New Guy - Portfolio
thanks it will definately come in handy
Posted 19 December 2005 - 09:13 PM
I understand using Google Ads, I use them myself, but I think you should just keep the ones at the top.
You have some cool designs, but as others said, I think your page needs more graphic content toward the top. No offense, but at first glance, I thought I had brought up one of those generic internet directories that you find sometimes doing keyword searches.
You have some cool designs, but as others said, I think your page needs more graphic content toward the top. No offense, but at first glance, I thought I had brought up one of those generic internet directories that you find sometimes doing keyword searches.
Posted 24 December 2005 - 04:35 PM
There was some good images, but I don't like the idea of putting google ads in a design portfolio.
"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish" by Michelangelo
"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish" by Michelangelo
Posted 30 December 2005 - 02:47 AM
you must have changed your webpage, from what i gather from the previous comments. Now its just a bunch of google ads mixed within the menus. And the result is unreadable.
Some of your works are interesting, but please clarify what the purpose of your portfolio is. If it's for your friends to see, it's fine; but if it's for clients to see, take off the amateurish comments about how your works aren't finished. Think the client way : "if he doesn't have time to finish his works and portfolio, he is either very lazy and gets bored easily, or he is very slow".
the "work-in-progress" comments should disappear if your portfolio has a professional aim.
Don't give up on the efforts ! Good luck
Some of your works are interesting, but please clarify what the purpose of your portfolio is. If it's for your friends to see, it's fine; but if it's for clients to see, take off the amateurish comments about how your works aren't finished. Think the client way : "if he doesn't have time to finish his works and portfolio, he is either very lazy and gets bored easily, or he is very slow".
the "work-in-progress" comments should disappear if your portfolio has a professional aim.
Don't give up on the efforts ! Good luck
Posted 02 January 2006 - 11:40 AM
Nice job! I have to agree with some of the others on "having to scroll" to see the work continously. As far as "navigation", I did find it somewhat...? I wanna say, "hard", but I think it was more towards "confused" as I was trying to find the link to your work. I finally found it, but had to do quite a bit of scanning the page, only to find each picture with a seperate link. Wasn't to sure about that. I think one link to view each category would have been a smoother ride...:-). Other than that...nice work.
Posted 08 January 2006 - 10:21 PM
you were right about those google ads. actually, this portfolio page was just testing ground for me to see how google ads work and after that I was too lazy to put everything back to normal. Now it's back like it was.
Navigation is still there. Some of you like it, some don't, but I will definitely come up with new one when I update portfolio next time... and no - I don't know when will that be
and regarding unfinished work - I already explained before [page 2 of topic I think]. Who wants to read detailed explanation, dig through this topic, for the rest of you - this portfolio isn't here for clients, it's just there so world can see some of my works and maybe some of you will enjoy it one day like I enjoy when I see great works from other designers
Navigation is still there. Some of you like it, some don't, but I will definitely come up with new one when I update portfolio next time... and no - I don't know when will that be

and regarding unfinished work - I already explained before [page 2 of topic I think]. Who wants to read detailed explanation, dig through this topic, for the rest of you - this portfolio isn't here for clients, it's just there so world can see some of my works and maybe some of you will enjoy it one day like I enjoy when I see great works from other designers
Posted 14 January 2006 - 10:46 AM
Your portfolio is cool, loads of nice work especially the logos, i like the note on your site saying that you dont know what to call yourself, if you wanted to get an identity quickly just so that someone can recognise your site, just use your last name and add studios or something to the end of it, not orignial i know but it would allow you to make a logo whcih viewers can remember. Perhaps make the fonts a bit darker, a little hard to read over the teal. But i like it...all the best with the future. ciao
simple and effective design solutions
simple and effective design solutions
Posted 23 January 2006 - 09:13 AM
I like your work, but I see several issues with the site itself. Minimalist CSS is a wonderful way to go, I have done so on my own site...2 images, that's it. The whole CSS thing works best when your page validates in XHTML...strict is best, but Transitional will work too...I took the opportunity to validate your HTML, and you have some errors that you might want to fix. They are minor, but should be fixed if you want to show off your web design/development type talents.
I understand about picking a name....I used the online nickname I had for years...but am now changing it...Somehow it just doesn't fit anymore
I also do my design work on a part time basis, but have found that a "too" friendly site turned off several prospective clients...and in all reality, though it's a hobby, I like having a hobby I get paid for
Good luck with everything!
I understand about picking a name....I used the online nickname I had for years...but am now changing it...Somehow it just doesn't fit anymore

I also do my design work on a part time basis, but have found that a "too" friendly site turned off several prospective clients...and in all reality, though it's a hobby, I like having a hobby I get paid for

Good luck with everything!
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