Difference in Camera?
Please tell me the differences between analog and SLR camera. Also tell that what is in case of Digital?
Posted 17 April 2013 - 05:55 PM
SLR is a termin for digital camera proffesional. That is a proffesional camera photo&video in one pack, they have a power focus for a High resolution, more power if you record a video or photos, and not having a craisy pixels, so that is why the best. You can find a camera digital proffesional SLR types-that is a CANON, NIKON, Nikon is the best. You can use the best camera with optic zoom if you want to record for proffesionally commercial. These camera have a possible zooms, optic zoom, lenses-that is why is so called SLR, and you can zoom more proffesionallity that ever in a mobile phone etc.
SLR is a termin for digital camera proffesional. That is a proffesional camera photo&video in one pack, they have a power focus for a High resolution, more power if you record a video or photos, and not having a craisy pixels, so that is why the best. You can find a camera digital proffesional SLR types-that is a CANON, NIKON, Nikon is the best. You can use the best camera with optic zoom if you want to record for proffesionally commercial. These camera have a possible zooms, optic zoom, lenses-that is why is so called SLR, and you can zoom more proffesionallity that ever in a mobile phone etc.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 03:27 AM
Most photo classes start out using traditional film photography as the basis of all photographic technique. Usually you will take at least four classes using your 35 mm SLR before you move to the digital media. A good used 35 mm SLR camera is NOT expensive, in fact they usually cost less than $150 for a good used Nikon or Canon 35 mm SLR and standard zoom lens (the cost of dSLR's are what cost over $600, so putting off buying a dSLR as long as possible may be a good thing)
Anything you learn using a 35 mm SLR is directly transferable to using a dSLR, in fact if you pick the right 35 mm camera system, you may only have to buy a dSLR body and use the same lenses you used while in class, shooting film.
As far uploading your images from 35 mm film to your computer, you will have to scan either your prints from class or scan the negatives from your class assignments. Most schools have both flatbed scanners and film scanners so you can do this during your lab time
Anything you learn using a 35 mm SLR is directly transferable to using a dSLR, in fact if you pick the right 35 mm camera system, you may only have to buy a dSLR body and use the same lenses you used while in class, shooting film.
As far uploading your images from 35 mm film to your computer, you will have to scan either your prints from class or scan the negatives from your class assignments. Most schools have both flatbed scanners and film scanners so you can do this during your lab time
Posted 18 April 2013 - 02:01 PM
Hi RupaDesign
SLR means Single Lens Reflex
The difference is in what is used to capture the light. In film SLRs, the film exposed to light needs to be chemically processed. In digital SLRs, the sensor detects light and can produce high-quality images instantly and without buying more film.
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SLR means Single Lens Reflex
The difference is in what is used to capture the light. In film SLRs, the film exposed to light needs to be chemically processed. In digital SLRs, the sensor detects light and can produce high-quality images instantly and without buying more film.
for more visit
Posted 25 April 2013 - 09:30 AM
Four years ago, Nikon was setting the first digital SLR camera with recording the videos as new superinteresting function. The modern alternative with high cost money of video cameras independent production found in SLR, so today recording the videos on camera become more popularly.
SLR camera are very valued for qualities of photography. This machines is reserved only for professionals people with the solid money and more best from classical point and shoot compact digitals.
Digital SLR have different objectives, so they are more configurabily with different sorts of recordings. Today objective is important in this story, but more costly, give a better contrast on images, small disfugure and good angle for recording. The money is a problem for these camera.
Today SLR have a CMOS sensors, the second important characteristic. More sensors and quality are very important for qualifications of camera-the reper is 35 mm for films, so you have a models called full frame sensors=this formats –the effective width is 35 mm. Under are the classical sensors smallest dimensions, the correct dimension of width is a variously from products. ( Nikon full frame camera are noticed with FX symbols, with a small sensors DX, Sony have runner up small sensors APS-C formats.
In a comparison with that sensors which varries in compact cameras, they are big for 10-20 times!
Why are the dimesions of sensors most important? The energy of photones of lights which with the objectives goes on surface, tranforms in electric impulse. Its more important to went on more lights, so if the sensor=as film, we have the all lights with the objectives , but not only central part.
Important is photodiodes on CMOS cheap, which transform the energy of photones in an electric impulses called PIXELS, to be more biggest, because the transform of signals must be quality, to represent the colours of this pixels.
The notices who goes with conversation of energy on sensors, transform this notices in digital notices are the image what we have with the objectivesin a moment record and transformon memory cards, goes the third component SLR types-PROCESOR –the possible alghoritmes from data notices making an images and from quality of moment notices for finished results.
With the sensor is smallest, the quality of a moment notices is weak, and finished results can be a photography with more craisy pixels. In a digital the sensors are in a digital camera in a bed way, the pixels are more important in a differently from quality and small quality photos.
Sensors with big surfaces give a plus, because form big surfaces photodiodes are small, important arghument in uses of quality SLR photos, and possibly for recording in a darkness.
Hidding the craisy in a moment of conversion of lights worked with CMOS sensors.
In a camera SLR, you have a complex and qualities alghoritmes for filtrate notices with the sensors, must have high procesor, in a high model x2.
When the RAW notices ready with the sensors, the job of procesor is to applicate all the data from camera recording in JPEG file formats and set to memory cards. The time is very important for more aspects, example the time of recording, number of photos in a modes-the plate of paparazi.
The time of recording, focusing and the materials from plastics and copyright from water are the top models of SLR camera from classical. The results are the photos and point to shoot camera. The dimensions of sensors have cool effect and record the image more best quality, so that is the diffrent between other camera or devices.
Today we have a more type of SLR cameras. The first model was been Nikon D90. For video we have a camera Canon 7D model, Nikon D5000, Nikon D 7000, the camera for recording NEX-VG10, Canon 60D, Canon EOS 550D, Sony with NEX series NEX-5...
Recording the videos on SLR is a very popular on this camera, so you have a full products of more differently helpfull for the best ergonomy of recording.
Four years ago, Nikon was setting the first digital SLR camera with recording the videos as new superinteresting function. The modern alternative with high cost money of video cameras independent production found in SLR, so today recording the videos on camera become more popularly.
SLR camera are very valued for qualities of photography. This machines is reserved only for professionals people with the solid money and more best from classical point and shoot compact digitals.
Digital SLR have different objectives, so they are more configurabily with different sorts of recordings. Today objective is important in this story, but more costly, give a better contrast on images, small disfugure and good angle for recording. The money is a problem for these camera.
Today SLR have a CMOS sensors, the second important characteristic. More sensors and quality are very important for qualifications of camera-the reper is 35 mm for films, so you have a models called full frame sensors=this formats –the effective width is 35 mm. Under are the classical sensors smallest dimensions, the correct dimension of width is a variously from products. ( Nikon full frame camera are noticed with FX symbols, with a small sensors DX, Sony have runner up small sensors APS-C formats.
In a comparison with that sensors which varries in compact cameras, they are big for 10-20 times!
Why are the dimesions of sensors most important? The energy of photones of lights which with the objectives goes on surface, tranforms in electric impulse. Its more important to went on more lights, so if the sensor=as film, we have the all lights with the objectives , but not only central part.
Important is photodiodes on CMOS cheap, which transform the energy of photones in an electric impulses called PIXELS, to be more biggest, because the transform of signals must be quality, to represent the colours of this pixels.
The notices who goes with conversation of energy on sensors, transform this notices in digital notices are the image what we have with the objectivesin a moment record and transformon memory cards, goes the third component SLR types-PROCESOR –the possible alghoritmes from data notices making an images and from quality of moment notices for finished results.
With the sensor is smallest, the quality of a moment notices is weak, and finished results can be a photography with more craisy pixels. In a digital the sensors are in a digital camera in a bed way, the pixels are more important in a differently from quality and small quality photos.
Sensors with big surfaces give a plus, because form big surfaces photodiodes are small, important arghument in uses of quality SLR photos, and possibly for recording in a darkness.
Hidding the craisy in a moment of conversion of lights worked with CMOS sensors.
In a camera SLR, you have a complex and qualities alghoritmes for filtrate notices with the sensors, must have high procesor, in a high model x2.
When the RAW notices ready with the sensors, the job of procesor is to applicate all the data from camera recording in JPEG file formats and set to memory cards. The time is very important for more aspects, example the time of recording, number of photos in a modes-the plate of paparazi.
The time of recording, focusing and the materials from plastics and copyright from water are the top models of SLR camera from classical. The results are the photos and point to shoot camera. The dimensions of sensors have cool effect and record the image more best quality, so that is the diffrent between other camera or devices.
Today we have a more type of SLR cameras. The first model was been Nikon D90. For video we have a camera Canon 7D model, Nikon D5000, Nikon D 7000, the camera for recording NEX-VG10, Canon 60D, Canon EOS 550D, Sony with NEX series NEX-5...
Recording the videos on SLR is a very popular on this camera, so you have a full products of more differently helpfull for the best ergonomy of recording.
Posted 25 April 2013 - 09:30 AM
Video mania was gived the compact camera first, because they was haved a recording the shorts videoclips in a different situations. Today is to hard the found correctly the model with haven´t the recording the video, along the photos.When the SLR was been enough highest to procesuing the photographies with the sensors of the capacity 10 and more pixels, that hard was been so enough and for procesuing the videos, so the peoples in the Nikon was remember to making the class for all construction of SLR-s and videos.
NIKON D90 was been the first model with recording the videos. Canon was the answer with importing the video from top models, that was the potential the quality of videos which is the best form compact, and other camcorders. The engineerings from Canon was seeing the hopes for the making the new products... The recording the videos in FullHD 1080p resolution debit in Canon 5D Mark II models. That was the stone who was maked the avalance!
The quality of recording sensible announced on the Internet, the camera attract the attention of independed films productions, because offer the photographs comparable with costly film cameras-for only part of money.
Quickly to create the complete cult around the camera, and Canon marketing adding the oil on fire with organising the recording of some american sitcoma-es with 5Dmk2, the ultimative proof of their videos skills.
The function was imported and in a different nocostly models. Video comes in Canon 7D model smallest sensors, and SLR of types 550D and 60D. The implementation of video functions=all the models, except in 5D, which is the best for recording and using the full-frame sensors, instead of DX formats from other models.
Nikon importing inner model D5000 as rename for D90, but with interior Motion JPEG formats of notices, in the november 2010 D7000, D3100. This models have an important solution-video function. Along AVCHD formats, this models Nikon importing autofocus in a time of recording the video, an implementations of video function is the same as at both cameras.
Sony stay with video on SLR, and the first models goes with this functions possible for recording the videos from Alpha series are NEX-3 and NEX-5 cameras, and in this moment was imported the same in inner models Alpha SLR-s A55 and A33. Sony visions of SLR video camera is NEX-VG10.
Video mania was gived the compact camera first, because they was haved a recording the shorts videoclips in a different situations. Today is to hard the found correctly the model with haven´t the recording the video, along the photos.When the SLR was been enough highest to procesuing the photographies with the sensors of the capacity 10 and more pixels, that hard was been so enough and for procesuing the videos, so the peoples in the Nikon was remember to making the class for all construction of SLR-s and videos.
NIKON D90 was been the first model with recording the videos. Canon was the answer with importing the video from top models, that was the potential the quality of videos which is the best form compact, and other camcorders. The engineerings from Canon was seeing the hopes for the making the new products... The recording the videos in FullHD 1080p resolution debit in Canon 5D Mark II models. That was the stone who was maked the avalance!
The quality of recording sensible announced on the Internet, the camera attract the attention of independed films productions, because offer the photographs comparable with costly film cameras-for only part of money.
Quickly to create the complete cult around the camera, and Canon marketing adding the oil on fire with organising the recording of some american sitcoma-es with 5Dmk2, the ultimative proof of their videos skills.
The function was imported and in a different nocostly models. Video comes in Canon 7D model smallest sensors, and SLR of types 550D and 60D. The implementation of video functions=all the models, except in 5D, which is the best for recording and using the full-frame sensors, instead of DX formats from other models.
Nikon importing inner model D5000 as rename for D90, but with interior Motion JPEG formats of notices, in the november 2010 D7000, D3100. This models have an important solution-video function. Along AVCHD formats, this models Nikon importing autofocus in a time of recording the video, an implementations of video function is the same as at both cameras.
Sony stay with video on SLR, and the first models goes with this functions possible for recording the videos from Alpha series are NEX-3 and NEX-5 cameras, and in this moment was imported the same in inner models Alpha SLR-s A55 and A33. Sony visions of SLR video camera is NEX-VG10.
Posted 25 April 2013 - 09:31 AM
The enthusiasm of individuals peoples on a Internet leading that the recording of videos important business in time for choosing the new SLR-s, and possible number of peoples buying the cameras for that. But not all so cool! You can answer anybody photographers and you will get the negative answers, because the ergonomy of cameras doesn´t conveniently for recording the videos. That´s why the new models with the video functions have unfolded LCD monitor-it´s to hard to follow what we recording when used anybody second angle in a differently from classical front recording. The width of photograph on 10-15 min doesn´t defect when camcorder recording the sequence along from that.
The enthusiasm of individuals peoples on a Internet leading that the recording of videos important business in time for choosing the new SLR-s, and possible number of peoples buying the cameras for that. But not all so cool! You can answer anybody photographers and you will get the negative answers, because the ergonomy of cameras doesn´t conveniently for recording the videos. That´s why the new models with the video functions have unfolded LCD monitor-it´s to hard to follow what we recording when used anybody second angle in a differently from classical front recording. The width of photograph on 10-15 min doesn´t defect when camcorder recording the sequence along from that.
Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:21 AM
SLR Cameras are very needed for the contest to make money with digital photos&videos on a popular websites Stock Photos, Royalty-Free Images and Vectors - Shutterstock, iStock Photo: Royalty Free Stock Photography, Vector Art Images, Music & Video Stock Footage - iStock . The maximum pixels from SLR for the contest in shutterstock or istockphoto is 4MP (megapixels) camera high quality for photos&videos. You can´t upload the photos from mobile devices, because you havent´t a SLR camera, and because the pixelsare so bad. But if you have a SLR camera, you can diminish the pixelisation on 4 MP without the loss on quality. That´s why is the SLR camera best for use. They haven´t a problem with solar light, resistant on water, blows, dusts... One of that best SLR cameras is LUMIX DMC-G2. For all SLR cameras is a very hard to found Micro Four Third Objective in shopping.
Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:21 AM
Is the SLR a compact? –Yes, they are a compact classics. One of that is a Panasonic G series with small dimensions. You have a more models Euro5 Groups, the one of the more wealthy companies. This cameras take the part of camcorder products. This cameras are for the professional recording.
Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:22 AM
LUMIX G cameras are for the amateur photographers with aspirations. You have a 3D objectives as adding in this group of products. The searching is not so biggest!, but that helpfull for recording the images/videos for family using. It can be more impresive. Our cameras are the best for 2D, but can annex with 3D recording-simply adding 3D objectives.
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