Do You Design With A Mac Or PC?
definitely the my first mac plus in 1986 and produced my first ad two days later without any...
Posted 08 January 2011 - 04:29 AM
I prefer working with a PC because that is the brand of computer I grew up learning to use. I keep hearing that Mac's are supposed to somehow be better for designers but I've yet to have someone specifically point out why; having used a Mac during my internship, I didn't really notice a huge difference in design capability.
Posted 02 August 2011 - 08:05 AM
Well I used to use a pc. But I got tired of all the problems with a pc I just hated trying to fix it all the time. So then I went out and bought a 27" iMac and been loving it. I would never go back. To me PC are just a hassle. But that is just my opinion.
Posted 17 August 2011 - 01:52 AM
I am using a PC with Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium, I have that along with After Effects. I have used a Mac before, but I am not sure that all the hype is about. A Mac is no better than a PC and a PC is more compatible with more software's than a Mac. However, there are a few nifty programs for the Mac out there, so I might buy a Mac just to test them out.
But really, anything a Mac can do a PC can do, and if not standalone, with help from outside programs that work better than the programs on the Mac.
But really, anything a Mac can do a PC can do, and if not standalone, with help from outside programs that work better than the programs on the Mac.

Posted 17 August 2011 - 02:57 AM
There might be a lot of programs out there for the pc. But a lot of them are just junky and do more harm then they do help. Plus they leave a lot of junk behind. On a mac there is less apps but the all have to be ran thru apple before it will be authorized. So that is why there is less apps. And plus when you delete the apps from your os they leave less junk behind or no junk at all.
Posted 20 August 2011 - 06:11 PM
I use a Mac at home and PC at work. I became really comfortable because I was taught on a mac when at school. I feel I move more fluidly on a mac. My work computer does not give me the "Active Screen" corners/hot spots that I need when I have a bunch of windows open.
Posted 17 September 2011 - 03:37 AM
used MAC ince apple lle...just started job(afetr 14 years freelance) made them buy me a 27' mac( I work for an incredible company!)..,,,really, its whatever is easier for designer....
Posted 23 January 2012 - 11:19 AM
I used to work with a PC, but at school we started to use Macs. As my PC is outdated I no longer use it, and I am much more comfortable with my mac now. Also I prefer the screen and the touch pad on the mac. I guess Macs and PCs are pretty much the same in a way, but the overall look is still quite different. If you are going to do simple things, Macs are great, but when you want to go into the system it self, PCs are way better, or easier, at least for me. But I guess it all depends on who you are.
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