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Joining the design team?

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#1 UberAnimator


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 03:24 AM

I have submitted my application and I am just wondering if it will take like two weeks to be approved. I have two designs ready to post but I am unable to post them as of yet, do I just sit tight and let the deadlines pass?

#2 switch_cs


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 04:32 PM

Yes... They have rules & guidelines here.. So just sit tight... :D

#3 _Redrum


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 06:56 PM

You should sit tight, yes, but not just twiddling your thumbs (so to speak). With only three posts, you're actually not even eligible for the Design Team at the moment. The requirements for joining the team are all outlined on the page where you applied under the heading "Do you meet the requirements?" Designers must meet all of them before being considered.

I should mention, for those reading this thread, that having designs ready to submit isn't a very good motivation for applying to the team.

#4 samueltolman


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:07 PM

I don't know why it has to be so difficult to join the design team. If you look at someone's portfolio and you can tell they'll do good work, it shouldn't matter how many forum posts they have. But I will follow the rules.... only a few more posts to go.

It would help if you would clearly explain on the home page what a designer needs to do in order to enter contests. It all looks very easy, but once you start navigating and trying to get in on things, you realize there are hoops to jump through. Very frustrating.

#5 monospaced



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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:34 PM

I agree samueltolman. I didn't notice this thread until now, but I did read the guidelines. I guess you have to participate for weeks and post at least ten times. Then you apply. Then you wait a few more weeks. Give up on any work you've done in hopes of entering a contest--the admins might enforce a penalty or ban you if you try--because a good portfolio doesn't seem to be enough to get on the elite team of designers around here.

#6 samueltolman


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:38 PM

How long have you been waiting, mono? I just checked out your portfolio— you do really nice work. You are definitely qualified. It's frustrating, you know, because I am trying to get out of my crappy job and into a design job, so I'm doing as much freelance work as possible to build up my portfolio, and I stumble across this web site and think "Yes! This is perfect!" And now I have to just sit and wait... meanwhile, all these contests are passing me by.

#7 samueltolman


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:44 PM

By the way, I love your self-portrait, and the work you did for Chaqwa. Very, very nice. You've got a lot of talent.

Any advice on my portfolio? I am not a web designer (yet)— hence the simple interface.

#8 monospaced



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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:45 PM

I joined the site weeks ago, started posting. I applied to the design team yesterday hoping that since I had fulfilled the requirements that I could join the team. I worked on a project and posted my progress in the Work In Progress forum. I received a PM saying that I could be banned for my actions and that everyone thinks I'm trying to cheat the system. The post has also been removed. Yes, this site does seem like it has a few good contests, and it is frustrating just waiting, seeing entries being submitted that don't even follow the creative briefs.

#9 samueltolman


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:50 PM

I've noticed that, too... blatant disregard for the instructions. Argh!

I mean, I understand that they don't want just anyone coming on here and submitting designs, because they want to keep high standards... I am just impatient.

Guess I will wait it out.

Sounds like you have a pretty sweet job in California. What brings you on here? Just keeping the knife edge sharp?

#10 monospaced



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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:57 PM

I had an awesome job. I've worked with huge clients on huge brands with some of the best designers in the city. I am, alas, a freelance designer. I recently discovered online design contests and knew that there was a future in this concept. Quick turnarounds, a bit of healthy competition, and I don't have to argue about how much I'm gonna get paid. While I'm updating some beverage packaging for The Coca-Cola Company, I don't see why I can't design a few logos on the side, y'know?

Honestly, I love participating in online forums and would be a contributing member here. I hope the admins can get over it. If I wasn't professional, I wouldn't be working on the kind of stuff I do.

Sounds like you have a pretty sweet job in California. What brings you on here? Just keeping the knife edge sharp?

Oh yeah, your site is pretty decent. I do recommend you do some serious studying on the history and correct usage of typography. It will help all aspects of your work, including your site. I am also not a web designer.

#11 samueltolman


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:05 PM

Any particular recommendations for books on typography? What specifically do you notice on my site that sticks out as bad use of typography? I don't mean to sound defensive— I truly want to learn. I know I have talent as a designer, but I am by no means bullet-proof. I've never had any formal training other than in the fine arts, so everything I've learned has been through my own eyes or through friends.

I am pretty limited on that site— otherwise it would look a lot cooler :)

Did you design your own, or did you have someone do it for you? It's very clean.

#12 samueltolman


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:07 PM

I love to participate in online forums as well. I shied away from it for a while, because I joined a site similar to this that had an annual fee, but I never received any attention from contest holders, administrators— couldn't even get a reply to an email. I started thinking they are all scams. This one looks pretty solid, though.


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:15 PM

I love to participate in online forums as well. I shied away from it for a while, because I joined a site similar to this that had an annual fee, but I never received any attention from contest holders, administrators— couldn't even get a reply to an email. I started thinking they are all scams. This one looks pretty solid, though.

I guess we are a better community indeed :)
we answer questions and we don't make our designers pay :)

#14 monospaced



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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:25 PM

Any particular recommendations for books on typography? What specifically do you notice on my site that sticks out as bad use of typography?

You should read "Stop Stealing Sheep." Also research the works of the past masters, like Jan Tschichold, Massimo Vignelli, Paul Rand, Saul Bass. Also look at the contemporary folks such as Tibor Kalman (old but good), Stefan Sagmeister and Jennifer Sterling. There are many good design books and magazines that will help a lot too. Communication Arts is a good design and art resource. Oh, and for a great online resource and a way to see some of the best design being created today, you can't pass up this website, http://www.qbn.com.

I am pretty limited on that site— otherwise it would look a lot cooler :)

Did you design your own, or did you have someone do it for you? It's very clean.

I did it myself. If you dig any deeper you'll figure out how, and laugh.

#15 samueltolman


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:39 PM

How long do I have to wait? I'm itching to get started.

#16 tsmith


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Posted 31 May 2008 - 08:09 PM

as long as it takes. patience is a virtue?



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Posted 06 June 2008 - 12:43 AM

I'm sure there are a lot of people submitting applications to join the Design Team and it takes the Administrators a while to go through them. Be patient!:)

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