My Portfolio
Posted 19 January 2005 - 10:11 PM
they are many reasons for avoiding them, here is one but look for it with google for more details.

6. Using Frames. Don't use frames. Frames are a thing of the 90's (and in the Internet world that is eons ago) and are not even supported by some search engines. The search engines that are able to index your site through frames will most likely frown upon them. Whatever you are trying to accomplish by using frames can usually be done with the help of PHP includes or CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Some browsers are not frames-compatible, so there is the danger of some visitors not being able to see your site at all. Bookmarking of individual pages within a frame becomes difficult without lengthly scripts being written.
You should priviledge vertical expansion instead.
Posted 20 January 2005 - 01:06 PM
But for my site they where actually really practical to use, and most of the problems with them arent of much concern because my site is so small and the one link going out opens in a new window. And if frames are a thing of the 90's then browsers not supporting them must be a thing of the 80's.
So probably the only problem is that people frown uppon them... I'm going to learn php soon so i'll probably change it in the future
Posted 25 January 2005 - 02:12 AM
Posted 12 February 2005 - 12:37 PM
Darkmonkey Designs
Posted 27 February 2005 - 05:36 PM
Overall very cool!
A critique would be;
Composition very nice!
Use of color - for such a neutral colored site, adding a little splash of something would liven it right up effectively!
Unfortunately, the site (top graphic) was breaking apart at the top when I went to it. You may want to get things shifted left a bit. You may have the top graphic currently assigned to 'center.'
There is some valuable real estate on the left of the nav, so the navigation I would try to get left a bit as well.
Great work being shown on the site! I was interested in looking at each one.
You are a master of photo retouching! Man! I do that myself, so I dig it. Looked miraculous!
Frames - alas, people can't bookmark you effectively, as well as many other reasons.
Keep up the great work Tim!
Posted 13 March 2005 - 11:34 PM
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