miserable last night, but today he seems fine. A bit tender, but fine in general.
Glad I changed the ranch date, but he is watching movies and eating ice cream...not a bad thing for your birthday (though not the coolest thing either).
Posted 08 April 2008 - 07:02 PM
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Posted 09 April 2008 - 12:49 AM
My cheeks were a little poofy... but I went bowling with my friends the next night. Thank goodness for pain killers!! HAHA
I think the grossest part was going in the for the check up and having the holes squirted out. I remember all the food that was stuck in there.... eeewww.
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