Charybdis Pictures
Posted 20 December 2004 - 02:18 AM
Charybdis Pictures
P.S. - it's pronounced kuh-RIB-dis
Posted 19 January 2005 - 10:15 PM
Keep up the good work.

Posted 25 January 2005 - 02:26 AM
Your site doesn't exactly give a good impresssion of your work.. your graphics in your portfolio are great though. Might want to try some CSS to fix those links (or change the bg color) - the blue on black makes my eyes squint!
Posted 25 January 2005 - 03:55 AM
Posted 25 January 2005 - 05:18 AM
Also, for anyone using photoshop, if you the want your saved jpgs to look the same as the .psd your creating, go to "View>>Proof Setup>>Monitor RGB"...this will make sure the colors you select in phtoshop are the same as the jpg...If you haven't done so already, you may notice that sometimes your blues turn into purples...
Posted 25 January 2005 - 11:51 AM
Posted 20 March 2005 - 04:50 PM
Very special NOTE: some pages are down because I am working on them, but most are up!
Posted 21 March 2005 - 07:07 AM
Posted 21 March 2005 - 06:16 PM
everything has pretty much been said about your site. I was watching your movie, flight of the grasshopper, and was quite impressed. It actually made me laugh a few times. How on earth did you get the shot where the guy jumps over the chair, and then the scene stops with him in mid air to zoom around in different angles, before returning motion? Also, how did you get the guy to jump up the post like that in one motion. These two actions are very well done, and I'm just itchin' to know how the heck you did them (unless they're trade secrets, or something). Good job.
That part where the guy jumps over the bench, that idea is called "bullet-time" and is from The Matrix. I became utterly inspired to recreate that style from the movie when I watched the behind the scenes feature about it. In the film, the crew set up a huge rig of about 150 digital cameras around a green-screen (see the special feature to see what I'm talking about) and when they wanted, the used a computer to take pictures at roughly the same time or at minute intervals between the cameras and placed them in order, freezing or slowing the action of the characters and showing it from 100+ different angles in sequence.
As I was in high school when I made the film, all I had access to were disposable cameras and a couple of kids in my TV class. So I had 9 cameras/people total (I actually had about 23 cameras, but only 9 people were willing to help me). So, that may have not explained it well enough, if it didn't, tell me to explain it more. Thanks for visiting my site and watching my movies!
P.S. - the post jump was
Posted 22 March 2005 - 04:55 PM
Graphic Design Specialist
Sanqunetti Design
Creative solutions to boost your image
Posted 23 March 2005 - 03:51 AM
I agree with creatifex the site dosnet really compliment your work, its a little flat, and I think some more color and debth needs to be added, even just some graidents might help, or add a suttle texture. you might want to search web templates too to give you design ideas... nice work though.
Thanks for checking out my site (creatifex was actually referring to my all-HTML site I had up just a week ago, since then, I completely remade it). I think it looks better than what I used to have, but I don't love it. I will probably remake the site again in a few months once summer hits and I'm out of school. Yes!
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