last movie you've seen?....
Posted 07 January 2009 - 11:34 PM
Wall-E . . . kind of cute but a little boring.
Wall-E is slow in the middle but by far one of the best Pixar films in my opinion.
The most recent film I've seen was Pineapple Express, but the most recent in theaters was Marley and Me, which I expected to suck but was pleasantly surprised.
Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:21 PM

I had wanted to watch it for ages, but I expected Jim Carrey to play his usual annoying Ace Ventura/The Mask character so I was wary.. but he did a good job.
Posted 18 June 2009 - 05:10 AM
Appalling nonsense. First ten minutes are a gay soap opera and totally unengaging, then a monster appears, they run away (unsuccessfully), most of them die, then they escape then they havent escaped then they get blown up.
If that's what modern cinema is reduced to it's no wonder people don't bother going any more
Posted 18 June 2009 - 12:58 PM
Cloverfield, on a recommendation from someone.
Appalling nonsense. First ten minutes are a gay soap opera and totally unengaging, then a monster appears, they run away (unsuccessfully), most of them die, then they escape then they havent escaped then they get blown up.
If that's what modern cinema is reduced to it's no wonder people don't bother going any more
I thought cloverfield was quote good - was kinda blair witchy, but the sense of adrenalin and action and fright was much more apparent.
Last movie I watched was Defiantly, Maybe... was very sweet and soppy, those movies always get me.
Posted 18 June 2009 - 04:50 PM
Last Chance Harvey w/ Dustin Hoffman - it was an ok flick, but kept the same tone the whole film which made it boring in the end.. wife didn't like much either.
Mall Cop - w/ Kevin James - It wasn't a bad movie. But wasn't as funny as I thought (told) it was. overall I was happy with it, but have seen better flicks come out of Happy Madison productions.
Last one -
Defiance w/ Daniel Craig - I picked this one up as a last option to fill out the rent 3 cheap deal. I've never heard anything about it. but at the last minute noticed "true story" and I love true stories. The movie was based on WWII and the Germans taking Jews. This was a "resistance" that hid in the forest and became a community working togeather. Without going into great detail was by far the absolute best movie I'd watched the last 3 weeks. My wife was able to stay up through the entire movie I started it around 11:00pm cause she wasn't interested in it and felt the same way. Stating it was a great movie.
I plan on watching Grand Turino w/ Client Eastwood..
anticipating Transformers 2, and GI Joe. oh and Year one looks funny.
Posted 18 November 2009 - 09:36 PM
Inglorious Bastards.
And I didn't like it much. I find it lacking in many aspects. They could have done a much better job with the idea.
Are u serious? I think it was a very good movie.

On the other hand, Surrogates with Bruce Willis is very very bad in my opinion. Predictable ending, boring action, weak story but Bruce Willis always great hehe
Posted 18 November 2009 - 10:42 PM
Grand Turino w/ Clint Eastwood. I watched this about 2-3 months ago. It was a well written story with a good ending. And Eastwood even at his age is still a badass. LOL would recomind the rent.
GIJoe - I liked this movie and it had some great action scenes. It does however fall into the "norm" with other action flicks but hey... who can pass up a good action flick w/ explosions and gun fire.
Transformers 2- Loved it. had some good comedy and the graphics were outstanding. The story line was allright and was written nicely without going to out of control.
The Ugly Truth - w/ Katherine Heigl (from Grays anatomy and knocked up) and Gerard Butler (from 300). I wasn't all too excited to watch this "chick flick" but hey my wife puts up with GI Joe and Transformers so I might as well see how it is. I was surprised that I liked it. Not to happy that my 13yr old daughter watched it w/ her friends since it has quite a bit of sexual content and inuindos(sp), no real nudity but not what I want my kid to see. other than that it was adult funny and not to mushy love story. I'd recomend the rent on this as well.
some others I've watched. Snow buddies w/ my 7yr old, Cinderella, Snow White w/ my 3yr old. Can you name all 7 dwarfs w/ out googling it?
Posted 19 November 2009 - 05:23 PM
My Sisters Keeper - good but sad movie. My wife was crying through almost the entire movie. It's worth renting just be prepared to cry. I'll admite I droped a couple tearns during the movie (and I never do).
The last house on the left - a remake of an older film by the same name. This isn't really a scarry movie but a suspense I'd say. One scene I just couldn't watch which was the rap scene, I just can't stand things like that. I'll say it wasnt' the best movie but it was ok and I liked the end.
Edited by Coy, 19 November 2009 - 05:27 PM.
Posted 20 November 2009 - 05:41 PM
Posted 21 December 2009 - 04:29 AM
Posted 21 December 2009 - 10:27 AM
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