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What is a Storyboard in UX

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Posted 01 May 2017 - 08:36 PM

In user experience design we’re familiar with user research techniques like workshops and interviews. We synthesise our research into user stories and process flows. We communicate our thinking and solutions to our teams with artefacts like personas and wireframes. But somewhere in all of this lies the real people for whom we’re designing. In order to make our product better, we must understand what’s going on in their worlds and how our product can make their lives better. And that’s where storyboards come in.

What is a Storyboard?

Storyboards are illustrations that represent shots that ultimately represent a story. Basically, it’s a sequential art, where images are arrayed together to visualise the story. This method came from the motion picture production. The Walt Disney studio is credited with popularising storyboards, using sketches of frames since the 1920s. Storyboards allow them to build the world of the film before they actually build it.


Stories are the most powerful delivery tool for information:

  • - Visualization. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Illustrating things works best for understanding of any concept or idea. The images can speak more powerfully than just words by adding extra layers of meaning.
  • - Memorability.
  • - Empathy. It’s possible to tell a story that everyone could see and relate to. We often empathize with characters who have real-life challenges similar to our own.
  • - Engagement. Stories capture attention. People are hardwired to respond to stories: our innate sense of curiosity draws us in and we engage more when we can sense a meaningful achievement about to be had.


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#2 HerbertNordal


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Posted 02 May 2017 - 03:55 AM


this reads as sell copy for a product

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#3 Rafik.D


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Posted 08 June 2024 - 10:56 PM

A storyboard is a technique for illustrating an interaction between a person and a product (or multiple people and multiple products) in narrative format, which includes a series of drawings, sketches, or pictures and sometimes words that tell a story.

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