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Small Ad insert for Newsletter

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#1 crystalh


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Posted 08 June 2010 - 06:46 PM

Hello all,

I would just like some feedback on this little ad reminder, if you dont mind! I work for an insurance fraud private investigation company. We have a quarterly newsletter that I design and basically carries lots of tid bit information. This ad is just supposed to be a little reminder that no matter what season it is, there will always be an active claimant somewhere... Thoughts? Thank you so much!
Crystal :D

#2 crystalh


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Posted 09 June 2010 - 03:40 PM

I dont think this image gets the point accross strongly enough.

what about saying 'as the year progresses - claimants activites are always active' - could use hey images for yearly events such as easter - christmas - summer holidays - etec etc....maybe images of the same person or family going through these different yearly events

Thank you for the feedback!! I will definitely put some more thought into it... I didn't have a lot of time, but hopfully I will be able to make a revision!
Crystal :D

#3 brandyarnold



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Posted 09 June 2010 - 11:11 PM

I like your concept, but feel like the 2 sports should be more obviously from different seasons... more opposite - like snow skiing vs. beach volleyball - someone all bundled up to keep warm vs. someone in shorts and a tank top... to me, these two activities look like they could be happening in the same time of year, same weather.

I really like the concept, though! And the overall design has some good composition.

THanks for sharing with us!
:) Brandy

#4 crystalh


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Posted 10 June 2010 - 02:38 PM

I like your concept, but feel like the 2 sports should be more obviously from different seasons... more opposite - like snow skiing vs. beach volleyball - someone all bundled up to keep warm vs. someone in shorts and a tank top... to me, these two activities look like they could be happening in the same time of year, same weather.

I really like the concept, though! And the overall design has some good composition.

THanks for sharing with us!

Well thank you very much! I really appreciate your thoughts! I do agree with you on the difference in sports, for sure... If I may ask your opinion, since we only produce this newsletter quarterly, we use the same "as the seasons are changin...etc." in each one, but try to associate with the actual season we are going out of and in to. Do you have any suggestion for a better way to differentiate between spring and summer?
Crystal :D

#5 sharie



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Posted 10 June 2010 - 04:42 PM

This has the feel of those hot/cold looking ads. one side red one side blue. The background I feel is too dark. I wonder how on the volleyball side if you showed sand and then have grass on the soccer. blue sky on the beach side and faded out audiance on the soccer side.

This could be a fun ad to work with. An ad showing a soccer ball and volley ball smashing into each other showing half of each ball together with some special effects maybe.

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#6 Bob Church12

Bob Church12

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Posted 18 August 2010 - 07:37 AM

Email marketing is essential to your WordPress website and using the best WordPress Newsletter plugin is very important.

The WordPress Newsletter plugin will blow your mind away with its vast range of powerful, usable, reliable and unique features which is has to offer. It makes mass email campaigns a breeze and allows you to sit back while your newsletters are being sent out.

You can manage multiple mailing lists, subscribers, custom fields, email themes and much more. Importing your existing email subscribers is easy and when you are ready to send out a bulk email newsletter, the plugin will show statistics of emails sent out and read.

Newsletter Software

#7 cly


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Posted 29 August 2010 - 03:03 AM

I'm curious to see what it would look like if the teal portion of the background were a solid white. I think it would make the people in your ad pop out more. After all, they are performing actions and a dull teal colour behind it doesn't enhance the effect. Other than that, good concept :)

#8 lhartranft


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Posted 02 December 2010 - 07:11 PM

Eh, I'm not feeling it. I think if you removed the black, orange and white backgrounds (choose one) and carried the image throught out the space, making it more even and less hectic, it would make a real difference and not appear so all over the place. IMO, Nice theme though.

#9 ACEdesign


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Posted 07 December 2010 - 12:19 PM

I do not like orange spots around the sign (lower)...
So you may try this..... At the bottom keep just brown, white field make just white and offset path (lower sign) make orange, ore leave it just brown... That way i think it be more cleaner :)

#10 lucy520



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Posted 05 March 2012 - 03:57 AM

I really like the concept, though! And the overall design has some good composition.
Posted Image

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