Year 2012 is coming. What do you think about it?
Posted 25 April 2010 - 09:13 PM
Posted 25 April 2010 - 10:33 PM
ok, lets have an auction.
by the way brandy how about designing those tickets as a contest !! ( and sell them afterwards on Ebay

Posted 27 April 2010 - 04:31 PM
Following, a link to an interesting article
Curious About Astronomy?: What's going to happen on December 21st 2012?
A brief astronomical point of view by Karen Masters on January 2006.
Thanks for the link jjyepez, it is an interesting article, acctually pretty good.
Now returning to the topic ...
The best answer to what will happen in 2012 it's that one from the South Park. Minorities will take over the world. If not them, Pinky & The Brain will, that's for sure.
I am curios although, and there are often times i wonder, how will the human race end (everything seems to have an end). It will be sudden? apocalyptic? or after a long long time, someone will look at Einstein picture an realise "hey! we're no longer humans!". What's the next move of nature? Will the robots be the next step? Asimov went for human evolution, in disfavour of robots
Posted 28 April 2010 - 08:30 AM
someone will look at Einstein picture an realise "hey! we're no longer humans!".

i think if he had the chance to look at our pictures he would say " The aliens have invaded us , i knew it !! ":D
Posted 06 May 2010 - 12:13 AM
Posted 19 May 2010 - 05:52 AM
i have no idea, id like to think something could happen, but i doubt it....do you think the president or any world powers will take precautions? build bunkers? kill off live stock as an offering? kill babies....oh wait we already do that
babies!...who kills babies???

Posted 19 May 2010 - 10:41 AM
Posted 20 May 2010 - 04:09 PM
As a Muslim we believe that everything has an end so does this Earth and the whole universe. Our belief is based on what we Read in the Holy Quran (Allah's Quran - Quran - A Guidance Without Doubt). However, we do not know for sure when the end will take place. Only the Creator, God Alone, Who created us and everything knows it.
We believe that God created human being for a reason.
1. To recognise God,
2. thank God
3. worship God alone without associating any partner. God exist, and as a Graphic designer I do not need to go into science or have a PHD to know that.
We know from the teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him, that no one has ever actually seen God - at least not in this lifetime. Nor are we able to use our senses to make some kind of contact with Him. However, we are encouraged in Islam to use our senses and our common sense to recognize that all of this universe could not possibly come into existence on its own. Something had to design it all and then put it into motion. That is beyond our ability to do, yet it is something that we can understand.
We don't have to see an artist to recognize a painting, correct? So, if we see paintings without seeing artists painting them, in the same way, we can believe that God/Allah created everything without having to see Him (or touch, or hear, etc.).
Regarding the end time, we believe yes there is an end... we know it because from the statistic it is clear that the % of the earthquake, tsunami, volcano, heat all these are increasing every year.. Even the scientists today have admitted that the world has an end.. we as Muslims believe that on that day (the End) all human being from the first human as we believe he was Adam and Eve, to the last, will be gathered before the Creator (God), and human will get their reward based on their
1. Faith - whether they believed in God or not
2. Deed - whether they have done good deed or bad deed
And based on that our final destination will be haven or hell... and God knows best..' you can read more information about what Islam is on
What's Islam? Islam and Muslims Explained
and for a better logic about whether God exist or not you can visit
God Allah - Does It Mean God?
I pray that God guide us all to the TRUTH and belief..Ameen..
An Interesting topic..
Thank you for reading..
Posted 23 May 2010 - 04:41 AM
A Very interesting topic..
As a Muslim we believe that everything has an end so does this Earth and the whole universe. Our belief is based on what we Read in the Holy Quran (Allah's Quran - Quran - A Guidance Without Doubt). However, we do not know for sure when the end will take place. Only the Creator, God Alone, Who created us and everything knows it.
We believe that God created human being for a reason.
1. To recognise God,
2. thank God
3. worship God alone without associating any partner. God exist, and as a Graphic designer I do not need to go into science or have a PHD to know that.
We know from the teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him, that no one has ever actually seen God - at least not in this lifetime. Nor are we able to use our senses to make some kind of contact with Him. However, we are encouraged in Islam to use our senses and our common sense to recognize that all of this universe could not possibly come into existence on its own. Something had to design it all and then put it into motion. That is beyond our ability to do, yet it is something that we can understand.
We don't have to see an artist to recognize a painting, correct? So, if we see paintings without seeing artists painting them, in the same way, we can believe that God/Allah created everything without having to see Him (or touch, or hear, etc.).
Regarding the end time, we believe yes there is an end... we know it because from the statistic it is clear that the % of the earthquake, tsunami, volcano, heat all these are increasing every year.. Even the scientists today have admitted that the world has an end.. we as Muslims believe that on that day (the End) all human being from the first human as we believe he was Adam and Eve, to the last, will be gathered before the Creator (God), and human will get their reward based on their
1. Faith - whether they believed in God or not
2. Deed - whether they have done good deed or bad deed
And based on that our final destination will be haven or hell... and God knows best..' you can read more information about what Islam is on
What's Islam? Islam and Muslims Explained
and for a better logic about whether God exist or not you can visit
God Allah - Does It Mean God?
I pray that God guide us all to the TRUTH and belief..Ameen..
An Interesting topic..
Thank you for reading..
I really liked your effort to educate all of us about Islam.I am a Christian and love Jesus too,but I would like to ask you if you are aware of Abdul Hashem's documentaries at "http://www.wakeupproject.com" (if I spell it right). The series have inspired me to understand Islam deeper,more over I was completely shocked by seeing the documentary about how we are being manipulated at the world level.Do watch it please!
Edited by tanu, 23 May 2010 - 04:43 AM.
Posted 24 May 2010 - 03:27 PM
I really liked your effort to educate all of us about Islam.I am a Christian and love Jesus too,but I would like to ask you if you are aware of Abdul Hashem's documentaries at "http://www.wakeupproject.com" (if I spell it right). The series have inspired me to understand Islam deeper,more over I was completely shocked by seeing the documentary about how we are being manipulated at the world level.Do watch it please!
Thank you for your comment.
I have watched the series and the information that was put in the documentaries was really a wake-up-call. It's amazing how we are manipulated in the present world and how we are made to believe that we are free but in fact we are not... we are cleverly being manipulated by a very complicated system and it is a shame that we do not realise how we are enslaved by our government... it is scary, but not soo scary for those who believe in God. As long as we have faith that there is only One God and everyone, from the first human to the last, including you and me, will stand before God one day to answer our deeds..
I am very pleased to know a Christian like yourself is open-minded about this matter. There are too many people attacking Islam in the current society without knowledge.
Thank you,
May Allah/God guide us all to the straight path of those whom are rightly Guided.. Ameen..
Posted 24 June 2010 - 08:00 AM
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