Real nice start, I like the colors gives me a Microsoft feel though, if that is want you were trying to capture, you did great. I am presuming that this is just the shell since there were no samples that I could see, in any of the three categories. The navigation is easy to follow and overall the site looks good, now once you put up some of your great work it should ROCK! One observation, are you going to do any thing in the top left and right third, when I look at it in Firefox it looks transparent and gives me the feeling that something is missing.
Hello, Dixie@
How are you doing so far? I believe you're doing so much good =) However..
I w'd like to thank you for your professional feedback, You did mentioned what i wanted to hear by Colors Schema, Its really hard to combine Blue Red and Green with a Blue Background, With your feedback i believe I passed
However its Stage 1, Means No other subindex pages yet, I have idea's Like having the white container that Holds my specialist Sliding to the right whenever I click any Samples, and controlling the samples image with an ajax popup "Light-box JS" That would fit the Layout overall without Scrolling to far.
If you can see the Transparent Background on the Top left and the 3rd Right that probebly because you have set a high Screen Resolution, Try to set it to 1024 by 868 That fits the 14"-15" inch Laptop Screen.
However I'm still thinking for the rest....