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The annoying thing

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#1 Chung Dha

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Posted 13 May 2010 - 10:55 PM

Only thing that kinda annoys me with contest are the suspense of having to wait to see if you won or not. Like looking at the contest and then go watch if the CH already choose one or not. Also getting more and more annoyed if it takes too long.

So what annoys you? with DC, design or software or what ever.

#2 sharie



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Posted 13 May 2010 - 11:27 PM

What annoys me hhmmm....people sending me email or pms not being very nice that an application to the EDT was turned down. Sometimes they aren't very nice others though are very nice and just want to know how to improve.

What mostly annoys me is myself. I keep on pluggin away at designs but just seem to miss it. I know what looks good and I am very good at reviewing spotting great designs folks of created plus just being in "awe" of some designers.When it comes to myself trying to create negative space or some real simple design(thhhppphhh) how do you spell the sound comming out of your closed lips and sticking out tongue with blowing air? My mind tends to think complex when I design

: )

Oh for the most part I have a great sense of humor and keep on pluggin away. Not much annoys me for the most part ( I do get a tiny bit annoyed with very impatient people)

As far as this site Designcontest..I love the site and the site is filled with a great group of people and feel very fortunate to be involved with such a great group of people

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#3 sharie



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Posted 13 May 2010 - 11:40 PM

I forgot to add the annoying non feedback, how in the world is a designer to create that number one, special logo with no feedback?

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#4 Coy


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Posted 13 May 2010 - 11:46 PM

I forgot to add the annoying non feedback, how in the world is a designer to create that number one, special logo with no feedback?

yep that annoys me.

I get annoyed when people start threads about being annoyed. :D j/k

I get annoyed with people who post CRAP that has nothing to do with the topic and can't form a complete sentence. Then you warn them and suddenly they think you HATE them.

And another thing.. well never mind ;)

#5 sharie



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Posted 13 May 2010 - 11:52 PM


there have been a few of those the last few days LOL

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#6 jecrt


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Posted 14 May 2010 - 02:49 AM

I'm annoyed by how little Coy posts.

#7 sharie



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Posted 14 May 2010 - 02:56 AM

I'm annoyed how we should indirectly look at your work! LOL :) j/k

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#8 Chung Dha

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 10:45 AM

The CH not giving any feedback annoys me too.

But also sometime the lack of information in the briefing. Especially the icons of logo's below isn't helping when everybody choose like all the famous logo's and all with different styles. I rather also say what kind of style like classy, sporty, abstract and more...

#9 sharie



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Posted 14 May 2010 - 02:29 PM

oh that is a good one...another thing if ch says I do not want this but in the end chooses just that because there is always a designer that doesn't read the brief and designs just what the ch says not to do.

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#10 Coy


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Posted 17 May 2010 - 05:37 PM

I'm annoyed by how little Coy posts.

I'm annoyed with post hores such as your self. posting meaningless posts. LMAO

#11 like an angel

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Posted 17 May 2010 - 08:03 PM

I'm generally not annoyed at all from DC..i love being a part of here..i like all the kind & talented ppl around here..Not to mention the great administration & mods who helps all the time "thumbs up ;) "

i have to agree with Sharie..Really annoying when CH doesn't give any kind of feedback..
Also annoyed a little bit with (designed.nu) ..why i have to report a design & give reason to delete it & wait some while till it's deleted.. isn't it supposed to be a portfolio host site..a person can add / remove whatever they want!!!
why it feels like reporting a design in a contest!
Excuse me..but it really annoy me :rolleyes:

Also annoyed that there's no #%*? PayPal in my country (thhhppphhh) @ Sharie that's exactly how i feel

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#12 Rime


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Posted 17 May 2010 - 08:55 PM

I'm annoyed that I don't know who or what CH is. But I did figure out what DC was! That was pretty easy. I'm also annoyed that I have to post 10 posts just so that I can partake in a site that I signed up for... but I can understand the reasoning behind it. Don't worry, I won't post completely pointless posts... I don't wanna annoy anyone.


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Posted 17 May 2010 - 09:00 PM

I'm annoyed that I don't know who or what CH is. But I did figure out what DC was! That was pretty easy. I'm also annoyed that I have to post 10 posts just so that I can partake in a site that I signed up for... but I can understand the reasoning behind it. Don't worry, I won't post completely pointless posts... I don't wanna annoy anyone.

CH=Contest Holder.
and you are doing great. You will see that the 10 posts will let you know the community a little better and to see how it works.

#14 krasio


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Posted 18 May 2010 - 04:05 PM

CH=Contest Holder.
and you are doing great. You will see that the 10 posts will let you know the community a little better and to see how it works.

Thank you! I was wondering last 10mins what CH is :D

#15 like an angel

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 07:39 PM

i have one big annoying thing that i really would like if it's fixed soon
which is, with the new design ..most of links..leads to DC home page..not it's own content!! some times i need to check something & when i click the link i found the home page with the contests

Little example>> in contests page

however you will need at least 10 forum posts to be able to submit your entry. Read more about this requirement in this forum thread.

donno if it's all fixed or not yet..but i happened to come across few of these..

just wanted to point it out..all for the best of DC:rolleyes:

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#16 jecrt


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 07:16 PM

Yes. Both Paul Rand and Saul Bass started out as elite designers on DC.net.

has this site made anyone succesful just from straight killin the design contests?

#17 Rime


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 07:18 PM

There's a page somewhere on this site that let's you see the top designers and their winning designs. The #1 designer had 8 of them.

#18 like an angel

like an angel


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 07:30 PM

There's a page somewhere on this site that let's you see the top designers and their winning designs. The #1 designer had 8 of them.

YES in the top banner of the site
hereDesignContest.net Top Rated Designers
& here:
DesignContest.net Portfolio


Edited by toxa, 01 May 2012 - 12:46 PM.

♥ Selma ♥
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