I currently reside in Winnemucca, NV, USA. I currently do most of my work and send via Internet. However, I can also send thumb drives--my CD printer is currently experiencing issues and until those can be resolved, well, I'm kind of stuck.
I am single, never married. I appreciate those that are however; I would like to think I am marriage material. Except when I'm in the middle of a design project, however. Then, leave me to my own devices, or..Well, it won't be pretty.

When I'm not working on graphic design projects I do enjoy painting, photography & working in my yard. Sometimes, I even like to get out of town. Usually it's so I can go fishing, or just for a swim. But, there isn't much in the way of water in this dry desert. So, I find myself primarily at home with my dogs. (They're my babies!)
I'm looking forward to getting past the beginning status on this design forum. Any help from existing designers is welcome. Maybe you could direct me to retrieving messages--I'm still trying to figure out how to do that.

So, there you have it. Oh, and I am older than your average designer. I didn't get to school for graphic design until I was well into my 40s. I do have a website that I put together, but I'm not proficient at actually putting up a website. You'll notice that I won't usually take on website designs unless it's just one page, or a banner. Those I can do.
My site is linked together to three sites total; one for my photography, one for graphic design & one for my fine art. All a person needs to do is click on my name (on any one of the sites, at any place within the site) and it will transport you to another site. Cool, huh? Feel free to give me feedback. You can do that here, or by sending me an email through my site. imagesfantasia.wix.com/photographs or/grafix, or /artworks...You can also find my work on Facebook. https://www.facebook...FantasiaStudios So you can see that I'm not new to designing.